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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Well, tonight I had my more intense realization ever in my life. Just before sleep, and began like a 5 meo trip ,I did 5 meo 4 days ago, medium dose but intense, awaking at 4 night for better openess, yesterday I meditate in a park until night, good but nothing special, and in bed I have that experience. I'm sure that it was induced by the 5 meo but not because it remains any substance, it's because the openess that was created last I think that psychedelic can make or at least help a lot
  2. Sounds like a person who read a lot of nisgardstta Maharaj and like that
  3. @Cosmin_Visan interesting approach from the rational. one question: what do you think about the mystique? is it an experience created by the mind, or is it, say, supramental? I would recommend the book "wild mystique" by hulin, totally rational and empirical approach. Let's say that mysticism is real, or at least it is a recurring human experience, with great points in common, independent of the cultural framework and that escapes the rational. psychedelics, especially the 5 meo dmt induce a typical mystical experience. it is evident that they do not add anything, but subtract. they lower the activity of the frontal lobe, responsible for the self, until they soften the ego sufficiently so that the mystical experience penetrates the consciousness of the one who has consumed it. It is also recurrent in psychedelic users to say that the experience cannot be translated into words. the same is true of the natural mystical experience. the timelessness and the absolute are perceived but the logic forgets them, you can make an approximate outline of what you have perceived, but the more you try to capture the essence of the experience, the more it slips, until there is a shadow of the original. That's why the philosophers or the extra rational minds are have more difficulty to get that kind of experiences than more simple spirits
  4. I think that there are levels in the depth of enlightenment, but that since the mind opens to real mysticism, there is nothing to learn from books, concepts or ideas, only from the direct experience of the deep, so the seeker is no longer a really seeker, he will only search himself, rather than seek to observe and deepen All that ideas like, there is not you, you are nothing...well , I think you are that you are, label it like nothing is the same than label like dream, or anything, just be , that is the point. Those labels could be an obstacle to the real understanding, that is very far away from the ideas or words
  5. @Leo Nordin what you are talking about is a very serious matter. It is one thing to be spiritual and another to get stuck in life. You have to take into consideration that you consume food, appliances, home, medical ... things that others have cultivated, built, maintained, studied. therefore you have to give something in return, and that something has to be proportional to what is received, which is a lot. how to do it without becoming a slave? This is where the challenge is. first you have to be absolutely disciplined and enterprising, and second have a fine intuition. the first is will, but the second enters into the spiritual. You have to know how to see the signs, what is for you and what is not, and try to reduce failures to a minimum as it is, because what they say that each failure is learning sounds good but is not fun. it is a fine balance and an art, almost a sport. for me it enters into the spiritual. but I dont think that practical advice can be given, each one has to find their unique way, without trust any external influence. Another option could be to be really enlightened and flow without effort, sure it d be better
  6. Most of people who is enlightened is because they had the desire to trascend the ego and be the real being, so it could be said that root of enlightenment is the desire
  7. the root of suffering is that you move away from your true nature, and what keeps you away is not desire, it is the concept
  8. Develop your Passion , do a service and make money... congrats
  9. Could be but it doesn't look an egotic realization, looks a deep truth, misticsl. Egotic have a different flavor, very characteristic
  10. @Corpus yes , sure, we could stay unconscious all life that it's the same, but I prefer to be the most concious possible because it's much more pleasant...only practicity, the other is suffering, not a good business
  11. Conceptual understanding is finite, can't catch the reality, it's an obstacle. The other understanding, the openess, is a mistery. Is that we are trying to be , the pure conciousness
  12. Well you are right , it's not sure. I had a powerful realization, I did 5 meo and nothingness, etc, but when me and the reality was constructing again I had the absolute certainly that all that happened in my life, even the smaller detail, was intentional. All was exactly like it has to be, and I see how simple is take the pleasant things that life offers me and forget the others. There was nothing to regret, no past to visit. All was for some reason, but no reason that is comprehendible. Now I ve not that realization so clear , but I still remember the content. At the end, realizations are the only that we could trust
  13. It's like that chapter in Bible that said: look the birds, they don't worry about the food etc. You can't interfere in the willing of the conciousness, if you do all is going wrong, you must flow, if business are for you , they re going to work, if couple isn't for you it's going to be a hell. It's much better to see the signals , every one. There are a lot always, and flow with them. For me it's obvious and work like a machine, go down river, much more comfortable
  14. That is not so, you can call it a dream and think that there are no others but each molecule of your body has a plan, an intention. If an enlightened person teaches others it is because it is what he has to do, the same as another having children or being an alcoholic.
  15. Well...try and after you could have opinion. Have it before to try is not the most wise I think. Looks that you really want to demonstrate yourself and to others that psychedelic are a foolish. They aren't. If you don't want to try, I think you should let the door open to the possibility that they are that that people is talking about, maybe more
  16. @tsuki what are you talking about? Humiliating because I'm not buda? Maybe we are speaking in a different language or my English is too poor. I wanted to express the idea that glorify Buda is nonsense, Buda is common, possible, not so special. It's only detach the bondages and trascend the ego. But I'm not Buda, not even close
  17. @Origins your skepticism is positive. We should not believe anything or dogmatize. The problem is that we are not talking about building airplanes, but about something that cannot be objectively demonstrated, or even rationalized. intelligence and reason are essential to avoid being deceived, but at a moment you have to let them go. the good news is that there is a tool for that: psychedelics. once you break the armor of reason you can judge whether what you have experienced is drug-induced fantasy, or reality. once you open up to this, you see that many things that are said around here make sense, so when you read ideas that you have not experienced you give them some credibility. all this for the only thing that serves is to prepare your mind for a greater openness
  18. Buda is only an idea, there ve been many thousands of budas, many millons since the human kind exist, glorify him like he was immensely valuable for the people around is meaningless. Buda mean trascend the ego, have no attachment. Nothing so special
  19. I met a guy who had been traveling for 10 years without money around the world. I met him in canary islands , he was in a boat of some people who met there few days ago ready to cross to Dakar, his plans was go alone from West to East Africa, and after return to his house in France, all walking or auto stop. He had only 300 € , no phone and no cards, he told me he was looking forward when he d have zero money, to feel more freedom. I didn't asked him about spirituality because in that moment I didn't know that spirituality exist, but sure he was like enlightened , he was the most calm and peaceful person that I ever know
  20. The world is only a dream is a recurring mistical experience, when you realize the nothingness you perceive that the reality, or "maya" like is sayed in the ancient traditions, is being created in this exactly moment, and have not real substance, like a dream. Of course "dream" or "real" are just concepts, what is, is. Spirituality could be reduced to: forget all and get the direct experience. But always when the ego come back , have the need of explaining what was perceived. And it's not "flower power" at all
  21. Yes, it is increasingly easier to detect the ego, especially since the ego is basically everything you think about, right now the ego is writing. a while ago I was walking in the street, the light was clean, the plants around bright, everything as new, seen for the first time, without ideas or words, there is no me, only what I see, perfect, without emotions ... but where is that god that everyone talks about? better not think about it because it is ego. gita is ego, everything is. It is very difficult to block the mind, it is waiting for an oversight to enter and take you through its paths of emotions, of personal history
  22. @Moksha one thing is to trascend ego, it don't seems impossible to me once you ve done for small periods of time and you have identified the ego. but did you realize God, the infinity? I'm curious because I know you never used psychedelics