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Everything posted by Breakingthewall
Breakingthewall replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well meditating is detaching from the egoic mind, right? the problem is that if you are very attached to it, it is almost impossible, a torture of forcing yourself to be still and to try to watch your thoughts pass without clinging to them when it is the same thoughts that are trying to stop thinking ... violence. when you do 5meo, for the first time in your adult life (at least in mine) you really stop thinking and your mind becomes an absolute emptiness, the limits are broken, your reality flattens and you see that emptiness is what you are , Being. this does something in your mind permanently. If you sit down to meditate, it has suddenly become relatively easy (at least possible) to undo the limits of the mind, the words, and feel your mind empty and expand. This to a certain extent, not so easy or perfect, but the job is to get into silence and emptiness more and more, and if the mind has not seen before, in an artificial way, that emptiness is reality, being, what must be approached to really be yourself, you are going to reject it very strongly because for the mind emptiness means death. The other way is to do as gettoelf and have an iron willing, but not everybody has -
Breakingthewall replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@gettoefl @Hen Zuhe yeah it's the key, but in my experience meditation it was practically useless hell until a couple of breakthroughs with 5meo. Many people are so identified with their ego that meditation for them is nothing more than a hard exercise of will, like holding your breath. a complete ego break changes the schemes a lot -
Breakingthewall replied to Findus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Findus imo the best way to control addiction is meditation. if you meditate EVERY day time enough, nothing to do will not create anxiety. If you stop doing it, anxiety will eat away at you, at least in my experience. Arrive to the point where the silent is, many times every day if you can, and the compulsions will disappear. It seems very simple, I see it very clearly and again and again I abandon the practice because I consider that it is no longer necessary, that I can be in a meditative state driving or doing whatever, and no. in two or three days the compulsive mind takes absolute power -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
True, we are, and we cannot stop being it, but every day we do thousands of acts that strengthen the illusion of separation, which leads to madness. the problem is that it is really difficult to stop doing them. for example, writing here could be one of them -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you want to stop the crazyness and be what you really are, you only have to disappear as a man or woman, as a social being, blend in with the nature of which you are a part, merge and let yourself go completely. blur the separation between you and the rest, abandon yourself. Forget all your opinions, fears and thoughts. it is possible, you just have to give up everything. but that everything is a lie. the human has gone mad. he is deeply sick, absolutely stupid. There is another way without dissapear of the society? I'd say no, the problem is that society has a huge magnetism -
Breakingthewall replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My opinion: nothing will happen, the pattern that you are shaping the nothing will simply dissolve. as you say, me, the neighbor and my dog will still be alive, but they are the same as you, simple (or complicated, better) forms out of nothingness. if you do deep you realize that who you really are is nothingness, and that nothingness is. everything will remain the same without you, because when you die your form will disappear. do not worry because I will continue to exist, I am you. Regarding reincarnation, I think that perhaps there is some continuity of the pattern that you have been, an evolution. but what we call identity is an empty pattern. it's the substance of nothingness that fills it -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
behind the conditioned mind there is still an i that seeks acceptance, security, survival, be it Japanese or Afghan -
Breakingthewall replied to insideoutlove's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
for me it is something you have to see in real time. knowing it by some concrete experience and then remembering it is distorted. I see very possible to blur the barriers of the ego in an almost permanent way, the more times you have disappeared as an individual, the more you identify with what is not an individual and the more evident it seems how real the absolute is, and how little relevant is the relative, although it is difficult to explain. Its like to live full time in the edge of death -
Breakingthewall replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
when you change your point of view for another external to you and it's revealed that you are a kind of pattern with a certain shape, completely irrelevant, without real existence, with the illusory certainty of being a separate entity -
Breakingthewall replied to freejoy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hah not so, still to be defined "sacred substance" -
Breakingthewall replied to freejoy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
gradual elimination of all the psychological attributes that form the "person" until leaving a permanently empty hole in the place of the psychological body, through which the sacred substance of which reality is made is manifested, without being blocked by the shape of the mind -
Breakingthewall replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Nordin Where is the question? It's obvious that you already have decided. Leave is freedom and keep is conformist (in your opinion) so yes. do it and take the first step in being an adult, in taking charge of your life and deciding. For me, something like dropping out of school against expectations involves leaving home. When you are 30 or 40 you will feel proud of yourself for having made such a decision as soon as possible. continue as you are floating in a sea of doubts, is obviously a mistake. what you do will mark your life and it is always much better to sin out of boldness than out of cowardice -
Breakingthewall replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
idk your case, for me it is: I enter the school and something inside me says: no, out, death, error! Before I tried to repress that, for example if it happened to me with the perfect girlfriend, or some project, since there was always the doubt of: it will not be something bad in me, I have to endure. but whenever I have done it it has been a mistake and correcting it has been difficult. the inner voice is not wrong, in the no and the yes. the mind only complicates the matter -
Breakingthewall replied to Leo Nordin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
fear is healthy insofar as it induces you to avoid danger. the problem is when you are certain that something needs to be done, and fear prevents you from doing it. for this is the courage. I think that if you really know without any doubt that you must do something (talk to a girl, surrender to martyrdom on the cross) in the end you go beyond fear and do it. And if you don't, you will be miserable and not free until you do. imo it is very important to do what one has to do There is also another type of fear that is more widespread and harmful: the fear of not being accepted, of living up to expectations. This can completely mentally castrate someone, and indeed it does for most people, enslaved by their ego. But if you are awaken, I don't think you are talking about this fear -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
deep sleep and before birth is egoless, thoughtless. the same as if you die and you are a corpse. as you say, you are a thought, a pattern. Without the pattern it is what it is . you exist as what you really are, the void. It may seem that being the void, or being in deep sleep is not being, but it is not like that. the emptiness is, and the more one identifies with it and discards the disposable, the easier everything imo. and in my experience void seems to be love, like all says, home. but probably its possible to go deeper and void is nothingness and no more, as you always say, but even so, nothing is -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, i speak from my experience, and I consider myself quite honest with myself. Based on psychedelics and meditation I am going headlong into emptiness every little time, the first months I found a terrifying emptiness, death. face the question: why scary? and one day, suddenly the void was revealed as the absolute that it is, beyond any possibility of description, only what can be experienced in the moment or forgotten. forget because there is the so-called illusion, the veil. our mental construction does not work on that frequency. This absolute that is, without time, is eternal because it does not pass, it does not happen, it is, and it is you. It is not a "i" but it is you ... as I said, it is in another frequency. This is a fantasy, a mental construction? who knows, but it has the taste of the truth -
Breakingthewall replied to Phyllis Wagner's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think eckart focuses a lot on talking about the ego, rather than enlightenment, and it does well. his ego analysis is clear, direct, simple, and very accurate. Maybe to those who are already clear about all this it seems repetitive and uninteresting, but who has never heard of this can open their eyes. and to those who have already identified the ego it can also be useful. its main virtue is clarity, getting to the point. you can see that he is german He also has the strange virtue of being absolutely humble. in contrast to the adyashantys who are so wonderful . is the message the world needs: a ugly guy doomed to depression and vital failure, who embodies happiness. it is very positive that millions of people understand it -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The i is an illusion, but there is eternal being. You don't think so? The nothingness is, and there is no time. The i, when realize of his falsehood, can surrender to the idea of stop existing , imo -
Breakingthewall replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
when the body dies the person and their memories will dissolve into nothingness, just as important as the memories of a mosquito. so it is common sense to detach from them completely. the reality is that they are nothing, the same as those of the mosquito. but behind that person, that dress that gives an apparent shape to the void if there is some....thing, something very real, very alive. are you, the one who exist. if you focus and identify with that reality and discard the person and their memories, death will be a beautiful reunion -
Breakingthewall replied to Demeter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
beyond the veil there is no before or after, only being and present. It is not an idea of the conditioned mind, it is the eternal reality behind the illusion we are in. And we are. It's an enigma, but beyond the veil there aren't enigmas -
Breakingthewall replied to Demeter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The thing Is that you are not floating alone in the void, "you" are the void. Who was floating alone in the void was your ego. This has also been terrifying to me. to face it, nothing better than 5meo. For me what has made the difference is before doing 5meo meditate for 2 hours focusing on emptiness, embrace the emptiness that you are, assume that the trip is not going to take you anywhere, just show you what it is right now. reality. It is beyond shocking, suddenly realize that you are only you, stuck in no time, there is not universe, is a fantasy. but you recognize yourself as you, who is and always has been and is beautiful, you love yourself, it is obvious, and you are immortal, that is not small thing. Not you as a person, well, now i forgot 90%, is impossible to grasp. If I do not meditate those two hours, or long enough for my mind to be an empty well, the experience is different: nothing opens before me, annihilation beyond annihilation, where I not only die but never existed, but I do not dissolve in it and it is horrible x 1000. the eternal black denial. so it's all a matter of perspective. emptiness is wonderful, or horrible, depending on how strong your ego is. -
Breakingthewall replied to Phyllis Wagner's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think that most people would be shocked to know about a place where extreme potency drugs are promoted among young people to be able to realize that you do not exist and that reality is a dream. you have to be really brave to promote this, it's not a jocke -
Breakingthewall replied to TheSilentObserver's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think that language is genetically encoded. There is a rule called Zipf's law according to which in all the languages that exist the second word is used half as often as the most used, the third one third of the time, the fourth one quarter and so on ... quite mysterious. also the most used words in all languages are the so-called invisible words, the, to, etc. This rule works in languages without any relationship. it would show that your idea is correct and that all languages are the same with different aspects -
Breakingthewall replied to Dark_White's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@RealTruth the point is that if you stop your mind long enough, you will see: I am absolutely nothing and this nothing is. it is wonderful. then your mind will work again and you will think: what was it saying out of nothing, why was it? what stupidity, nothing is nothing, it is also quite bad, the opposite of life. then you will stop your mind again, and you will see: the apparent reality is somehow a dream of nothingness, it is nothing. reality = nothing, an empty appearance in eternity. again the mind will return, and you will think: what was that about appearance? why? if everything is solid, it doesn't make any sense ... that's the game -
Breakingthewall replied to a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
you are not god doing this for that. There is neither how nor why. The answer to the enigma is: it is incomprehensible. If you understand, you are wrong. your hard drive is not for this. you can see it if you turn off the computer, but when you turn it back on and conceptualize what you saw with it ... wrong, wrong answer