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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. That is a great realization and explanation. How kind of trips? 5 meo maybe? I saw with 5 meo how the space and time dissapear , and over all, how them appear when the mind comes back, like a software. That idea about mind, that it's divine intelligence, not only memory or ideas, is absolutely great. It's like we are playing a game against ourselves because in humans the mind is... imperfect. It doesn't work well, like in a bird or any animal. They have mind, that create his Maya, but his Maya is perfect. Our Maya is a kind of mess, the divine intelligence had some fails in the design of this sophisticated toy or like that. Or maybe it's how is should be. Imperfect to make the toy transcend. The human is the only animal "unhappy". The frustration is our sign of identity, and we should wear our frustration with proud. I'm tired to read in this forum that we don't exist, etc etc. Of course we exist, of course Maya exist. It's an illusion created for the mind. And? Created. So exist. Impermanently? Yes, so what? Divine intelligence in action. Open your eyes and see the wonder
  2. the mind is over all memory. without memory there is void. the mind is partly real, since that memory exists, be it a wave in infinite nothingness, or whatever. when you say it is not real you mean it is not permanent, but as long as the wave vibrates, it exists somehow. the question is to understand as deeply as possible what it is, to be able to relax its pressure, because the mind is that create the illusion of isolation
  3. A thought that appears in the nothingness. Exactly like a thought that apears in your mind to you in the nothingness between 2 thoughts. How it appears? Look it, it have a shape, a movement, even it's only a thought. In the moment when it is formed from the nothingness, it became real, like the nothingness is real too. So the nothingness must be something. It's the same to say, the illusion is nothing because it comes from the nothingness, or say, the nothingness is something because the illusion came from the nothingness
  4. @Someone here so why you sit every day to meditate? Well, there is no one who sits to meditate , itsnt it? But still you do.
  5. What do you mean with this? You can change the rithm of appearance of your thoughts.
  6. If you and the sun have the consistence of a thought , where is the difference, or the problem? For you and for me the sun is there burning since millions of years, and now many thoughts are being created in our mind, from the nothing. They exist until they get dissolved in the nothing, like the sun and the universe. They are like waves created in the nothingness. No one knows how or why
  7. Probably you didn't vaporize well, 20 mg is a big dose. Anyway, I prefer smoke it in 3 times, I put 4 small spoons with 5 mg each one , I smoke the first, wait a couple of minutes, after another, and another until you are off. At the end the breakthrough will happen, and it's not so traumatic than one in 1 shot. I haven't a long experience, maybe this way is worse but for me is the way to quit all anxiety
  8. I use this kind of flask. It works really good. I have a round one but sure with that shape would be better
  9. Now with the covid sex is only possible with the aliens are welcome, even the reptilians
  10. @Adamq8great report! That question could be the ego mixed with the god conciousness? I do that question like ego, conciousness exist, but why? How? It's like one dimension and are more? What the hell is the conciousness? Why there is a nothingness that is ?
  11. If you have a ego death you ll realize that it's no time, that the mind is creating the time. It's not like a time that never ends, it's a moment that is stopped, without begining or end because it's not moving. Same time you will realize that there is nothing, that the mind is creating all the reality. How could be that? I don't know. For me was really unpleasant, trauma, but right now my mind crash and I realized that I am, when I was the void, the nothingness, I was. The void is void but "is" . It's no concept for that.
  12. Ha! Smartass could be, but I don't see leo spending in this forum more time than others users. This forum is an inspiration for many people, it's a great job
  13. All???
  14. In a moment I realized of a thing. There is the void, there is nothingness, there isn't time. But I am.
  15. Another step is that there is nothing, there isn't time, there is a infinity void, but I am. How?
  16. They are going to say that it means duality. But there is really a dimension of time and a dimension of no time
  17. It's mind. Maharshi told, if I'm not the body,'s like educate the mind in my opinion. The chemical have the advantage that kills your ego and you see. After you meditate but is the chemical moment when the gates are opened. For now I try to forget all the ideas,but posting here we put 1000 ideas in the mind. Inevitably
  18. True, I don't realize that. I realize the void and it don't give me any peace , it's void, inmutable, stuck in the no time, without any property as "self"
  19. You could have a direct experience and it could be a projection of your mind. The illusion have many faces . I don't mean that you are wrong of course. And the concepts...after any realization the concepts came, inevitably
  20. Great realization, over all if you can realize it every time you meditate. You know the theory about spirituality I think. Sure you have read that the experience of the void is a step before to the realization of the self. Maybe it's true , maybe not.
  21. All of us had some experience about it, that's why we are interested, At least me. What about you? Do you realize the no thing by meditation ? The void and the no time is a very deep and no ego realization. I think it's really difficult have it naturally
  22. How do you know that? Maybe peace , etc, are illusion too. Nothing could be said without doubt