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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Well,with the exception of if you've used psychedelics. There is the option of performing an ego deconstruction activity but only up to a certain point, and at that point use 5 meo dmt and completely remove your ego in an artificial way. Here fear can occur since the ego in the moments in which it panics of its annihilation. when he's not there, he obviously feels nothing. by doing this one realizes the enormity of the task to arrive at the same result in an "analog" way Absolutely . it is movement that generates karmic energy and strengthens illusion. the ego, made up of future and past, becomes strong in movement, even (or especially) the mental one. although some movement without ego must be possible. If I'm not mistaken you are a climber, a strongly egoic activity. Doing it leaving the ego aside must be an art. I have stopped activities of that type because they were fuel for my ego. Well, almost all kind of activities, even write here, are egotic since I'm egotic. Maybe thought and fool is a redundancy
  2. This planting lotuses in the fire raises a question for me. someone has a sudden enlightenment and becomes aware of their true nature. understand that it is a dream, somehow unreal, or not really real, emanating from the absolute. After this, through practice, what do I imagine it will be to adapt your mind to the fullest possible understanding of this new perspective, and to minimize your ego as much as possible ... do you get off the karmic wheel of endless births? It seems like a kind of test or work to get something, to get off this wheel. Who goes out? if all are unreal illusions dreamed of by the same absolute. some illusions come out, and others don't? How important is it, what is achieved? you and I are the same, you come off the wheel, I'm still in it ... therefore, you are still in . Well, if i understood correctly the meaning of this process of the lotus on fire
  3. when you realize that reality is the only being that has no place to go because there is no place, or nothing to change because there is no time, just being, immutable, trapped. and you are ... the first time for me was pretty awful. little by little I am accepting that. It needs a mental adaptation: my ego mind have two fundamental willings: movement, exploring, and development in time. There are not. Forget that, i am here, no more. Serious thing. Right now, at this very moment, we are that, what is. there's no more. and from that all this reality emanates, the dream. the mind is useless, it works at another frequency. your questions don't make sense. you have to give up the mind it seems. but one question remains: why does existence exist? Why I exist in the eternity, how is it possible!!? The human mind gets crazy after a glimpse of the absolute.
  4. if you strip the present moment of all the shit in your mind every second is a gift. the reality is absolutely beautiful, living on the edge, in the unknown, is inspiring, and in the end awaits the most beautiful of all: death. until It arrive there is a job to do: polishing yourself to shine, make your mind clean as a mirror, as deep as it's possible
  5. great to squeeze my brain again trying to understad your articles! I'm afraid that i didn't catch the most about the budism. True they are two different points of view of the same reality, seems a craziness because they seems two completely different realities but obviously, in a misterious way, are the same What do you mean with "powerful enlightenment activity"?
  6. What do you mean? sudden enlightenment and illusion seems really different. Two points of view that couldn't be more different
  7. Exactly, that's how it is perceived, but be careful ... realizing that the reality you know is a kind of dream, and that only you exist, alone, without attributes, it can be terrible at first. without time, without before or after, only you. immortal, but with no place to go. without escape, everything you thought was a lie, reality is another, and you are. They say that enlightenment is the realization that there is no self, but this immortal being that is, is somehow a self. It's who you've always been. The one that is when your disguise fades .the times that I have been in his point of view, when I have returned to the point of view of the disguise, the first thing I have thought is: who are you? why are you? it's only you? I mean "i", not you ... but as you say, for the one who is, there are no questions or answers, neither when nor how, it is. Or so it seems....
  8. Great, true. Dissolve the ego is not a joke, but don't do is a hell
  9. Sober methods are a good preparation for the time of the truth.
  10. you have to destroy javifly with a nuclear bomb, that absolutely not a particle of you remains. 5 meo is the answer, go on a retreat, and do 5meo until there is not a single molecule of javifly left, many times, those necessary. free yourself. I feel like you're close .I'm close too.
  11. True, thinking about tying your shoes already implies intention, an objective, a before and after ... ego. The problem is if I now have three hours in which I have nothing to do and I think: I am going to disconnect my ego for a while and just be. very difficult. First, it's the ego who thought that, requires to have an ego as small as possible, to know himself completely, to have been egoless before, with psychedelics or in some way, to subconsciously know that egoless is not death, have a strong discipline, and even so almost impossible
  12. because your ego, which lives in time and of time, cannot be established in the present moment, it needs to project into the future, invent something that needs to change to be happy. There will always be something that is not right, unless the ego is the one who leaves and the real substance remains, which is pure happiness, neither more nor less. the smaller the ego, the more of that substance leaks out. a strong ego that never shuts up, that needs to know, is opaque. almost none of that stuff leaks out and the feeling is infuriating, relentless. If at some point the ego disappears completely, the substance will manifest itself completely, pure light, wonder, enlightenment, the real nature . The problem is that even the ego knows that, he cant remove himself. If he is trying to remove the ego, there is the ego in action, getting stronger doing that work
  13. I think you stop searching when you realize that you are ... nothing. an empty hole that pretends to be something. there is nothing to think about here. It is something really strange because how can an empty hole pretend to be something or do anything? it's incomprehensible. and the empty hole without quality is pretty scary when you think that you have qualities. thinking it is evident that nothing will be achieved, as you are a emptiness. The search is not to look for something but to withdraw qualities from yourself to become as similar as possible to who you really are: a hole of nothing. Maybe when you realize that often, or every moment, you will understand, let's see, at least it's liberating, even it's like sad in some aspects. I don't want to say that I understand, only glimpses to the nothing
  14. just read a summary of his sentences and it seems very brilliant. Of course very conservative in his political ideas, I have read that he was an idealist who wanted to legislate even the minimum behavior of people to increase virtue. keep in mind that he lived in a feudal era. I think that in context it is very brilliant. it is not the same as lao tzu which is spiritual, confucius is politics, but 2500 years ago
  15. The day will come when completely amazed you look back and say: how is it possible that I could get into those ego-sick games? When your mind is clean as a mirror, you will only have love for anyone, and no grievance will have any importance, because there will be no you to claim. It is a daring path, but it is the only intelligent path, others lead to madness.
  16. I am a hole of nothingness, without quality, that in some incomprehensible way, is pretending to have a shape
  17. he has millions of followers who followed him for being a fitness icon and now those same people are watching videos about awakening, consciousness, and other things that have not even been considered in their lives, sure they are thinking that he ve a mental problem? . it must be recognized that the guy is unique
  18. I'm an illusion struggling to solve an enigma
  19. Detachment is the answer (imo), you are irrelevant, enjoy your life but be ready to sacrifice all in every moment... because all could be sacrificed in the next second, and really all is nothing. We have a limited time and we have to use it to dissolve the walls , to realize the truth.
  20. Nobody knows that . Only the humans are who need to realize god to scape of suffering, and looks so deliberate.
  21. We can't stop thinking because we have a sick need of control. Thoughts create the illusion of control. illusory because there is no possible control. To stop thinking when there is this need for control is like escaping the force of gravity, you can only do it with effort but in the end it will attract you. the need for control is the i itself? Or maybe is this i that we have. I think that each time you realize the formless, the i change, it's a more silent i, smaller but still an i since you are alive as an individual. I agree with @Seraphim that concepts like you don't exist, reality is an illusion, etc, accepted as a dogma make more problem than benefit. I think it's possible to have an i without need of control , small and silently
  22. great truth, the veil is neither more nor less than you. the ego is what you are, your form, to stand aside so that the formless manifest is like joining two magnets with the same charge, slippery
  23. a desire is the will to change what is. the absence of desire is the total acceptance of what is. apparently in desire there is progress, human spirit, strength, and in the absence of desire submission, cowardice, passivity. but the reality is that in desire there is violence, stupidity, blindness, and in the absence of desire there is life, beauty, truth. But desire is necessary and absence of desire is not enough...the dance of karma i guess