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Everything posted by Mulky

  1. Walk A LOT. And while walking make a point to constantly stay in the present moment experience especially the feelings in your body, and especially in your chest and stomache and face. You can do any technique for as long as you want but if you just want to get out of your head and be present this will do the trick, guaranteed. The first step you take won't instantly save you, you have to walk for a while and keep at this practice. Breath very deeply and work through the emotions that come up. Good luck
  2. I know what you mean here. At first I wouldn't miss one second of present moment mindfull awarnees. I started allowing myself unconscious days at some point. It was nice to go easy on myself. Now I find I go a bit to easy on myself in my practice, and end up giving myself way to many unconscious days. I wouldn't recommend it lol.
  3. I watch his channel to, really good guy and explains difficult stuff really well.
  4. You help a lot by being loving and supportive, it makes a big difference, but it won't solve all their problems.
  5. it doesn't matter if you fall asleep in there, it happens a lot from what I hear. Your mouth and nose naturally stay out of the water even if you fall asleep, you pretty much stay in a solid position aside from drifting ever so slightly. Might as well keep your eyes opened though, as it will give you a different experience than having your eyes closed. If you wipe your face or something you might get salt in your eyes, you might wanna keep a spray bottle and towel nearby, but once you get the hang that won't happen.
  6. Here is a funny story of how it went for me. 1.Read power of now, immediately started doing self inquiry right without knowing what it was, for a decent amount of time. 2.wanted the ego to completely go away, as in not even knowing there was a person there at all, not even knowing about a body, just wandering around with no reference to anything and just being awareness. Got forceful and impatient, learned about self inquiry, did it pretty much wrong and wasted a lot of time. 3.Did awareness watching awarness wrong for a while. Looking for a thing that is awareness, always found some kind of symbol of awarness, which wasn't the overall goal(but is part of it) 4. one day, after having done both of these off and on, and popped into the orignal practice i had started doing years ago, so in a way the incorrectly done practices did guide me back. 5.That practice is best described as existing as the knowing of existing, as the knowing of anything, as best you can. As just sitting(or standing or whatever)as the knowing of existence, which won't be much at first probably. 6. came to find out doing the first 2 practices "wrong" wasn't really wrong, it was just more outer stages of it. Still have a ways to go but feel like im finding my way back home. peace
  7. I've always thought of it as this, all you experience is appearance, same as a dream. When the sages have said the whole universe is an illusion, I have understood it in this way. If they meant something else, I hope I learn that eventually
  8. I watch prank videos sometimes and he would show up occasionally, never thought I would see him here. Just started watching but seems pretty cool so far. He just seems to be getting the reactions from his friends/family that you would expect from someone close to you who suddenly changes so drastically. It's weird because he is actually talking some pretty good sense so far and yet people are acting like he is crazy.
  9. Ok I think I had misunderstood what the rainbow body was referring to. Assumed it was some other embodied existence, so what I had originally posted was misinformed.
  10. You sound like a good concerned parent and I'm sure you'll do your best. No parent does a perfect job, I think if you just get good treatment going everything is going to be ok.
  11. I don't feel like I know or understand anything at all really. I don't feel like I can actually do anything. If i try to use my mind, it usually blanks out and cancels it out. Like if i tried to sit and imagine something on purpose, it would turn into some randomness and then stop, or continue being random. I don't feel like i can change anything, and I don't even really think I am anything, but yet I am not really enlightened because there is like no foundaition to anything at all but it doesn't feel comfortable. There was a time earlier, when it did feel comfortable, for a few years, and peaceful, for the most part. Whatever foundaition existed back then is gone now and I'm just waiting to see where I now land.. I guess. I can't meaningfully remember any earlier state of mind/conciousness/whatever, its just like a vague pretend copy thing of it, but vary rarely I get like a whiff of an earlier state or time in my life and it feels real for a moment. I used to have ideas and senses about unity/god harmony in a very real way but now I no longer do, it's possible I just got used to it and it is just normal now but then again I have literally no way of knowing that. It's also possible I feel just as peaceful as before and simply got used to it but again how could I ever know that. I realize I am probably deceiving myself in some way almost all the time, which makes it harder to actually know anything about where I am on the path. Thoughts and feelings sort of get intermingled and real subtle thought feeling things interplay with it all and so it starts to seem apparent that even on this very suble pre-word thought level self deception is happening, even on the pure feeling level. So yes I am completely lost and just hoping for the best. Let's see what else.. hehe. I used to read a lot of books and the words would help propel me into a deep and or freeing experience but now when I read a book or something it's like it doesn't even penetrate my mind in any meangingful way, it's like a dead experience... usually.. almost always. I have actually thought about starting an AA style support group for people on the path to help eachother through the difficulties on the path. Not necessarily to help anyone get enlightened, but to be there for each other through all of the hard experiences, I guess this sort of does that but I am thinking about having meetings locally where I live :). Anyway good luck all.
  12. Not sure if this helps, but I noticed my computer makes a constant sound at the same frequency, and I use my computer quite a bit. I am pretty sure this is why I have this frequency of sound constantly ringing in my ears,I find it sort of relaxing though.
  13. 130 dollars. He lost 100, and he lost 30 when he gave the man 30 dollars in change. He also gained 100 dollars at one point, but thats a different matter
  14. I actually did notice a big change in people over the last week or so. People are way more free and happy all the sudden, the vibe of everything has been different.
  15. Nothing is worse than having someone else put their weird ideas about the afterlife upon you. People are scared to be free in both life and death, they'll make up any kind of system of thought to hide from it.
  16. Isabel i haven't read all the other replies yet, but in this particular example, it means you had the false belief that you owned something. The anger shows your view of reality was shattered and the seemingly harsh truth(but actually quite happy) that no one can own anything flirts with you, shattering the false happiness the item gave you. You feel disrespected, which proves that at that moment you exist as a thing that can be disrespected by having a physical item taken from you. The item is part of your identity somehow. I know easier said than done, I am not happy when I get stolen from either, but this is whats going on with that. Edit:read the other replies and they had a lot of other useful types of insight, Barnas first post was reallly cool
  17. The social conventions he didn't respect, like most, didn't deserve any. If he was real, and in an advanced stage, it would have been like living with chimpanzees.
  18. Omniyoga, it's also faulty logic to assume "the conviction of having some great (but unrecognized) talent or insight or having made some important discovery", is automatically always not true.
  19. He still has a better grip on reality than Dr. Phil
  20. Or tell us something about yourself, I want to tell you I love you but I would just be telling the word ethanb121 on a screen I love it.