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Everything posted by Breakingthewall
Breakingthewall replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Flor_floresYou are in karma as soon as you identify with the person, their circumstances, and give them a concrete meaning. when you see that the person is not real, you see that neither is karma. It is a question of identification, you can shift from one thing to another in seconds, several times a day. as karma and the person (I think they are the same) for many people produces acute suffering, a distortion between what is and what should be, they see the need to transcend karma, leave the person behind. Trying as you say to represent the drama of karma is useless, it is an enigma without a solution, no matter how much you untangle it, you will find new knots, that is why psychology fails. the solution is to take the complete riddle and throw it away. The problem is that the person can't throw the person away -
Breakingthewall replied to Tim R's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
the ego is a dam that blocks love. the more the ego dissolves, the more love radiates. without ego, you are love -
Breakingthewall replied to The Buddha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
that I, as a human, have the same relevance as an ant, or a rat. my i is completely irrelevant, almost inexistent. Only the substance exist, the shape is an illusion. -
Breakingthewall replied to The Buddha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@The Buddha i think it's because Leo is absolutely enlightened with psychedelics, but his ego is very strong without them. simple. it is clearly perceived even by reading it here. it is rough, abrupt. The truth does not flow in him if it is not in a trance, but he is a person of great courage and great ambition, and with a very powerful intellect. -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
the desire to awaken is what leads to awakening. the ego knows that it must die but it cannot make itself die. the search for something external to act as a trigger is the only option that the ego sees for its suicide, since it cannot cause its own death. artificially created experience, if complete, occurs when it is have to. It is also artificial to sit for hours to silence the mind or to self-observe the slightest thought. they are manifestations of the same thing: the will to wake up. the ego itself realizes the trap that it means, and assumes that the only solution is its dissolution, but it does not know how to leave, since the fact of wanting to leave reinforces it even more. He needs a gun, put it to his temple, and pull the trigger -
Breakingthewall replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
of course you are right, loving others is something that makes you human, happy, whole. my comment may have been wrong, even rude, but I know that it is not the same to love others than a relationship. The couple's relationship is something in which many "corrupt" factors intervene, such as physical appearance, the charisma that I mentioned, even being a man or a woman, fidelity, etc. This being the case, it is almost always a selfish relationship, focused on satisfying needs (sex is wonderful, in a relationship it is ... complicated), therefore, when expressing your inclination towards a relationship with someone who is in a position like Leo's , I couldn't help but make that comment. it can be totally wrong and mostly it's just a point of view, but looks like the person you notice must be admired by you. This is normal, but I don't like it. it's just an opinion, but for me to admire is ego, vanity. I'm totally wrong and your realization went for another path and I didn't get it? Really possible Pd: Sorry, you have exposed yourself explaining your trip and I have given a rude opinion. It is really impossible to know or judge what of others, I have told you in case I could open your eyes to something, my sister finds again and again relationships of "admiration" and I have found a similar pattern. I can't make her see what admiration means, or what I think it means. You said that you want a concious relationship. You can't want that. It only could happens when you don't want that. Because the act of want makes you selfish, so unconscious -
Ah my friend
Breakingthewall replied to Flowerfaeiry's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Maybe that vision wanted to show you how much charisma influences you when considering a relationship. This means one thing: I am incomplete and this person is going to complete me. the only true love is simple, disinterested, given. When you raise this relationship, don't you think that what fascinates you, in an unconscious way, is what I read is going to add to your person? In a relationship the important thing is to give. you don't know him. Even if you knew him, you should think that you don't really know him. This vision says: I'm a teenager, danger -
Breakingthewall replied to onacloudynight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It is the only place in the history of mankind where people from all over the world interested in enlightenment meet and share points of view. seems little to you? well ... I think it's more than a lot -
Breakingthewall replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Those who say they are not afraid of death I would like to see them walking towards the gallows. no one gets rid of the fear of death. but it can be minimized. the more identified you are with your mortal part (body, mind, identity) the more fearful. the closer to your immortal part, which really is who you are since the other is in some way an illusion, the less fear. solution: awakening and detachment -
Breakingthewall replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
imagine being put in solitary confinement for the rest of your life. If you are fully enlightened, you may not get bored, you see that it is something chosen by you in some way and you get the most out of it, you go deep inside yourself, and your existence is rich, wonderful. I speak only hypothetically but I think it is possible -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
my apologies. I couldn't get your ideas out of my head and suddenly I had that inspiration very clear. now i see it's pretty stupid -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Deci belle, think I understand you. You're lost, stuck. You got to a point and you stayed there. your speech is full of self-reifying details, what need? analyzes. And there are some... limits. 5 meo is waiting for you friend. 5 meo is the parentheses. You think you know but you don't know -
Breakingthewall replied to Nercohype's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
there are much more mysterious mysteries, for example that a particle without dimension contained all the mass and energy of the universe -
Breakingthewall replied to Kel Varnsen's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Kel Varnsen you know the theory, it's time for the practice. Psychedelic are the key -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Deci Belle, i see a point in your speeches that I have either misunderstood you or you are wrong imo. It is the idea that someone has an experience of the absolute, the sudden, whatever, and from there they have to start doing a work of refinement. An enlightenment experience, the awakening, however, is an important event but if it is just that and it remains in the memory, it has a relative value. Being the absolutely empty emptiness where there is no where or when or why is not something that can be remembered, it must be lived in the moment or else it will be conceptualized and become an incomprehensible idea. if this is so (if you live it) , if the walls of the ego have been broken more or less permanently, self-refinement will occur naturally. So according to you only enlightenment is useless per se? it has the obvious utility of preventing your life from being a hell. because you eat? Because you are hungry. Well, you get enlightened because if not you're well screwed, no more. it just takes enough intelligence to realize that the reality of the ego is a death trap. once you realize that you are in a death trap, you want to get out, no matter where. out of the trap. If you can get out, if you've opened up that awful shit to let the limitless breadth through, then this is it. the more the better, but a little is infinitely better than nothing. and there is no more, or I don't see it -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hahaha not much pain. the disgusting viscous mucus of the psychological has detached from me. sometimes it sticks back but is turning into dry mucus. I am no longer breakingthewall because the wall has been broken. all that remains is to kick the rubble away from time to time. I have to change my name. where there was a wall now there is breadth. I can't help but think: how smart I am, fast, efficient. as always. sorry for the flowers on my head, but when something is true it's foolness not to admit it The experience of the absolute deliberately sought cannot be premature, it happens when it has to. but the refinement you speak of is necessary. reaching the point where the sky is open, the earth wide, and things are as they have to be ,is not a matter of a day but not a long way to see that the structure has crumbled and the soap bubble has exploded disappearing form closed and leaving open space Great paragraph. the audacity has to be the necessary. in freedom there is no place to hold on and that's fine. -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@deci belle hah only trying to understand you. Only to dissolve the veil and see the truth as often and as deep as possible is usable. It's not useful to have seen and especulate about that. the truth is realized and then forgotten , is alive, can't be a remember. whoever wakes up goes back to sleep. Who realized that he is nothing become again something, it's really easy fall again in the old patterns . Talk about it is a mental exercise that can be more harmful than helpful. I appreciate the insigth on self-referential thoughts, it has been very useful. Thanks! -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
it depends on what you call mind. You don't mean the ego mind i guess. You mean the reality, the illusion. But the illusion isn't created? Ordinary awareness is the only awareness that exist, isn't it? Absolutely, self-reflective thinking is an act of self-nullification, a vital anesthesia administered constantly what do you mean by reality? I understand everyday reality. it is neither absolute nor created ... I don't know. I would say that reality is the mind, the illusion. from the perspective of the absolute there is no reality, there is no universe. it is only the mental process that creates it, a dream, so if is created ... isn't it? exactly, the reality is the mind. but the mind is illusion, it is the dream. the absolute and the dream are the same, the absolute is here now, and the dream. Not understandable for now. From the point of view of the absolute, only he (or I, or you) exists, still in no time, the only, and the dream somehow revolves around it, emanates from it and is it, if, but it has no substance, it has no reality, it is dream. seeing seems to somehow absorb reality, i imagine it means the act of perceiving without any kind of egoic disturbance, when perception and perceived are equalized, without the perceiver printing any dissonance, no will to change, thus merging with what is perceived. -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's stopping. As you say, the habit is strong, but there is a difference now: it is easy to perceive what a habit is, they do not refer to something real, since I know that reality is different. Your explanation of self-referential thoughts vigilance has been very helpful to me, and the very interesting bibliography -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You mean that: "Rising above ingrained sarcasm, indifference, apathy, intellectual vanity, self-satisfaction, guilt trips, and dualistic attitudes attributable to lifelong accumulations of learned and inherited ignorance is achieved by setting the standard by which concludes one's personal story forever. ." It's true, is absolutely needed. The personal history must to conclude, is necessary if you want to empty your mind. But after the egotic thoughts , are other kind of thoughs that do not refer to oneself: the attempt to conceptualize reality. to stop this I think that to realize your true nature is necessary, if not the mind will never stop trying to understand. without understanding it has no balance. only the realization of the truth can stop this, and only while this realization is happening in real time One question about this:" This is called the Supreme Vehicle of buddhas and tathagatas. Buddhas and tathagatas are those who dwell in nonorigination and deal with reality as is because reality is nonoriginated." What do you mean exactly when you say that reality is no originated? Originated for your mind? -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I loved the stories about the nose, bridewell, jonh long, linn hill ... maybe you're linn hill ... Hmm, I don't think so, like you said, you started climbing in '72, too early. the problem with climbing (for me) is that it is a total ego enhancer. Does it matter to any climber to leave a half way, being happy for some specific moments? no, it is necessary to hang the medal or if not, we go home very sad. As you put it, it seems that true nature is experienced for a moment, and then years are spent integrating it. Wouldn't it be better to be one with the tao on a daily basis? The more times your ego is separated and you are the emptiness that dreams, the more deeply you will understand in my opinion of course. you cannot remember, much less conceptualize the truth. it has to manifest in the present moment. all this of: you are god, everything is a dream, etc, it is mental masturbation. everything is mental masturbation, only constant direct realization is enough. the problem is when the veil has been lifted, and one has seen, or rather, has been, without where or when, without questions. when the veil returns (the veil is me), the mind begins its dance. the only option imo, is that the veil is so thin at all times that the truth is transparent and quiets the mind. for this you have to avoid anything that reinforces the ego. The two advantages of the 5 meo are that it momentarily dissolves the veil, and shows the truth, but it also shows the veil. you are the veil, you can be a veil more, or less dense, and here is the work possibly true, but how is this achieved? It is not simpler to slim the ego to its minimum expression and simply let go? there are really no more options. you will go your way in any way, that is closer to the truth. the truth is everything, but no. Living completely in the ego can be said to be the truth because everything that exists is, but it is to have put layers and layers of curtain (which is also made of truth) in the middle. Maybe I'm doing it too simple, some knowledge is needed, but at the end you have to trascend the words. I have many of your text saved, even i understand 20% being generous hehe. some evoke freedom, purity -
Breakingthewall replied to deci belle's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
when i saw honnold's video the first thing i thought is: enlightened. here I leave a video of a part of the climb of course the beauty, the truth of nature is wonderful, and climbing (even miserable, egoic, fast food, tinder climbing, sport climbing) is communion with nature. Regarding what you say about drugs, I would say that what happens to many: outdated information. there are drugs, and there is the 5 meo dmt. it's unfair for the very few who have been able to completely dissolve their ego through faith, discipline, courage, and lots of intelligence. but this substance does. It is true that you must be prepared, but nothing to do with what a true meditator would need to get rid of his ego. The 5 meo, combined with serious work of meditation, self-observation, deconstruction, and not small courage, will take you to the point where there is no one there, there is nothing and from that nothing in no time ,reality, or better, the creation, will manifest as what it is: illusion dreamed by you, immutable dreamer, alone, the one who has always been, with no other attributes but to be. But it isn't so easy, at least for me, i need to did once a week more or less during 6 months, and the rest of the week meditating many hours per day ,and I'm only having glimpses. i don't know how it's for others but for me it's almost so scary than the honnolds video. I recommend you to do. Well, maybe not the same, but sure it's truth there. What do you mean with act on that knowledge? i can say that once the truth is glimpsed, nothing less than the truth is enough. Even before, without knowing it, there was a longing, everything led to this from the beginning. I dont know what the next step is (yes, there are no steps, just being, but you have to walk), I guess I polish my mind to be able to break the wall on a daily basis without the need for chemical bombs. it's completely possible -
Breakingthewall replied to Persipnei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Perhaps more than avoiding those svutdowns, which you feel deep and meaningful, you could learn to anticipate them and to pass them in the best possible way, and when they finish relating to people again. although I guess you already thought this -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can strengthen your ego as much as possible and live in a real hell, nobody prevents you from walking that path. I personally, for practical reasons, prefer the other path