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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Post here some intelligent fragment of Krishnamurti, let's see how intelligent he is. I think he's 99% fake King of contradiction what means? That he want to mock you?
  2. I don't know Buddha, why Buddha? But Krishnamurti and Ralston seem narcissistic clowns that talk to appear mysterious and superior , very swallow speech without truth. Osho , well, I think he talks to appear smart more than to communicate, in his speech is a lot of ego. Watch the video that you posted, it's obvious that his objetive is appearing superior than his interviewer.
  3. Interpretation happen when you talk. There is only one thing to know: I am. In it is everything, it's the absolute understanding, omniscience. Anything else are only details, collateral things. The core of the reality is that the total abyss without bottom is, and that is you, because it's the only "thing" that is, or better is the isness itself. It's not conditioned mind or something learned, is the description of a fact, and in it it's everything, it's the absolute potential. Perception is relative, but isness is absolute, and in this absolute perception happens. Perception is just the surface, under it is the totality. Isness is not just simply being, is the absolute depth where everything is. In this very moment the whole infinity with all it's power, that is (redundantly) infinite, is. The fact of the absence of limits make this moment that is infinite, and this infinity is the cause of that I am, I am the totality of existence manifesting, I totally know my character as absolute being, and I totally know that anything else is the same being, it can't be more obvious. Why you are? Because there are not limits . Nothing is finite, a thought is infinite, there are infinite infinity reflecting in themselves, and all are the same: you. Simple right? And infinitely intrincated. Look at yourself in the face, to the abyss without bottom. At first it's panic, because it's precisely an abyss where you dissapear. Then, you realize that you are the abyss. You are at home, because you are that, the absolute power that is. The total will of being, the dance of the cosmos. Then, dance. It's inevitable.
  4. Yes, reality is a natural phenomena, something that happens because there are not limits, inevitable, infinite. And everything that exists is that, but it's not just "conciousness", conciousness is just the surface of an infinite iceberg, there is infinite potential that is not manifested in what appears, and that means that this potential is appearing in another dimension, because we are in the eternity and nothing limits it. Of course there are things hidden to us, this moment is infinite depth, but only some part is manifested, that's the experience, but what we really are is the whole, the whole is being, and the manifestation is just appearance, but this appearance is also infinite depth alive, because everything is infinite dancing with itself for ever.
  5. Existence has not opposite, that's what absolute means. Not outside, not limits. Understanding really, not accepting it as a belief but real understanding is important to achieve the real openenss
  6. The mind must be an empty hole to be filled with the real knowledge of reality. Many energetic barriers close. The work must be aggressive sometimes
  7. Ignorance is the opposite to enlightenment. Both are what is, but different states, ignorance is closeness, enlightenment openenss. my cup is empty, and precisely, in the empty cup is where the understanding comes, passive aggressive brother full of hearts 🀣
  8. creation, destruction, war, evolution, cycles, beauty, perfection, absolute depth, total expansion. only one wise thing: open the eyes of our mind to the absolute, total, infinitely intricate beauty and perfection of reality and let your heart constantly sing: hallelujah
  9. 🀣You are in the opposite side of enlightenment, believe me😍😍😍😍πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ˜‹πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’˜β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ€‘πŸ€‘
  10. Ah, good. Then it's impossible to understand what you are. And if someone does, he's lying. Sounds wonderful. Well, it's possible, just open yourself to the nature of reality, it's obvious. Reality is absence of limitations, due the absence of limitations reality is, and that's what you are, and this isness manifest is everything, in total expansion, infinite dimensions of being, that ultimately are apparent because from an infinite perspective they are just apparent movement, but this apparent movement is happening, and is unlimited, it's the dance of existence, life, and that's what you are
  11. @James123 and Osho in that video didn't try to explain to the guy what enlightenment is, he just try to appear interesting and mysterious, then he's just another fucking clown 🀑
  12. Then why you say that reality is nothing? And be isn't nothing, is be.
  13. Be is something or nothing?
  14. I have formulated that ideas from a reality, the same as what Osho says, or anyone. you are completely committed to the dogma of nirvana=nothing, but you have not understood it well. nothing = everything, as you can see when you see that perception exists. What love? If there is nothing πŸ˜…πŸ€£
  15. I If there is light, then it's something. I know exactly how enlightenment happens, it's exactly like this: First you empty your mind completely until nothing remains, not even the sensation of the body or the breath. The void is absolute and has no limits. You are not there, there is no you as a person who thinks, who analyzes or feels, it is absolute emptiness. If this is maintained long enough the void opens itself and reveals itself as absolute existence, total potential. It becomes totally evident that reality flows in only one direction, the expansive direction of being. The absolute being has no opposite and therefore its expansion is total, it is absolute life, and that is what we are. Obviously this is not "nothing", since "nothing" would be something limited, it excludes "something". There are no limits therefore if you expand nothingness to infinity it becomes "something". in fact it becomes "everything." I have had this process at least 50 times, it is something quite simple, you just have to empty your mind absolutely and the total source, that is, you, manifests.
  16. This is nothing? I'd say it's something . In fact everything
  17. No, Osho is authentic. You can't understand the difference? Well, I can explain to you, don't need to say thanks. Regardless of his horrible hat and his claustrophobia-inducing beard, Osho says that spirituality consists of reaching absolute zero in the sense of emptying the ego, beliefs and all that, in order to reach the total openness where plenitude takes place, you are life, existence, etc., or have you not seen the video. Reality is absolute fullness, it's total, and that's enlightenment.
  18. Another clown who pretend to be enlightened to gain attention and money. A narcissist who don't understand nothing.
  19. Why do you laugh? Ahhh I understand sorry, if many people said that anyone is the real deal, means that he is. Good luck! You will need it!!
  20. How a body that learns to write (πŸ˜…) appears? Because it's nothing? Sounds a quite strange idea, but ok
  21. Then why nothing seems something, there are sensations, perceptions, and appearances? Are they nothing?
  22. I listened, Krishnamurti is a egoic false prophet. He's talking about the thoughts and saying that without thoughts there is nothing πŸ₯±. Look, it's very easy turn off the thought and being in absolute silent, but still there is a lot of barriers. The real opening is not a thought, how to explain you that it's so easy stop the thoughts? I can do In 2 minutes, but being in silence is not enlightenment. Btw sorry for being idiot before, I just wanted so express that the real opening starts when the thought stops. Starts! Not ends. Then the real opening start little by little, and the opening is to what is. The reality is, is the absolute is ness, the total push of being without opposite, and Krishnamurti is just a clown, a narcissist absolutely far of real enlightenment who take advantage of his position to gain benefits like attention, money, ego