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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Fired due low quality! Hehe. We need more effort here, do our best, push in the direction of enlightenment, nor just "I'm sooooo special" 😉😉
  2. @James123 in my playlist now, thanks for sharing
  3. You didn't create nothing, the creative power of existence is not you, is the absolute reflecting in itself infinitely, it's a unleashed power, existence without limits that Express itself in all possible ways, that are infinite. There is not control or intention, just positive impulse to be. You, the individual ,just can align yourself with the power and flow. There is only one reason: existing, and it's inevitable . As much the individual could be trascended and the absolute realized, less resistance, more freedom in the flow, because everything that exists is the absolute, and the absolute is glory of being
  4. Good point, you can't dissolve your conceptual sistem with more concepts about what existence is. you can't get out of the mind with greater concepts like solipsism or god, it's impossible. Anything that defines closes, and "I'm imagining the others" implies a lot of definition.
  5. That's the problem of sex, It's a genetic call to find a partner to reproduce almost impossible to ignore. There are a lot of those things in the human programming, the thing is doing what you have to do to align yourself with the absolute. What's that in your case? Only you could know it. Some mystics overcome the sex and never think in it, for me sex is sharing and it's great, but sex as addiction rottens my mind then I avoid it. Anyone see it from his own perspective
  6. I mean the end of the psychological lack, the need of acceptance. What I see is that most of the mental noise come from that imbalance, that almost always happens due the social human nature
  7. For silence to occur, the balance must be perfect. What unbalances is the need, the lack. Lack comes from the need for acceptance, which is the human version of the need to survive. When the need for acceptance is mastered and conquered, the mind stops being constantly inclined in that direction and can balance itself, then it can stop elaborating structures. Then the mind can open itself to the unlimited.
  8. It is important to understand that the true reality is beyond words. Words and the mental are structures that occur in reality, staying trapped in them is ruin, it is guaranteed madness. Freedom is outside the capsule. You have to understand it and tend towards it constantly, then the density of the mental flow decreases until it becomes tenuous, and at a given moment, it disappears.
  9. The difference between being trapped in the mental elaboration or free feels like a pressure in your chest and in your head. Usually we live with that pressure and at the end we get used to it. When you manage to dissolve that compulsion and that energetic flow ceases, the pressure dissapears
  10. There is a big, total difference between: only I exist and I exist. The first is in the land of the mind, because "only" is relative, it's in opposition of "others", then it's a shell that encapsules you. In the other hand, I exist is absolute, there is not opposite, and you can totally open yourself to it without limits. That's meditation, remove the limits. At the end everything is about how much encapsulate are you. The objective is no capsule, absolutely open.
  11. reaching mental silence is like quitting a drug. The need to elaborate thoughts all the time is a habit that is created due to the insecurity inherent in the construction of the personality .we create our mental structure based on the need for acceptance and social success, and we are greatly influenced by audiovisual content that instills in us hollow and false narcissistic values. we are largely psychotic, and the manifestation of this is the constant elaboration of complex invented thought/emotion structures. Once you see this clearly, mental silence is easy and natural. It is not really silence, there is sound, sight, sensations, but not the elaboration of crazy metals learned structures that really mean nothing.
  12. Open vs nothing. Yes, open wins , because nothing...what is that? 🤣
  13. Well, then that explains that he has pardoned his degenerate son for any possible crime, such as torturing children while fucking them, as if he were the king of Mesopotamia. He creates a very beautiful aura towards his party and towards the United States in general. This is without taking into account that the degenerate drug addict has become rich in a Ukrainian company, a country that the Biden family preys on by drinking the blood of tens of thousands of unfortunate people sent to the slaughterhouse. it's really nice. I heard that lately they were pressing to under the age to the slaughterhouse from 25 to 18, because there is not more meat to send there for the business
  14. Why does no one talk about Biden's medieval pardon for his drug-addicted and horrible whoreholic son who has become a millionaire as a ceo of a Ukrainian gas company thanks to a war caused by his father, who showered naked with his 15-year-old daughter? Yeahhhh Biden. It's like a song or the rolling Stones. Biden, the boss
  15. In my opinion the Ukrainian issue is one of the worst corrupted rotten and evil issue that happened in modern history, and Biden, with victoria Nuland, are it's architects. I didn't talk about trump btw. For example this analysis isn't bad. Or the documental Ukraine in flames, but nobody here cares, it's so shocking . They would say that its conspiracy and that trump is very bad , who cares about trump? Biden was the demon, watch that documentary, don't be lazy, that nobody here invest a while to know facts
  16. Just ok? I prefer that you say I'm wrong haha
  17. Everything that appears is the absolute reflected in itself taking a form, a manifestation. Then we are like lost in the form and that's why we can't perceive ourselves as what we really are, we perceive the form, so you have to erase the form to open yourself to the absolute because the form closes, by the very fact of being a form
  18. @Princess Arabia let's say that it's like if you take everything that exists, existed and will exist, you merge it until no difference remains, then you expand it to infinity and then you shrunk it in a non dimensional point that is inside of your heart
  19. You can't say what is because the definitions are something that happens in the absolute contrasting something with something else, then are relative, then you just can OPEN yourself to it 😉
  20. I don't think so, it's a weakness that creates horrible karma to him and to his daughter. From an absolute perspective it's what it has to be , but from a relative perspective you want to ascend, not drown in a pit of shit that will take you thousands of lives to get out of, and drag the people around you into it. From an absolute perspective, it is exactly the same, if you extend it to infinity it is the same Buddha as Manson, but right now I am looking for the best, it is the nature of this dimension of existence
  21. Because it's what you are , it's not knowable in their details or manifestations, it's knowable in what is, it's essence or substance
  22. I never would judge that person for cleaning toilets, my respect for him is total, but I would judge him if he fucks his 4 years old daughter, what to do?
  23. Simple, There are no limits, the absence of limits is the consequence of existence, non-existence would be limited to not existing and there is nothing that limits it, but as absence of limits is not something, there is not a real consequence, then existence is without cause. In a bottomless abyss existence necessarily is (as is the case) if existence is, it also has no limits, it permeates the entirety of the infinite. The totality of the infinite, by its own infinity, is not dimensional, it is not broad, great, immense. It's just not thinkable. There is only one way to know it: you are that, anything is that. Open your mind and heart completely and the absolute manifests itself in its absolute power and glory. It's just the reality