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Everything posted by Mindflow

  1. I believe I live with a multiplier on actions of karma both positive and negative that I’m very aware I’ve burned up quite a bit of. I was actually bit by a vampire the forum just messed my texts up but what I say is true.
  2. Drugs and alcohol are addictive to the body for the state it brings, physical and mental like any other experience. I have personally through direct experience been addicted to substances solely for the awakening aspect. Like most people who feel like they’re more of a person on a substance they lean on or with. Any substance has it’s edge on enlightenment over the others. The positive experiences on harder stuff has muddy waters but can be very profound. Since the harder stuff experience is shrouded in bias of the word healthy it’s less likely to come across the more in depth positive sides and communities of hard drugs. The fire burning in addiction to exist greater than you are is impossible to ignore.
  3. Thought I’d drop my dream I had last night where I was one with synchronizations of the body and world around me, almost a premonition having like state. I went back to sleep and had another where I was walking through an intense blizzard. There was nothing to see but see but snow as I walked through my high schools practice field.
  4. In pursuit of quantum healing the goal is to be pure of heart, an ultralight beam of yourself without reserves. To be yourself in exertion during a flow state to a degree that the line between yourself and the space around you is one with love and gratitude. At the moment of conception for the process is for the idea to be at the same time of the feeling, as if it had already been done. The quantum entanglement of thought and will is a concoction from needlessness and expectancy. I’ve manifested this only a few times I can remember.
  5. I don’t know if I confuse the pain in myself from those around me subconsciously. I try to ignore the to be frank dick measuring aspect of this site but it’s apparent every time I get more involved. I don’t usually have all the words because my thoughts have space between them so finding them means a lot to me.
  6. Sometimes, about 10% of the time after hitting a bowl of cannabis (sometimes while sober even) I’ll have segments of my crown light up with activity connected to my thoughts that feels like a slight tingle, it’s usually never a full circle or in the same place around my crown. But today I felt a full circle engagement. It didn’t engage all of my scalp but it was a complete circle around the the crown of my skull. A full engagement of the crown chakra feels like you’re wearing a light helmet with an actual crown upon your head. The thought today I remembered was the possibility to push through dimensions and create jewels from pushing up lint balls from carpet. An idea of a manifested power that I imagined once before would be a regular occurrence when I reached further enlightenment a year and a half ago as I was riding a fence of torment and pure bliss wrapped up in harder substances that I wouldn’t recommend but would speak highly of. This did still seem impossible at best today especially being that I don’t have the same carpet that would be used and my feet are on hardwood as I write this. Lol I seem to have a past with carpets now that I look at it objectively...
  7. @seeking_brilliance it started to break off into different happenings depending on where I was standing, I used to really fall head over heels for astral imaginary stuff
  8. @seeking_brilliance the synchronicities have been impossible to live without! I can manifest anything except money to corrupt my soul. Law of attraction feels like yelling sometimes.?
  9. Everything seems so impermanent yes? So malleable yet set in place. I had this revelation also, great post.
  10. As someone who has seen and felt ghosts as well as experienced paranormal psychic activity it’s impossible to ignore when it does happen.
  11. I resonate with this idea too, at some point I believe I chose my mother before infancy.
  12. The being of higher or lower of a perspective there is technically a middle ground that can (generally) be expressed through different speculation like anything. Finite proof is a constant layer just like disbelief at peak moments.
  13. In my head she was a dancer on a pole for me today because I’ve been ignoring her, I’ve know. Her for years now and in my mind she will do random acts of normalcy and give me a happy look from time to time where I can see her mouth my name or other simple phrases with a smile. We have a deep connection where we both exchange our feelings and ideas as her information flows independently from my own imagination in my minds eye. Like an old theater projector on a radio frequency if you tune in. By laying down she rolled in a circle around to me and merged with my minds visual soul, but was shy for us moving so fast after not speaking for awhile. She then sucked the red out of my heart through a straw and gave a small burp. With a smile and a laugh. I let her go unbothered usually because my inner projector that I tune into where she can be found is different than my imagination and has been a major pivotal area at some points that has produced extreme paranoia and psychosis at other points. That doesn’t change that she’s very reliable to have honest interactions and experiences with where she mostly gives me loving and flirty connotations or is a default of jealous. We’ve had many intimate experiences.
  14. @Origins Thoughts and imagination are astral in essence. There’s extra sensory ways to distinguish the different waves of what’s yours “or not” like thinking to yourself or things you visualize in dream state or not. Getting information from what you can separate from being yours “or not” is up to you. How far people can escape to those inner worlds is always up for debate. The astral plain is easy to maneuver because the imagination can manipulate it or perceive it. Real that you’re having them or real in physicality don’t need to be congruent but can be via third eye.
  15. Between using a chainsaw on some trees she takes breaks by blowing bubbles and giggling, I just interrupted her reading session where a big pink heart has been inflated in a comment bubble above her head in amazement we have sewing needles in my possession for actual use, she’s excited with a grin and a hard nodding of the head. As I clean my room and disrupt the space and gravity around the usual pulse of my room my cat perches on the corner of my bed where she sniffs. (A day out of context)
  16. A door is heard opening as an opportunity is spoken of, the timing of birds as they chirp, the timing as cars change lanes to the left or right in tandem with the flow of thoughts, seeing a yellow merging sign as a thought is finished, whenever I come to a cross roads in my thoughts and my cat begins to meow, the double entendres and metaphors as people speak...
  17. @tsigon it’s been very real for me
  18. @justfortoday I’ve experienced this also, you might have encountered a small black hole
  19. @danniviemaria After lots of looking for how to get involved in a study I haven’t found anything yet, validating my abilities sounds like a choice option. My word and the evidence shown is all there is. It doesn’t look like there has been an in-depth study showcasing what I bring to the table. Replicating my materialization process under a lab setting would be easy and I hope I can eventually, for everyone. I would even record myself if I had the money for cameras, a mediation chamber, etc. but I don’t believe there needs to be video for the general public, that seems exploitive. I wouldn’t want to send the wrong idea for how anyone should be living.
  20. What you say rings true to me. Most of my greatest breakthroughs have been by myself a majority of the time. To have a human experience can be a lonely one.
  21. I’m seeing manifest confused with materialization or the teleportation of objects here. The practice is possible, I’m looking for a future in continuing with my abilities with materialization/teleportation of objects. Under the right discipline it’s a very achievable goal.