Dany Balan
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Everything posted by Dany Balan
Dany Balan replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Apparition of Jack Hi, I haven't been active on the forum for 4 years, I don't like Trump at all, but haven't the last 4 years been perfectly predicted by me in the post above? I think that Putin needs some kind of appeasement policies similar to what Neville Chamberlain did to Hitler, unless you want all out war. -
I am 22 years old and for about 6 months when I want to have sex with my girlfriend almost every time my dick wont get hard no matter what,it only gets semi hard if I or my GF masturbate my dick with the hand,but without hand stimulation my dick wont get up.What is wrong with me? I never drink,never used drugs,I work out daily,I checked my testosterone it is 704 ng/mol,i don't have diabetes,i cant seem to understand why it is happening to me... I also have to mention that i almost never have morning wood.I take zinc,d3,and vitamin C but still nothing,when i watch porn my dick does not get hard at all,the only way my dick gets up is if i stimulate it with my hand,but as soon as i stop stimulating it goes down.What can i do to fix my issue? I am desperate for help,and i dont want to use viagra or any other pills.
@StarStruck Awesome response i will do just that to see if there are any improvements.
@integral For 2 months now!
@integral I eat 2 eggs daily. I have a perfect diet and my exercise routine is 6 days a week of training. But still yesterday when i tried to have sex with my GF my dick was bad.I managed to get semi hard but i instantly cummed. ANd after that my dick stoped working att al.
@Salvijus I do want to have sex all the time but my dick wont get up when i think about sex or seeing porn or with my GF.
@Eph75 Should I explore with a therapist like a psychologist or with an urologist? So bassically what i should do is forget for a bit about my dick issues and start addressing the root of my depresion which is that i have 22 years old and i feel like i am behind everyone my age in terms of finnances and success in general.Also i should focus more on meditating and more socializing because i am introverted as hell.
@JoeVolcano when i was like 19 when i first had sex to a girl my dick instantly got rock hard just after we took our clothes off,now unless my GF puts her hand and strokes my dick,my dick wont get hard no matter what. Another issue is that i never have morning wood and porn does not get me hard .I was never a porn addict. What could i do to restore my sexual ability?
@TurquoiseAngel A general Doctor.
@TurquoiseAngel yes and the doctor told me upon physical examination that I am perfectly healthy!But something is wrong that i can not get hard while seeing sexual images or with a partener.
I also never smoke and i am in perfect shape and i almost never watch porn,i only watch it to see if i can get an erection while watching but still no erection,i want to have sex all the time but my dick just wont get hard unless i use my hand and when having sex with my GF if we get it hard i almost imidiately ejaculate sometimes even before i get to penetrate
I could i say i love the Fuhrer! In 1940 the Soviets wanted to annex an even bigger part of Romania than they already did until then,but because the territories they wanted to annex belonged pre WW1 to the Habsburg Empire he refused to let the Soviets take it. So because of Hitler my grandparents weren't deported to Siberia and starved there to death,as happened to the Romanians that lived in the territories that were agreed by Germany and the Soviets in the Molotov Ribentrop pact. I could say that i own my existence to Hitler.
I see a lot of news lately of intense russian military presence near the Donbas region,region which is being ocuppied currently by Kremlin-Backed separatists. Given the public intention of regaining the influence of the Soviet era for his Russia...I am really concerned for Ukraine...If he invades many people will die because of his selfish reasons.Also i am extra concerned because i live 20km away of the Ukrainian border in Romania. I hope that the west can do something to stop Russia from destroying Ukraine. What do you think it will happen? Is Putin just toying with the west or he really intends to do harm?
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hulia Wow! Russian propaganda machine is reaching completely new levels! And the sad thing is that the russians really believe that Biden is so eager to meet Putin because he wants to discuss about worlds problems... It is just sad how selfish and deceiving Putin's regime is! May God be with Ukraine and may peace prevail over it's territory! -
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Many of us are way too disconected from war! And we call a conflict which in reality is a fucking war!!! More than 13.000 thousand ukrainian men died and you call that a low intensity conflict?? bruv that is disturbing to read.... have a bit of compassion for people that are living in terror for more than 7 years!!! -
Leo,in his spiral dynamics videos,hinted that in the near future,he will release courses on how to enbody specific stages. I would pay 500$ just to learn how to integrate healthy stage red and stage blue elements. I would love a course which trains you on how to become more attuned to missing elements from lower stages. EG you are stage green and you heavily miss stage blue discipline and stage red boldness and ruthlessness. I would love to see somewhere in the future those courses available on actualized.org Question for Leo:How far into the future you plan on releasing those courses on SDI or any other course for that matter?
@Leo Gura Again,thanks a lot for giving us those outstanding insights on spiral dynamics! I benefited tremendously from the SDI series. The stage red episode is unmatched on any realm of human endeavour. I thank you very much for all the work you do,but especially for the SDI series,that changed me the most!
@Preety_India Spot on! Tottaly agree!
@Preety_India Your take on this matter is awesome!If i had a daughter,i would not let her marry a loser,i would want her to marry a man that will give her the best life possible!
TRUTH!The best quote ever on corruption!
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Gesundheit true -
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
What are you guys thinking about this? -
without that book there would have been even more crime and genocide and gore in history.Don't talk down to the bible,without it the society we know today would have been extremely degenerate! Watch your tongue
Dany Balan replied to Apparition of Jack's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
To me this forum has a problem in heavily demonising stage blue and orange! This forum demonises people like Eliot Hulse that does his best to counter unhealthy aspects of today society with healthy stage blue solutions! -
@Leo Gura I live in a very corrupt country.An activist from my specific county that has fought for the last year to try to stop illegal masive deforestation,that went on to follow trucks full with timber every day just to make sure the police come and arrest them thieves,has been severely injured by the "Wood Mafia". He now risks to have both leg paralysis. It turned out that the police were hand in hand with the forest thieves,the police just appeared at his calls just as a facade,in reallity the thieves give commision to the cops to let them rob the forests of the carpathian mountans without any legal consequences. I wrote the above to highlight that acts of stage green activism in an highliy corrupt counties lead to the death or severe injuries of the activists. So,what can do an idividual in order to impact even with 0.1% the reduction of corruption? What the collective society/collective ego,needs to do in order to reduce corruption? How long does it take for a country as a whole,to diminish substantially the corruption?