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Everything posted by Mulky

  1. Ok so both at the same time, I feel ya. It's just you can seem innocent and be extremely sophisticated, and you can seem extremely not innocent and be completely devoid of any real understanding(very common). So many people associate innocence with dumbness. People will even feign being a mean spirited person to avoid seeming dumb, or just to fit in. I know I'm using the word innocent in many different ways here but I feel it is a very misunderstood thing. It seems like it would be better to just say "not understanding something you haven't come to understand yet" because saying naive has attached other things to the idea that aren't identical with what you are trying to describe, it seems like it already has a lot of built in assumptions. When I look up the definition of naive 1. (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. "the rather naive young man had been totally misled" 2. (of a person) natural and unaffected; innocent. "Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled" The first definition I can agree with you on, but the second won't work for what you are saying here, it would be an assumption. here is my issue with that word. Only a person fitting description 1, would not know the innocence of everything, and knowing the innocence of everything is very likely to make you carry youself with a more innocent type of vibe. So lack of understanding has caused beings to create and have this guilt/wrongness thing they believe in. Then you learn a little more and now you seem just as innocent as someone who hasn't reached the stage of guilt yet. I realize I could be wrong about this, but all of the understandings that I have heard to cause people to not believe everything is innocent, are already taken into account and nestled inside the further understandings that have me currently seeing everything as innocent. I'm sure you already know all this and I fully like your attitude and understanding you have exhibited here, just have a beef with that word.
  2. Innocence isn't unsophistication. Technically everything is innocent. Good post though
  3. It's just the infinitude of time and space that means no human can become immortal as a human or any specific embodied being. Imagine a fractal zoom type of thing, and pick 1 spot at the start, let's call that earth. Now keep zooming out... forever. The Planet or universe or whatever that we physically exist in keeps finding itself in larger containers, like those Russian nesting dolls. Say we had complete control over our universe, it's still inside of something else. Our power and control over life could grow exponentially and it still wouldn't be enough to prevent our own death, because not only is there infinite forces outside of that bubble we think we have control over, but there is infinite time and in that infinite time any possible thing will happen... an infinite number of times. Now we have made our death extremely unlikely, but we haven't made it impossible, so it will happen. It would only not happen if it is not possible. I'm willing to accept that possibility that I don't really understand reality at all, and there's something beyond my understanding that allows for what you're saying to be possible, but with the way I understand reality right now it doesn't seem so. You might be able to live for billions of years though, trillions even, there's nothing to stop that from being possible... just not for ever :). But Honestly I could be wrong.. who knows
  4. Immortal means you never die. As a human you will die. Not aging and being kept very safe would not make you immortal, it would just allow you to live for a very long time. Time would keep going, being infinite, at some point you would die no matter how unlikely it seems. If nothing else, the whole universe you live in would end. In infinite time, something can only not happen if it is actually impossible, and there isn't much that is actually impossible. No matter what a human being does their death will never become something that is not possible. For this reason, humans, like all embodied beings, will die eventually.
  5. I sort of like that description. A man has to be what is needed in his place and time
  6. Ok that's pretty good
  7. well now we agree on something
  8. This makes it seem like what you are talking about is- what is the kind of man that a woman wants. It seems like under it all your looking at it all from a woman's perspective and trying to figure out what they want. I think when you say real man, this is what you're talking about.
  9. I always thought this was a weird question. If we aren't talking about having a penis, if we are talking about something else, here's my take. You or anyone sits there and wonders, "what is a man" now what is really going on here. They are wondering, "what is this thing I am wondering about". Are you wondering what a man is supposed to be, are you wondering what you are supposed to be, are you wondering what you are? You are wondering about an idea you already have. You are wondering about the idea of what a man is, and trying to find out what idea matches up with it. Any idea of what a man is will match up with whatever idea of a man is identical to it, you are just matching up 2 ideas.
  10. This AI art is getting pretty awesome
  11. I guess really everything is discovered and not invented. Before phones were invented they already existed somewhere, the exact combination of things coming together to be a cell phone was discovered. So invented would be a smaller designation within discovery. Like the way most people use the word "natural" is a smaller designation within the more absolute definition of "natural" which would be everything.
  12. Here is the fundamental misunderstanding everyone with polytheistic views has, and why almost every time anyone uses the word god, it doesn't truly mean anything at all. The term god is almost always used to describe a being of greater Power, level of magnitude, of a higher order, a higher reality, a more real reality, higher understanding etc. This doesn't mean anything or matter at all, here is why. Size, power, orders of magnitude, levels of reality, or anything like that, they are all on a scale that goes up and down forever. By that definition you(the human) are a god to an infinite number of things. Smaller things, lower dimensional things, less real things, and so on. There are an infinite number of things that would be like gods to you by that definition. More significant things, more powerful things, higher dimensional things. Because this scale goes up and down forever, every being that has ever existed might as well exist right smack dab in the middle. Because they all have an infinite number of beings that fit this weak meaningless definition of god people use, above and below them on a scale. The most powerful being you could ever know about is just a spec of dust from another perspective. This whole things is relative. God doesn't have anything to do with any of that, it has to be all of reality, all of infinity. It's the fact of there not really being individuals at all or entities, just 1 overall being. I just watched a documentary on Cargo Cults, very interesting. Primitive people that worship an American they met just before World War 2, because he heralded the coming of A bunch of Americans with all of Our Airplanes and magical technology. They were so taken by this technology that they worshiped This Jon guy as a God. We are still actually like this, it's just we don't encounter those things that would blow our mind so much we end up thinking of them religiously. But we could. Cause it wouldn't be something like more advanced technology, it would be something we don't understand at all. Unless we get this thing about higher and lower powers going on forever and just being different forms, we can easily get taken by Something beyond our understanding as being like the ultimate truth of life when it's literally just another thing.
  13. If Christianity is monotheistic, according to most of the Christians I have met, Jesus is God. However, in my multitude of conversations with Christians trying to save me, me saying that I believe and have faith in god is not enough. Jesus is God, they're 1 being, supposedly, Jesus is like a form or extension of god or something (really we all are, but I'm entertaining the Christian perspective). So if my love, trust, faith in god is not enough, and I also have to have some sort of relationship or whatever with Jesus to, doesn't that make Jesus a separate being in the view of the person holding that belief. Cause if they were the same being, me loving, trusting, having faith in God would already be doing all of those things for that 1 being they are saying Jesus and God both are. @Adamq8 As I'm trying to explain to Christians the Infinite and beyond all words, Absolutely free and limitless nature of God. They have always wanted me to think about God in a particular way Read a certain book, you get the idea. It's like me saying I directly experience God in non conceptual formless way has never ever worked. They always wanted me to shrink it and make it into a thing. I have always said I knew it without the word , and they're like no, you need the word. They think God is specifically in the word, and that's the only way to connect, doesn't sound to limitless to me. They want to remove innocence from me and then offer me a way to get it back. They want to interrupt my peace and then offer their way of having peace. I'm sure not all Christians are like that but most that I have met are. It's like someone coming to know God in a way not through Jesus is just an impossibility in their eyes, it's not valid. That is a pretty big limit on God.
  14. This is a paradox I thought of, not sure if it's been talked about before. There is an infinite amount of everything, pretty easy so far. Everything is infinite, there's infinite space so everything exists an infinite number of times. So take any object, a golf ball let's say. There at first we might say there are an infinite number of those, that exact thing, in reality. There are an infinite number of golf balls exactly like that, no differences, no matter how subtle or small we go in our examination of the golf ball But then also, subtlety and smallness (bigness to) is also infinite. So we could zoom in forever and ever and eventually we would find some minute difference between any other thing and that first golf ball. They could never be exactly the same because there is no bottom to the subtlety so eventually a difference would be found. So now these 2 infinities are against each other, seemingly. One infinity saying there is infinite reality for us to find an duplicate thing, and then the other saying no matter how many you find they won't be identical. But now that I'm actually typing it out, I think it is just that nothing would ever be exactly the same, and you would be finding infinite things that seem very similar, so maybe not really a paradox. Lemme know what you think.
  15. So many of these have an otherworldly beauty to them
  16. The piano has the fundamental frequency, but also other harmonics above it, as does pretty much every sound. I think when they say pure sound they mean just the fundamental frequency.
  17. Mitch Hedberg, a really original guy
  18. Ya it's weird how serious people get. the whole way they are looking at life is couched inside the more expansive child mind. We are not really that serious, we are innocent. Why are we striving so hard, what about being happy, and fun. We don't know we are as innocent as a baby or an animal. Sometimes life is just play. Life actually is magic, but we don't see it that way when we think we understand it. Kids see the world more truthfully than adults, adults usually only see their idea of the world.
  19. My parents loved me so much and I feel like so much of it came from that. It had an effect in the surrounding environment. They really unconditionally loved and appreciated me existing. There was a sense of freedom space and life in our neighborhood. I have memories of sitting in a dirt patch in my front yard and just chilling there looking around at everything. Every feature of our yard had some type of deep connection with us. Like each tree, a rock wall, a area of wild honeysuckle and all other types of wild plants. the nature was left somewhat uncontrolled and natural and beautiful. All the neighbors new and loved eachothers pets. It was sort of innocent. All of us kids would go on adventures all over the neighborhood and down into the creek area. One time my dad told me to clean up my room and make it "neat". I piled my toys up and made a cave because I thought it was "neat", my dad just laughed. there was space and presence in everything, people were paying attention not just to each other but the physical surroundings, the scene they were living in. It's like we were present and in life and we felt alive. A great sense of the freedom that came to the adults came from the kids, and that gift was given to the parents as a reward for allowing their kids to feel free. We all mostly behaved pretty good but the adults were pretty forgiving and understanding. nobody demonized or moralized. One time an older kid stole some parts from my bike. My dad, himself being sort of a rebel as a kid, was very nice and understanding with the older kid and that taught me and others patience etc. It seemed like there was not so much trying to control going on, and a sense of real community in the area. Kids sort of naturally seem to be on the wavelength of love and really you just have to not mess with that. You have to let it keep shining because that love empowers the whole family.
  20. Wouldn't god have to dream up the mechanism of loneliness to be lonely. Wouldn't it be easier to just not dream up loneliness.
  21. Even though you only experience your experience, it doesn't mean things outside your experience don't exist, is just means you don't experience them. When I'm away from my house, every experience I have of my house is imaginary. But it doesn't mean that my house doesn't still exist, it just means any experience I have of my house is imaginary. Really every experience you've ever had is imaginary in a way, but that doesn't mean that experiences outside of your experience don't exist, it just means any experience you have of them would be imaginary.