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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. @gettoefl @James123 well, agree in some sense. the ultimate reality is totality, absolute existence, inevitable total will of existing. Agree that call it love is not wrong because real love is when we as humans flow without hindrance, and any hindrance is just a mental barrier that prevent us to perceive the real flow of existence , then hate, torture and anything is love but we don't perceive it, but call it love is very misleading What day? That's impossible . Everything that happens is relative appearance, and the appearances are infinite, that means no finish. The reality flows infinitely, and what we call suffering, horror, pain, evilness is the same than a chemical reaction in the mud. Only the meaning that we give define it as suffering, from a wider perspective is nothing .
  2. For me it is, but after I had breakthroughs with the others. Now weed is one of the most powerful substances to open the mind to the unlimited , but could be just relaxing, just confusing, paranoid, etc. Depends of your vibration
  3. Thanks for appreciate. I haven't, but if i have it would named: spirituality without spiritual bullshit I'm too far to be able to talk about enlightenment properly, maybe one day, or maybe not. I think that if you want to talk about this topic as a "master" you have to be in the absolute openess, without hindrance. Not easy , maybe impossible, but who knows
  4. Saying that truth is love is misleading, and the word "truth" too. it implies saying: hey brother, that the Apaches skin your family alive in front of you and then bury you in an anthill to be devoured alive by ants for a week, is love! What sense does this have? confusion and appear as special and spiritual. We are humans and we have a language. Love means one thing, being tortured means another, and that's it. Let's use the language to communicate, not to appear so profound Usually when people use the word love they mean attachment, 99% of times, there is very few people who says, I love a duel with axes. No, they love their grand mother and that, because they feel protected, comfortable and at home. Not because they see in their grand mother the power of creation of existence. Then why to use that word?
  5. I think it's quite simple, existence exist, it's obvious. There are not limits, because any limit would be something, then would be existence, so limits are impossible because would be limitless. They are, but just apparently. Then the potential is infinite, inevitable, and a fact. This now is the infinite potential, that is, the existence, in a concrete appearance. Appearance because from an infinite perspective is just existence, without form, like anything else, but from a limited, relative perspective is a defined form. it's impossible to think in the infinity, because thoughts are relative, what means that are always a contrast between two possibilities, and therefore limited. Thought cannot encompass the unlimited because contrast would have to be eliminated, and with it thought itself. Then, if you want to put yourself in a infinite/absolute perspective, you have to stop thinking. But you can't because there are a lot of energetic structures based in survival, fear, genetically implanted by evolution that grabs your balls and create the need of control that's the main barrier that keep you limited. Then, you just have to break this barrier and become unlimited. The thing is that from an absolute perspective there are not forms because everything is exactly the same: existence. There are not dimensions, differences or anything. Divide yourself by infinity, and that's it. Then, it's the same the Dr mengele cutting your dick and making you eat it or the perfect body of your girlfriend when you make love. Just existence.
  6. Islam is the kingdom of oppression. They need a revolution, like the french revolution or the Russian revolution. Maybe it starts in Iran
  7. Sure, but maybe was worse that Biden and Victoria Nuland created the Ukrainian war to make business and "fuck the Europeans". It's difficult to be more evil than them.
  8. The logical proof is very simple: existence is infinite, then you are a part of the infinity, any part of the infinity is infinite, then, you are the infinity
  9. He has a daughter right? I'd like to know is his daughter works cleaning houses or what An Indian rich guru who worked in bank and came from a rich family
  10. Brilliant, I would add only absence of fear
  11. Ramaiah was rich, sadhguru has more millions than he can count. He was a successful business man before being a guru. Are they enlightened? Supposedly yes
  12. Agree. In the very near past, 99.9% of humans had a tribal mentality, which is totally limiting, and towards real spirituality something impossible and religion something necessary. The majority is still tribal and egoic, but the number of free minds, or those with the possibility of freeing themselves, grows exponentially. I would say that in a few years being truly enlightened will not be so rare. You have a lot of preconceived ideas of how things should be, how an enlightened guy should be. Should he have a beard?
  13. Let's say that existence is the fact of existing, being. that is the essence of reality and our ultimate nature. You are a human with some characteristics but you could be anything else, what you really are is the substance of what you are made of, and that substance is existence, which is synonymous with infinite potential. Existence is not something abstract, mysterious, a wildcard idea to explain things, it is you. The forms are infinite but the substance is always the same, if you manage to completely erase the form for a moment, you will see what you are, what you have always been, without beginning or end or dimension. It is not something mythological, it is something normal, inevitable and absolute
  14. Maybe in some point a revelation comes to you, and you see clearly and without any doubt that you have to explain to others how to open themselves to the real, or maybe not. You don't need to be a martyr, just channel the truth, don't be a fraud Yes he talk very indian way, that's why there is some weird feeling with him Imo you have to be absolutely enlightened, and maybe no human in the world is. Maybe it's something that has to arrive, maybe not in this time, maybe yes. The human mind is evolving fast, let's see what happens
  15. The absolute potential is the existence. It means that everything is, because in eternity, or infinity, potential=real. If the reality is limitless, how could anything not being? Just the possibility is equivalent to real, because here and now is the eternity, so time is a creation, a potential dimension that appears, then there are infinite dimensions in all the directions infinitely, so you can't stop being, you will be always, because you are the totality, like me or anything else. It's infinite, no finish.
  16. Sadhguru is the example of that, he manages an empire that moves hundreds of millions, reaches everywhere, and is heard all over the world. It gives me a strange vibe but quite intelligent people follow him and don't doubt his legitimacy. Maybe it's the real deal, who knows. What is clear is that none of us who speak in this forum is at the necessary level to go out into the world to reveal the truth, still very far from that. If you want to go out into the world, write a book, speak in public, you must be absolutely enlightened, completely. if not you are a fraud and a joke (like most spiritual teachers btw)
  17. If you contemplate the implications of infinity, the obvious conclusion is that any point in infinity is itself infinite. So, if you are imagining your wife, that image is infinite, therefore she is the whole reality. A thought is an energetic movement that is as infinite as a universe, nothing can be finite in the infinite, nor is there a difference between inside and outside. Your mind is infinite, therefore your mind is all reality, but your mind at the same time is within infinite minds. Leo's explanation: you are creating your wife, she is finite, and therefore cannot be true. It is true in part, since you are the totality of reality and you are creating everything that exists, but your wife is also true, and so is a proton, then the proton is inside of your mind, and you are inside of a proton
  18. You do not remember what you were before you were born or in deep sleep because who remembers is the relative self, and it simply did not exist before you were born and in deep sleep it is deactivated. If you are able to see through the relative self, you perceive what you are as absolute, the totality of existence, then you know what you were before you were born, the same as what you are now, the total existence. The relative self is the barrier that veils the perception of the absolute, to perceive the absolute the relative self must stop temporarily, then reality is perceived in the absolute perspective, without dimension
  19. I'm putting in words what I experienced and understood when I totally stop my mind, not what I learned. I totally understand what you mean with love, but it's still in the relative. Your feelings are not the absolute, are relative to that song or to something else. The love is made of the material of the absolute, like the hate, but realizing the absolute needs a step back
  20. You could call it love but for me that's not totally exact. If you totally empty your mind means that there is not relative anymore, then the absolute can manifest. Really the relative is the absolute, but as it has many facets and over all as we as a human have bias against the "negative", we perceive it veiled, blocked. The absolute is the totality of existence without form, the absolute potential. This is the absolute will of existing, that is the same than existence, that has positive push because it has not opposite, that you call love, but love is not that imo, not exactly. When leo say: it's love because it's unity, thats wrong , it's still bias against separation. It's not unity, it's totality, there is a nuance. The absolute is the being that emerges from the absence the limits, and that's what we are. That is everything that was, is or will be, in it everything is included, and there is not inside or outside, not part and whole, because it's infinite. Infinite has not dimension, it's not big, huge, or anything, is just infinite, without dimension, the dimensions happen in it. Then people say, the relative is an illusion, a dream. It's totally misleading, because relatively it's real. Relative is relative, and that's it, can't not be because there are not limits that prevent that the absolute reflects in itself infinitely creating infinite appearances, then they are. They could say: they happen just in your mind, then they are a dream. But inside of your mind is the same than outside, a thought is the same than a stone, they are reflections of the infinity that creates perfect forms in perfect balance
  21. You are mixing the absolute and the relative. That way never works. The brain exist, obviously, like the earth, atoms and everything. They are the relative manifestations of the absolute. The spirituality that deny the relative, the science (ejm leo ) , is incomplete, just a way to feel superior with a shortcut that leads nowhere. A though is as real as a stone, it's a relative structure. If you want to really open yourself to the absolute, you have to make your mind more plastic and abandon those ideas about the thoughts and that
  22. @James123 in deep sleep you dissapear because your brain stops. Your brain is the relative experience, that has a beginning and and end, but you are the absolute are not just that, this is a manifestation of the absolute. The absolute is the whole, then when you are in deep sleep I'm awake, I'm another facet of you, but you can't see it because you are attached to the relative you, that's why you say that about deep sleep, because you can't detach yourself from the relative. The absolute is the substance of the reality, has no dimensions, it's the being, the source of the dimensions. To realize it you have to turn off the relative, that of deep sleep is in the relative realm
  23. Sure, then let's someone torture you with fire for a while and ignore it
  24. Illusion is a misleading word that the "spiritual" people use to make the others feel that they are very special and know something very mysterious. There is not illusion, there is relative perspective, the experience. When they say: you don't exist brother! You are dreaming!!!! You Could translate it as: I'm a looser that want to be special. It's so annoying, spirituality is something real, but that shit is a big hindrance because the people is full of ego For now for me the best way to describe the thing is that there are two perspectives, one relative, the experience, that is perception, what means that is relative to other things. And another the absolute perspective, that is what you are without relationship with anything else. What you are without relationship with anything else is not silence, or deep sleep or that things that means nothing, is existence, the totality. The totality exist because has not opposite, non existence doesn't exist, then the totality exist always, out of the time. The totality has a character, it's not neutral, because there is not balance between existence and non existence, because only existence exist, then it's positive push, that's why there are infinite big bangs and that. You are that and everything is that, inside your mind is the totality of the existence, and you are inside of the totality of existence, inside and outside and equal in infinity, same than the part and the whole. If you want to see what you are, you have to totally empty your mind until even the feeling of you body dissapear, absolutely nothing, totally void, then what existence is is manifested
  25. Deep sleep is just a mental idea, same than death or birth. If your memory is totally erased, where is deep sleep?