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About daemons

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  1. I've been listening to Leo's episodes for a while now. In a number of them, he will make reference to people having talent, or ability. Sometimes it's just general ability or skill and in other episodes it may also relate to paranormal ability. Whether it is normal or paranormal is beside the point here, but he says this for both examples. He will say something like "maybe some peoples brains are just wired a certain way" or "their grey matter is structured a particular way". This is not word for word quoted but it is the gist of what he says. How can we have idealism on the one hand whereby everything is an illusion of consciousness, and then have the ability to do things limited by [what I'm assuming is] the ""physical"" or chemical makeup or the ""wiring"" of a human's brain (materialism) on the other? If idealism is truth, shouldn't that mean any person, with enough mental effort, is able to achieve anything? I like mostly all of Leo's content, but I keep hearing him saying this about the human brain and it's begun annoying me.
  2. I'm no expert on this, but I don't see the 2 statements as being equal. "You are everything" is different to "everything is you". One is egotistical, and the other is the opposite of egotistical. If you are everything, the importance is on you. If everything is you, the importance is on everything.
  3. I recently woken up from stage Blue/Orange. I watched the series on Spiral Dynamics, it gave me some peace and comfort about having my entire understanding of reality shaken to the core. I maintained a very loose belief in God having come from a high control religion where the beliefs about God, universe and reality are very dogmatic because I felt nothing is absolute. I'm an average Joe. Im a dad, a husband, I go to work every week. What are the best practical steps to continuing my spiritual journey?
  4. Opinions come from one's knowledge, and one's knowledge comes from a collection of opinions. I think this question is very complicated to answer and I haven't thought about it enough.
  5. Broad answer to this is to accept that there is no "good" or "bad". Everything just is what it is at that point in time. We get very indoctrinated into believing that there is good and bad, and we apply that style of thinking onto everything, especially other people. Consider, do you think of yourself as a good or bad person? Most would say "i'm a good person" but no one is wholly "good". If you are honest you will admit that you do "bad" things too in the past, but that doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone else is just like you. You might experience only one tiny snippet of time in the timeline of someone else's life and it can be a bad experience. Your impression of that person will then be "bad" and you might think of that person as "bad", a road rager for example. But that person thinks of themselves as "good". lol so there is no good or bad. there is only relativity based on perspective. Personally I currently use SD to give me comfort in knowing what has happened to my own mind, and then also it helps me to understand how other think and act, so it allows me to cut them more slack and become more tolerant.
  6. Interesting story Jay Ray. It makes me think of people that are hypnotized. They are moving and doing things but it's not "them" doing it. I am new here and just reading and learning from everyone's stories.
  7. My answer to this is to teach openmindedness. You mentioned showing them information as a trade off. If you can ask them "how would you feel if you were a transexual and ... happened?" it will increase their empathy for others - regardless of their lifestyle, which is a stage Green value. The catch is, if you don't understand stage Blue or haven't lived it, is that to even just _imagine_ being a transexual for a stage Blue person is very difficult, unpalleteable and probably even "wrong". This is why I say to teach them openmindedness. First they have to be able to imagine things that for them are taboo or downright unacceptable. If you haven't seen it yet, watch Leo's video on openmindedness. It helps you understand what it feels like when your truth or paradigm is being questioned. This is what will happen to your Blue friend when you try to get them to discuss things that are counter to their religious faith.