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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. I meant the creation, Maya. Why exist? There is not any apparent reason for all this crazy merge of suffering, but my intuition tell me that there is a reason
  2. For what reason? Love? Too complicated
  3. I'm talking about of something obvious. You had a lot of desires because we grow in a sick society where the ego is glorified, but when you had 5 years old you aren't still completely corrupted so you still live in the joy. If you were growed 15000 years ago sure you hadn't so much desires but much more joy, even if you lived in a cave with 20 persons. Desires feed the ego, and don't bring any happynes. Of course you would have still desires, but only some, there d be place for the joy. More simple=more joy
  4. @krockerman well ,I don't agree...for example try to remember when you were 5 years old. Many people live in the joy at that age. Why? Because your desires are satisfied? No, because joy is the natural state of the being that you are. Mostly that pure being is corrupted with desires, less joy . The joy is the state that remains when all interferences are removed
  5. True, we are a society who lives in an imaginary world, the psicológical process that shadguru talked about. I think that one of the causes is the hard addiction that our society have to the fictions. Movies, novels, etc. We are educated feeling emotions watching movies every single's absolutely insane . Most of people can't enjoy of a blue sky , they only projects his psicológical process to the past or to the future.
  6. @krockerman you never are going to find joy satisfying any desire, it's like a drug, you satisfies one and another appears. The only possible real joy is the absence of desires
  7. Buy a small sail boat and cross the Pacific alone, go walking from the nort to the south of Africa. Do anything , the worse thing that could happen is to die, and it's worse to live suffering. Good luck friend, sure at the end you will find the way
  8. The question is: why sex is so problematic? It seems that women and men are so different and that's why sex is a ploblem. Honestly, when most of guys are 13 or 14 years old, if they could, they have sex every day, with a lot of different girls, but the reality is that it's almost impossible for most or them, so at the end we get a tired arm and get sick because seeing tons of porn. Is it a natural difference between men an women, or social? Maybe a mix...for me it's a big problem of our society. Sex isn't only biological, as shadguru said, is a spiritual communication. I thing it isn't good at all to avoid sex
  9. Yes exactly, the first breakthrough with 5 meo was traumatic, over all the sensation of no time, no change, and void, really scary, impossible to imagine that until it happened. I did more times after that and more meditation, and I got costumed to the void, and became more open-minded. After the first time I need small dose to have a breakthrough. Yes, nothing have comparison with that because it's the reality. Impossible decide not continue seeing it, but how to see naturally?
  10. 2 vapes of 5mg each one 10 min ago. Absolutely clear, absolutely obvious. Too short time
  11. I'm crying from laughing so much it's all a joke! you are the ocean, it is impossible to understand, do not try !! everything is illusion, seriously, it's something incredible. It's crazy, don't try to catch it with your mind. This time I really broke the wall, and it's wonderful
  12. well, could be. Complete surrender to what is ,is in some way is the end of suffering or at least acceptance. Surrender has to make possible the necessary opening for what I consider to be enlightenment, opening the way to the light of truth, which will happen when all resistance ends, and the end of resistance seems to be the end of suffering. .difficult. I resist, I avoid the bad and I look for the good, and I don't see how I could stop doing this. I'm going to figth forever I'm afraid. I just had that realization
  13. those are concepts of the budism that is a organized religion built around the idea of buda who is an enlightening person same to others, is the idea of a human who is further of all idea or concept. The concepts of end of suffering are concepts created to attract the people who is suffering to this path. Maybe are real but aren't enlightenment
  14. You could. When buda was in that river idk how many years watching the river flow, he wasn't believing nothing, only living the eternal moment. This is enlightenment
  15. No one is totally embodied of nothing, we are humans. Here a great work is being done, you can't see it?
  16. The real open minded is let the mind go, bro
  17. @Thought Art you had not the feeling that you are like...trapped in the no time and no space?
  18. the idea of jesus is fascinating. totally mystical. Imagine being tortured with a lead-tipped whip that shatters your body, one blow after another, the pain is excruciating, it makes you scream like a rat, drag the cross into which they are going to nail you, unable to rebel, Like an animal, naked, while the crowd mocks your agony. then you say: I embrace the pain, I accept it. I accept the horrible pain of the human being. Tell it truly if you can. then everything mixes up. you are the tortured and also the torturer. the sky opens and the light manifests. You are nailed to the cross, holding your body with your broken tibias to breathe once more, unable to overcome instinct, turned into pain. And then you see that pain is love that your surrender to agony is the opportunity to realize yourself in absolute love. and you love your pain, your torturers, the cross you are nailed to, because you become pure love, eternal. I think it's a absolutely beautiful idea, concept, history
  19. Is infinite because it's limitless. Like eternal is because time doesn't run
  20. To understand why you aren't the body you should have the realization of what are you if your body is disconnected, like a total paralysis, and after you loose totally your memories. What are you in that case? Nothing? limitless?
  21. Have an ego that make you suffer could be the best gift . I ve a ego like that too, but for me was impossible to understand all of his levels. With psilocibe I had a revelation, I saw myself as a child, I saw how I protect myself of the reject and how that protection is useless since protect you from a thing that doesn't exist. After that I started to be worse, I couldn't sleep , etc. I realized that inside me was a sickness, but since I realized how the sickness was, it dissolved very fast, in less than a month I was feeling better than ever since I'm an adult .This is the power of a single dose of psichodelics
  22. I could tell that in my case the effects are permanently, more or less. I use 5 meo dmt and psilocibes. I ve been interested about meditation and transcendence but I couldn't get any real improvement, my ego was too strong I think. When I decided start with psichodelics I tried mushroom and I get absolutely amazed. It's so deep, you could see your mind, the hardware. Searching I arrived to 5 meo and 5 meo brought me to this site. 5 meo is pure magic. There isn't another description. It brokes your ego for a while . A mystical experience induced. After that you change for ever, same after a natural mystic experience.
  23. Good. You removed 75% of stupids of your list. The bad news is that are still another 24 % of stupids
  24. Skills are for sports, for sex only be natural, let your energy flow. You need the right partner and let the situation flow. Skills are for porn actors and his value is zero. When I found a girl that in sex starts like: I'm going to show you how i do sex...I got absolutely cold. A kiss of 5 seconds with real passion is thousands times better than the best skills