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About holderofhands

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  1. On rewriting the bible to interpret verses as condemning homosexuality, Information is very accessible but it seems like many people are still not aware. This makes me think of when Leo has brought up a certain barbarity in the bible as it was intended for the culture of ancient man. While this may be true, modern man has also had a hand in perversing it. https://pepperdine-graphic.com/what-does-the-bible-say-about-homosexuality/
  2. Is Bidens top tax at around 62% for some states too much? I know over-taxing can disincentivize people, while on the other hand it could be a good response to the disproportionate income inequality. I know under FDR it got up to 75% but I'm unsure of it's affects.
  3. Slightly compelling but still shaking off the bottom-up analysis of green. Interesting to see Derrida touch on postmodernism being analogous to virology, and seeing it unfold symbolically today