Dany Balan

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Everything posted by Dany Balan

  1. ba cosmin de ce il superi pe maestru nostru.... fi oleaca mai smerit,nu te da asa smecer
  2. 49 state landslide was only done once,by the greatest president the USA has ever had,the one and only RONALD REAGAN!
  3. Unfortunatelly,Phyladelphia,Turned blue all Pensylvania!!!! A terrible thing for the sanity of this planet is happening!
  4. @Geromekevin The late führer of the great german reich would be proud of you mate!
  5. Hope you socialist liberals get offended by this tweet!
  6. @Rilles It is not a very big problem right now,but time passes,the dirt under the rug piles up,and when it will be too much,it will blow up everything! Today's America says the contrary of what you said,Riots,looting and mass destruction sounds familiar to you? ,today's France is again showing that,Scandinavia also,all liberals,watch the news relating France ,and then have the nerve to try to prove me otherwise!
  7. @Space Coyote As long as liberals have centrist ideas and don't go to0 far left i am ok with them! i had a long day of work and i felt in the mood to ruin the mood of some SJW and to have a laugh,that is all!
  8. @Leo Gura The polls are misleading,eg. in my village in Romania,there is a great mayor that did a ton of good things for the village,and the former mayor,corrupt AF ,who had done nothing,ran again for the mayor office,everybody i knew,and everybody in general said prior the election that they will vote for the great mayor,after the election,the great mayor won,but from 2000 people that voted,the great mayor only got 1200 votes,800 people voted for the corrupt,and useless mayor, and prior the election,everybody,virtually everybody said that will vote the great mayor! The takeaway of this story is that people lie who they vote for just to not be judged by the others! Likewise the polls in America,everybody says that Biden is the positive change,but a lot of people that publicly say that will vote Biden, will vote for Trump,because regular people percieve Trump as a leader,and Biden as a slouch!
  9. If Trump wins, i can't wait to come to this forum to see all the triggered SJW cry! And i can't wait for the Leo Video,that will be uploaded on his blog,ranting about how bad Trump is!!! I just can't wait to laugh as hard as possible!!!
  10. I love your list!!! But the best way to integrate them is for Leo to make a course in which he teaches step by step how to embody each stage!!! I would be the first to buy it!
  11. All i can say to you is to read the photo below! Im not saying Trump is good or bad,i have no idea,if i don't live in the specified country i try to have no political biases! Leo shares his political agenda,the lamestream media shares it's biases too towards him,im not saying it is not true,but definitely i am not saying that it is actually TRUE! Think for a second,if he was the monster everyone on this forum describes him to be... Why the fuck 40 or 45 or whatever procent of the USA population will vote him in the election?
  12. @Leo Gura I already envision the elections from 2052 where I would bet my money that Leo would be running for the withe house! 100% Leo will run at some point in his life for president 100%
  13. I have the same problem! I don't know what is to be done about this! But i feel like that no advice in the world would change things,its about finding the inner spark that will move us to do the things we should! As of lately i stoped watching self help and rather try to find answers within myself about how to change this situation!
  14. @Leo Gura Can't wait for a course called: How to fully embody the healthy aspects of stage Red!
  15. @Leo Gura if you have a conflict with a stage red person,which stage should you embody to end the conflict? I notice when one embodies stage green the other person litteraly pisses on the green one! I am looking forward for you to release courses on how to fully embody the lower stages1!!!
  16. @Cosmoaria Wow,just wow,you provided an outstanding explication for deja vu but more outstanding is your explanation about eternalism.again wow,for the first time in my life i read something that for real renders my mind speechless!!! Huge respect for you!!!
  17. Friend,don't be so harsh on you,but if you want to be brutally honest do that in front of a therapist! Practically in what you shared with us you were talking from a green stage on the spiral to a red stage female! Red will always take advantage of green! Brutal honesty is a bad thing in my book, 99.999% of the people you are brutally honest with will manipulate and take advantage of your vulnerabilities with no remorse,even those you call best friends! Being brutally honest is a bad thing because 1. Nobody cares about the other person,each is only concerned about his own survival. 2. as i said earlier,not only in dates,but everyone you are bruttaly honest with will take advantage of you!! And regarding that girl.... mate you can find better girls,never date girls that had a promiscuous past. Its going to end in suffering for you. Try to find a girl that hasn't been with bad boys,a nice religious girl,that respects you and that hasn't been damaged by mean men in her past! Even though Leo doesn't like my way of viewing the world,I am talking from a purely stage blue perspective!!! To me all that green shit nonesense doesn't fly!
  18. @Leo Gura From what part of Russia did your parents came with you in the US? Are you planning to live in the future again in Россия?
  19. @Apparition of Jack Thanks so much for your elaborate response!!! So insightful and full of solutions regarding my questions! Firstly i have to do the inner work myself and move up the spiral from my current blue stage! My generation has lots of work to do before we can change something in the country! I can only hope that the tide will turn to a better fortune! But i have to find like minded people from my local county to try to help the better embodiment of the healthy parts of blue and red so that we can move towards orange! All i can hope that by the end of my lifetime i can help the entire country to embody the healthy aspects of red and blue and to raise the country to orange from the status of 2nd world to first world!
  20. I live in Romania,and it makes me sad that all of our high skilled people(Medics,Programmers,etc) leave the country to work abroad! I don't understand why a country that was used by the germans in ww2 as the main supplier of Oil&petrolium be so far behind in progress,when it could easily have been at the same level as Germany,France and many others! In terms of workforce,if you live in the country side you are basically screwed,there are almost no jobs for you to find,if you find a job to work in constructions you are lucky!That being said,how can Romania evolve in terms of meeting everyone basic financial needs,in other words how a country fully embodies Orange? I want that everyone that has finished highschool to be able to find a job that pays him just enough to be able to meet his basic needs! And ones that finish college,therefore learning a high-in demand skill like being an medic,an surgeon,an lawyer,to have immidiately at their disposal a job that will grant them high income! Also i want in my country the rise of entrepreneurship,the facilitation by the government of supporting bussineses! How can all of the above be achieved? What kind of leaders should a country have,or in what circumstances should it be to flourish? Basically how could a 2nd world country evolve into a first world one?
  21. @Shiva99 the thing is that you should read that book at least once a year after you stopped smoking to prevent relapse!
  22. I quit after reading Allens Carr book called easy way to quit smoking! And it is not the final hurdle! after you will stop smoking you will soon find out that is just the beggining of many new obstacles to overcome!
  23. @bejapuskas Thanks for the heads up!!! Must work on myself first,to change myself for the better and maybe others will follow my example if i improve myself!
  24. @datamonster I am going to check those out!!!
  25. @Happy Jay I read in a book that psychoanalysis is the worst form of therapy!! There also said that the best therapy is cognitive behavioral theraphy! the book is called the psychology of fear by Christope Andre Afterall talking all day about your problems is not going to help you in any way!!! Leo encourages psychadelic usage for desolving trauma... I feel bad that you have been traumatised as a child but remember anyone out here has been traumatised in one way or another,one more other less but everyone has trauma! I encourage you to stop taking antidepressants,to me those only numb you! Other than that once again i reasure you that everyone experiences huge amounts of pain one way of another,i mean everyone even Leo,Echart Tolle,anyone those who say that they are happy all the time are hypocrites,and pain is normal,it is normal that most of the time we feel negative emotions! Don't worry! Also i reccomend those 2 videos! and this one