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About humanProcess

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  1. Are you really trying to put a child in bad light just to hurt Trump. this video could of got you thinking about the media and not to copy such sort of actions they do.
  2. @Gidiot Its not really trolling actually. By throwing in some meat you can see how unbalanced they react to him, it exposes a lot.
  3. The media does nearly everything in there attempts to hurt Trump. Even spread out of context images and stories to make out children to be racist. Potentialy ruining their lifes (if there was no court to correct this)
  4. his the gist of what he had to say to Wolff. How much evidence do you need about marxism?
  5. @Eren Eeager taking a person serious is not worship. @louhad ofcourse he can easily debate an serious academic, that academic would be to scared and probably say he doesnt want to give jp a platform. He is himself an serious academic. no you can't take him serious, hope when you grow older you can try to understand what he says. When I was a young child I also thought people like JP were bad and then I grew older and learnt not to be obedient to everything the media wants me to believe.
  6. Not going to investigate every false acquisation JP gets, that would be a full time job.
  7. @louhad I think he is so popular because he debunks a lot of things that you are so attached to. Thats why you can't even take him seriously. All you can do is attack his character. Its childish, but I didnt expect differently from you.
  8. @Opo i was being to kind. Your first video is at a glance already full of nonsense Jordan could easily debunk. He wasnt debating a child but one of the respected journalist, one of the best they had. all the nonsense that was circulating about Jordan was very quickly debunked. But of course when that gets debunked immediately loads more of that comes into life. Thats how the media works. do you not see that media has a big agenda and everything that goes counter gets vilified?
  9. @Opo First watch the clip, or the extended version. nearly no other person gets so much scrutiny and still he debates on such a place. Or watch him around hostile left wing students because he thinks its not ok to put in law which language is alouid, were he just stays calm and explains himself. Not much people can do that.
  10. Yes they create very low level behaviour. Your right. If you want to be an idiot, then you should watch as much as possible , while drinking and complaining about the world with a other victim friend:
  11. @Opo Jordan is known to be able to debate in the most extreme circumstances. The interview i just gave was a case in point. The mainstream media interviewer tried to put him away as a mean evil person nearly every sentence. And he remained completly in control. This man is from outer space.
  12. @andyjohnsonman Its a long video i might look to it once. But the whole way the video works is not strong. He should be aloud to give counterpoints to the commenter. Now all the weaknesses of the commenter is not exposed. Thats to easy. My video the interviewer did get exposed in all different way on every try.
  13. @Lindsay This person goes straight against the mainstream and dares to ask questions about this. Beautiful how he dares to take another perspective. You need to be very strong for it. Listen for example this interview where they try to hurt his character nearly every sentence , evey try is a lie and try for character assassination and he survives. People don't want you to know his arguments!
  14. All those emotional reactions on page one. By now years and years of lies that Trump did this and that , you should know better. TRUMP TROLLED YOU!!!
  15. above: non dual energetic therapy (5-meo-dmt) below: Mixing energy internally Channel full of energetic exercises (healing tao , chi kung) @WellbeingSeeker We are energetic beings. Taoist (and diverse other traditions) learned about this ages ago. Time for the west to catch up. A full 5-meo energetic opening ego deaths you all into non duality, into god mode. Have an lively energetic day!