Dany Balan
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Everything posted by Dany Balan
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@bejapuskas I was making a point that the higher echelon of people in my country,are leaving my country for the lack of infrastructure and low income! I wonder what kind of measures must be taken in order to facilitate our best educated people to remain in the country rather than to go west-wards for better infrastructure&better wages! What measures must be taken by the leaders in order to create better conditions for the elites that motivate them to remain & how can the goverment can facilitate jobs for everyone that has finished highschool just for earning money to meet their basic needs so they can expand! By watching Leo's video''s we understand that you can't pursue a higher way of living when you are struggling for food and shelter..... -
Dany Balan replied to Dany Balan's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Another question would be how can a leader/leaders raise the people of the country on the spiral,what needs to happen -
Dany Balan replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura For me i don't like either Trump nor Biden.But i think that Trump is more of a powerful leader than Biden will be! I live in eastern europe and i fear that if Biden will be president Putin will toy around with him! And i fear that Putin might get out of control in eastern Europe and he could anex Belarus and even more parts of Ukraine! Trump at least has the balls to stand up to him if he gets out of hand! I fear if Biden will be president Putin will become a real threat to Europe! I live in Romania and i fear things going bad in the region! -
@tuckerwphotography Stage blue dying minority?Stage blue is the most common stage of all in today's society! Just because you are at orange/green that is why you think it is a minority because you are not aware of all the other people!!! I live in Romania,and here to my awareness 50 is at blue,15 at orange and 30% at red! and 5 procent at purple, this is population wise not developmental society wise! And we are talking about a second world country!!! The world right now needs in the 3rd world countries way more blue influence, in the 2nd world countries more orange and in the first world ones more green!A world society where 30 is at yellow is so distant in the future we cant even imagine! To me y'all on this forum overestimate human beings on the spiral!!! To me right now we are in the fucking dark ages,in 70% of the countries the vast majority of people have a behaviour that relates more to the one of an animal than to a good responsible human being!!!!!!!
@Rasheed I tottaly agree with you! Just my whole point is that we should take action 10 times more than we read! That is all i say!
@Rasheed I agree with your point to some extent.But if me and you, both,decide to learn how to play piano in just 6 months,who is going to play better piano after 6 months?you that have only read the whole 6 months books on how to play piano or me that has read 0 books and just sat in front of the piano multiple hours everyday trying to figure out how the piano works! BE HONEST
Read only when you ecounter a problem in your life and in a book you find the exact blueprint on how to resolve that particular problem.Reading 1 book a week? WTF?! After 1 month passes and i ask you what you read you barely remember 1 or 2 main ideas.Read only when action fails and you need a blueprint to guide you! Please watch this video!
To give my own oppinion,maybe Jesus Christ's teachings about Adam and Eve's ancestral sin could be a answer! I am a Christian and i am biased but maybe God's will is for alive beings to experience duality! Both suffering&hardship and bliss&well being!And any kind of little bliss state must be hard earned!I don't take Christian teachings litteraly but rather as metaphors for spiritual understanding! Maybe that is God's will and that the reality we experience must be this way! Without only rainbows and butterflies!
I can only hope that Leo sees this and gives his thoughts on this one!
@EntheogenTruthSeeker He has actually evolved! His newest videos uploaded in the last year are pure gold!!! Stage green is not better than blue! Each stage builds up on the previous ones! Going green when you have not mastered,purple,red,blue and orange creates toxic human beings! What you call toxic masculinity is what the world needs the most in those time of male pussyfication! He has evolved tremendously because he now understands HOW CRUCIAL fully embodying the stages of red,blue and orange are! When you are at green but you haven't embodied the lower stages is simply the most DESFUNCTIONAL way of living!