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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Incredible the video of the woman and the gorilla, we are really close of the animals
  2. @Tim R yeah but animals always repeat the same patrons , for example, a group of chimpanzee, in the jungle, in the zoo, anywhere, do almost exactly organisation, when they are more than 60 the group get broken and another male start another group. Humans have this kind of patrons too, but are absolutely heterogeneous. There are humans designing computers same time others are in the jungle living in the prehistory. Animals have language but only to say danger, love, hunger...etc. only humans build histories, that's why we are crazy . But it's another particularity. Our brain is capable to understand the mathematics of the universe, the relativity, the quantum mechanics. A man from the prehistory could understand the relativity if anyone teach him.
  3. But really special animals. The only animal with language. I read that is a law about language, the pif or piff law, in all languages the most used word is used double times than the second one and the second one double times than the third all languages, even the oldest and tribal language is in our genes, and language creates the could say that the ego is in our genes
  4. The toxic people rarely know that they are toxic! Usually they think that they are really good but the others are so bad with them...the problem is that they always find another who wants to start a toxic relationship, and get toxic together. If you are in a relationship with a toxic person, probably it's because you are toxic too
  5. Absolutely. Past summer I challenge myself to approach at least 3 girls every day in the street. It works 10% and no works 90% aprox, maybe less, sure for a more handsome guy works much better (it works I mean have a conversation, change number and have the possibility of a date), but the fact is: you feel good with yourself, you want anything? Go for it, simple. 2 the girls who accept your conversation and want to meet you again think that you are courageous, not another one who needs the official place where is allowed to start a contact: a club with loud music and drunk people, or tinder... pathetic. 3 it's funny 4 more times you do, you do more natural. Problems: you could feel bit looser if 30 persons rejects your approach...but be strong , if you find "the one" sure you will feel better with yourself doing like that than in a tinder date
  6. That your memories, your identity and your ego dissapear, so it's better get them dissapear right now
  7. It's interesting. I think that the animals have not ego, or not like us, since they have not a language. Even social animals act mostly by instinct, and they belong to a determined environment, they can't adapt , improve their life conditions, evolve. Only their genes can, so they are absolutely free in sense that they have not to take decisions. Wonderful freedom, sure it's great to be any wild animal
  8. Forget the ideas and the concepts. Spirituality is about forget , not about change your actual sistem of thoughts for another
  9. Good attitude, you have to be absolutely esceptic about anything that you didn't experienced. But if you realize that the egoic path finish in misery maybe you ll want to dissolve as is possible the jail of the ego, and in places like this one you can get ideas of another people with the same porpouse , some of them smart an experienced, could be really useful. But forget dogmas and beliefs
  10. You as god are doing things in an extremely complicated way. Maybe god is pure love but look like a gamer
  11. Exactly. So if you, as god, have decided to have this experience, is it not egoic to seek full enlightenment? not a way to try to escape from this experience? . you as god have created very firm barriers that create a separate identity. Why dissolve them permanently?
  12. @Sam Johnson i think I me who misunderstood you, sorry
  13. So are you thinking in the ego manipulating god? For what?
  14. @StudentOfLeove if reality is "only" a dream of the infinite eternal conciousness's real enough, don't think so?I am an avatar, a form created out of nothing, like a soap bubble that at any moment will dissolve in the void. but real enough to experience the wonder of the world. More than enough
  15. Maybe nowadays , because the psichodelics and the diffusion of that ideas in internet there are thousands of times more enlightened people (in different levels) than 50 years ago, and growing. It's impossible know but I think it is
  16. The psychological past creates the thinker=ego. Thoughts are not a problem because thoughts are the natural activity of the mind, but when those thoughts became a false being, became a problem. That psychological past want to survive, feel panic in front of the void, so is inventing an identity that is a non stop activity on compulsive thinking to fill all space in the mind
  17. @Sam Johnson have you ever tried any psichodelics? Maybe a small dose of mushroom could be a turbo for you
  18. Ha! It's the less enlightened thought that I ever read
  19. Even you are enlightened since yesterday , you said that reproducing that you read about reincarnation.
  20. Creativity that comes from what? I saw that my substance is the nothingness, so I'm nothing, you are nothing, but you are concious that you are
  21. I saw that in my non ego experience, the infinite void. But it's a problem with your thesis: the illusion is not "nothing", is something. Even a thought or a dream are, from where the dream that we are comes? From the nothingness? So the nothingness is dreaming...a nothingness do nothing...the birth of the "I" is destined for disaster you the I has birth. From the nothingness. Like the thoughts. They came from the nothingness.
  22. But you said in your first post that you focused in the nothingness and you got the infinite consciousness.
  23. So you had ego death, you got immersed in the nothingness but only that, finished that process? Ego death every day? In what circumstances?