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Everything posted by Mulky

  1. I just found out about the Metaverse. I thought this post might be good to bring it up in, I am curious what everone's thoughts on it are. It seems like someone could get so immersed in it that realizing their existence outside of their technological overlay reality would be like a kind of enlightenment. Like I can imagine generations of people immersed in these lives so overlayed with technology that sages will tell them about the real world of physical existence. Which they would then have to become awakened to, in order to get to the level of awakeness we take for granted. It could be like going more into sleep, like a dream in a dream. I admit I know very little and it could be very cool but I see this as a real possibility.
  2. Reality being one, it is one infinite movement, there is no will but 1 universal will, as I see it, but even that is just a happening. Any experiencing of suffering taken place will not be the fault of anyone. The one being selfish had no control over whether they were selfish or not. So this conscious experience of suffering was in no way created by the experiencer of the suffering. The imaginary individual who suffers is a real experience happening, but it just happened, through no fault of anyone. My question is, why does this suffering need to happen at all, I am so baffled by this.
  3. but if reality is infinite, shouldn't there be an infinite amount of existence in which selfishness is rewarded. And being infinite isn't there infinite place in reality for law of attraction to not exist in. Shouldn't there be infinite number of places where everything we work so hard for automatically is and the lessons we have learned aren't needed. If reality is infinite aren't all of these things just slightly more universal than our own local customs.
  4. Ya, like a river or volcano or whatever. Thoughts seem really close to you so it seems like you're doing it. No one is really doing it. The "you" stuff is also just happening, seems even closer, but still you aren't controlling or doing it. I don't think there's a you, I mean, I do think that, but I know I'm wrong
  5. While looking at cute elderly dogs being loved by their owners on a reddit, this kind of hit me. Life has really always wanted to be nice to itself, and has been working toward this time when it can now start to happen on this planet. When People will take care of any kind of living thing no matter what survival challenge it has, to the best of their ability. I understand that ultimately, life always loves itself, no matter how mean something seems to be, but now, it has moved toward happiness of living beings, which it always wanted.
  6. This is where I got stuck. Had a great deal of trouble putting it into words until Leo's last video, and forgive me if he covers it but I am only partway through and want to get this out before I forget. This comes in the form of bias against people coming up and talking to you in ways that distract you or lower your state of consciousness. Bias against people talking about time, or anything time related. Bias against any influence which you feel will have an obstructive/detrimental effect on your spiritual deepening in a sort of automatic subconscious way that you can't just prevent by some active process. Bias against activities that prevent you from being able to be a passive observer. Feeling that there is no free will, and everything is being caused by everything else, bias against influences that will have an effect on surroundings of this experience of life{you}, that will result in an experience which in no way has any depth or real profound consiousness. Bias against things that will lower your state of consciousness. This seems like the tricky part. I got so lost in this that I have not recovered from it years later.
  7. Thank you guys, I am not sure who Abe is, if it's Abraham Hicks I actually don't know much about them. Leos last video helped me more than probably any so far and you guys have also helped.
  8. You are saying to be aware and accept the inner desire that wants peace and now wants to avoid all bias. Immediately my mind tries to do the same thing with the method you just described. So now if I understand, I need to accept and observe even that and not try to do anything about it. IT feels like I have on one level I know this is going on but it still has not come to an end. I am willing to try what you suggest.
  9. I have suspected that might be the case, and I think you are right. I thank you, and Leo for the video.
  10. This is a very true observation I had forgotten, I do appreciate the advice.
  11. This, I have a bias toward having this not happen. The things you said make a great deal of sense, and I myself once had this kind of understanding, but don't now. Some form of events must have happened to make that be the case, I have a bias against those types of events, and my current state in which I don't truly understand in any real way anymore, and the resulting suffering. The fact of the matter is there were times when I was at perfect peace, and there were very real types of things that caused that to end. I began to notice those things, and developed a bias against them. I feel my next step which is greatly helped by the video is to move past all bias, even for peace, happiness, oneness ,anything at all.
  12. It's weird to say the rock has a POV to me, because it's thinking of the rock as 1 thing, like we usually think of people. The rock is a rock, 2 halves of rocks, a billion tiny pieces of rocks, all the cells, whatever, you can look at it however you want, making it 1 thing is just done through thinking of it as 1 thing. So how could it have like 1 perspective, like a rock looking at you. If that was the case, there would be an infinite number of those perspectives happening, cause 1 rock is also howevery many smaller rocks making it up split up in as many ways as you want. So how could there be like an observer associated with the rock like that, I just can't wrap my head around that. I also have trouble wrapping my head around the idea of consciousness doing things, being things, etc. Anything that does anything or creates things etc is phenomena, it's on some level an object, not consciousness. Consciousness isn't a thing, Even if the rock "had" a pov, the rock still wouldn't exist because the rock would still not be the pov itself, and so would not ever really exist. If it's not the actual pov, its association with the pov just happens to seem to be the case at the time, because they are not synonymous they will not be able to called the same thing, like your body and the experience of life. They happen to seem to be going on at the same time right now, but we know that won't always be the case, they are not synonymous. These are my semi confused ramblings on this subject.
  13. Ya I feel pain of people around me. The thing is though, as of late I have had no choice but to be around so many people in so much pain that I don't even notice anymore, and I believe this might be the way it is for most people.
  14. When I was a kid I saw what was in my experience a ghost. He was just standing in my living room where I was sleeping. Never since then has anything like that happened. I don't consider myself a big ghost person, and don't even know if that was a ghost, but that is what it seemed like to me. Most of my family also thought it was haunted, as did the new residents living there when I visited like 20 years later. Also what is weird, my parents then moved into another house which turned out to also be haunted. My parents seemed to be really into this kind of stuff, as was one of my sisters, me not so much.
  15. I actually did do this for about a year, listening to music maybe once a month. When I did listen to music it was amazing. Now if you notice, even if you watch a video about how to do your taxes, there will be music in the background. Everything has music just for the sake of having music, I would like to avoid bad music, but that is difficult. I feel like there is no point in an ok song. An ok song is fun to play, and fun for the person playing, but there is no point in me listening to an ok song. Give me an amazing song or give me quiet time
  16. They might be, but I feel many people describing it probably don't have it all figured out. I made a post about an idea I had about coral once, but I really think it might just be a part of turqoise I was talking about rofl. I felt that coral would become very powerful and uncompromising and redefine everything, making stage reds shenanigans obsolete. Gaining the power to declaw stage red completely. You see people below green aren't going to care about anything you have going on in tier 2. They're god is currently money, status, and survival. Nothing stage turquoise or anything we talk about here is real to them, money and power struggles are real. Until you show them a higher power they won't care at all. Their paradigm has to be shattered. It has to be like they instantly know beyond a doubt the power lies in this path, in a very real and undeniabe way. It as to be that they instantly know what they want comes from the path. Stage red is like a fire raging, but coral might be like a bright sun shining nonstop and in no way yeilding, but doing so in a way of pure love. it may be yielding in it's actions, but not in it's presence and truth. This is scary and dangerous, and not a hippy thing, this is a balls type thing. This level instantly gains the respect and following of stage red, because it now eclipses it, and it has all of the valuable things of red such as courage. Any stage red person will feel immense respect for a coral even if they don't know why. Reds will also respect turquoise somewhat, but everything between yellow and blue is a victim they can still enact bad influence upon. Finally at this point power returns to one with an understanding how to wield it. No longer is the spiritual being able to be oppressed, this is like the Martin Luther king day of us spiritual people, and all the persecution ends. Again just a thought though, I'm not really sure. It seems to be necessary, or a very slow coming to sensibilty will come to humans through higher consciousness influences over a very long period of time.
  17. I am referring to digital entertainment and the like. There are probably shows you somewhat enjoy, but they don't hit your buttons and really enrapture you like they do those whose minds are much more in sync with the wavelength most entertainment is in. The box that most entertainment takes place in is very small, there really is no limit to it. I get that we can be entertained going for a walk, sitting and looking at nature, but I already did that today I now feel like sitting on my butt and vegging out to something. I am not really referring to shows that discuss or are about sd tier 2 values. I am talking about shows that are just for fun and entertainment, not for learning, but have a quality to them that is appealing to yellow/turqu mind. For me I would like something with more slow pace, outside of any kind of society, not a power struggle, not heavy, sort of a flowing adventure. Not forced feeling, authentic, not preachy, funny but not meanspirited, not a lot of editing. Not even dramatic lol, just a fun thing to observe and get invested in and be curious about. i would like to see scenes where the presence of the scene is important, even the texture of the walls, etc, and you feel sort of with the characters and they do their thing. You see something like this would be fun for me, but I have never seen anything close to it. The closest would maybe be Mr bean but thats still pretty far off.
  18. What I have noticed is that most people put any unknown stage into whatever stage they are in. IE, stage turquoise take every stage past it and really just make it another part of stage turquoise. Not every stage ever is going to be about enlightenment, if most of us are not past turquoise, we aren't really going to know. The guy who invented spiral dynamics had met a handful of turquoise people, and he tried to describe and understand them. Had he not met them, I don't think he would know what it would have been like.
  19. If you try to assume the position that materialism is not true, and make yourself believe that, you will only strengthen your belief in materialism. If you accept whatever reality materialism has and not fight it, then your perspective can relax and then shift.
  20. Ok sorry I think i was just venting here lol
  21. How about like if you get annoyed at the attitudes/beliefs of those around you for the following reason. You understand how your mind gets conditioned and determines everything that you do, and you are afraid through constant exposure to sources of bad conditioning you will end up experiencing an existence that can't embody the principles that lead to enlightenment. You have like tasted the beauty of being in grace, and see no reason not to spend your life like that, but the bombardment of ingnorance around you is having an effect on your subconsious mind and it is hard to just override that all the time, so much is happening under the surface. Then you decide to surround you self with good influences, but your bad influences have conditioned your mind to not be able to do that. All of this is because there is no free will. So as consciousness you are just experiencing suffering and not able to know yourself as consciousness in a real enough way to set yourself free of the suffering. This is because whether or not that even happens is not determined by you. The situation is have just described is horrible to go through, I don't understand why it is continuing.