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Everything posted by Mulky

  1. I still have to go with the Cohen version of Hallelujah even though both are great.
  2. Funeral by Band of Horses, just to be really literal.
  3. Ya it's a good one
  4. R.E.M. Fleet Foxes MGMT David Bowie Pixies I think R.E.M is the most underrated band of all time. Not because people don't think they're good, but because not many people would say they are the best band of all time. They are the kind of band somehow you sleep on. You never really connected the dots that you like about 50 songs by this band.
  5. You can have as many members as you want, I'm going with 5 members. Shoegaze-ish with a good bit of synth. Hoping to try something new so open to influences from, Indie, classical, Classic rock, alternative. I'm including myself we'll we'll start with me , INFP on keyboards, sometimes piano INFJ-guitar/ INFP support specialist ISFP-Bass ENFJ-Can play whatever, but we need their leadership,drive and bravery. Maybe singer? ESTP-Drummer, we need this person to spice things up. Probably we will lose this person to drugs later.
  6. I have to work on orange right now, cause I neglect that part of life, and get better at relating to blue.
  7. I wouldn't say they are toxic, they are very nice people. But my sister for example, she has something going on deep in her feelings that makes life hard for her, she has been doing much better lately though. It seems like they are slowly healing very deep wounds but it is a slow process. I go through that process you described on the plane but more often than not I cannot make it all the way through to the other side where we are all in a state of peace together. Sometimes I get blocked up or scared or something and back out of that process. Something about what you were doing on the plane, doing that scares me sometimes. It's easier doing in a group of strangers, but I guess it's a lifelong skill you work to develope.
  8. I've been going through the same thing for a while, and am also curious what people have to say about this. I feel like I could use some help with this. Once I discovered meditation when I would come back home and be in a peaceful content state, my family would go into this weird agitated state and it's like they didn't know why even. The more of a peaceful state, the more freaked out and agitated my parents and sister would be, mostly my adult parents who have been living with me. If I wake up in a peaceful state, my family is in this weird agitated state. After learning about the "pain body' from Tolle's teachings, it's a pretty good description of how I have seen things play out. My sister, who also lives with me, has always had something unusual going on with her. She has an erratic energy and has never been comfortable as her self. Her energy has always been chaotic, she used massive amounts of drugs until she became schizophrenic, she is easier to be around now so I left her stay with me. In addition to this chaotic energy that seems to want to use her body, she has a very strong desire to live with and be around me. Now I have another younger family member who also has a tiny bit of this quality, and he to has a greater desire to hang out with me than any of my other family members. Sometimes when working I will notice a person with this energy frequencey (like my sister) and they will usually want to hang around me. I desire things to be peaceful and sane and calm, but that seems to be a threat to everyone around me, there's nothing in them that really wants that. I have wondered if I need to keep supporting and loving my family, or go away, or maybe adjust the way I love them. I go through that same inner struggle, it's like your trying to feel the love and acceptance as you are in their presence but sometimes it's to thick and you get overwhelmed by it. As a kid and even sometimes as an adult people think more of me as being innocent with a more pure energy, so why does this chaotic energy come at me, and it comes at me stronger the higher level of peace I go into. And is my sister a threat to me spiritually, or a help, this is all so hard to figure out sometimes.
  9. Everything you see is in your mind. There's this other weird thing that happens, you know your mind from like the first person perspective, that's the closest you know your mind. But within what you see, is this brain thing. So within your mind you experience something that you take to be synonymous with the mind. How often do you hear people say "your brain" when they are really talking about the mind. Because the brain is seen as an object in the mind, regardless of how much they line up to be connected, they are not the exact same thing. The real mind you don't know as an object like that, and because you don't have any reason to assume that it completely exists in this physical reality, and don't fully know what it is, by thinking of the mind you are experiencing as the brain, an object within a reality the mind perceives, you put a limiter on the mind. The mind can now only do what you believe a brain can do. This, at the very least, makes you dumber, it literally puts your mind in a box.
  10. So there is all this stuff happening including the non conscious mind. Amidst all these countless overlapping systems one thing that is happening is "youing" .Youing or let's say selfing, Is it's own process, but it uses whatever it can to consider it to be part of itself. If selfing existed alone without anything else, it could only self itself, the selfing process itself. But even the process of selfing isn't a real self, it's a structure built out of thoughts, all those thoughts just being movement and not really existing as a real self. Something can be called a self, but neither the thought of it as a self nor the thing itself are a self. Everything is really just whatever it is, and the selfing process that is associated with it is just whatever it is, but it to is not a real self. You see selfing is saying "i am that", and pointing at what you are claiming to be. It can be said that the body is the body, but whatever system of thoughts is claiming to be the body is lieing because really each thought, whatever a thought is, truly only exists as that thought. So what are the thoughts thinking about that is claiming to be a body or something else? The being that is being created in the mind and wondering what it is itself is a web of thoughts. So if selfing is just a thought, that that can only be, a thought. Any other thing it uses, a body, whatever, is not synonymous with the thought movement claiming it. So all elements of experience are whatever they are, but they are all just what they are, not something else. Selfing is only real as selfing, just as a lie is real as a lie. Even every tiny thing making up the process of selfing, is just whatever it is. It being shaped into part of the act of selfing does not suddenly make it the act of selfing. So each thought selfing uses is still not a self or part of a self. Your entire identity is made up of countless things that themselves have nothing to do with selfhood. If you removed each of these things one by one, eventually nothing would be left, so where is the self? So the way you are talking about "you" there isn't really one to take ownership of anything including the non conscious mind. All elements of the mind are what they are with no real you that they pertain to.
  11. Never before have I read something and felt like I related to someone so much. My relationship to spirituality doesn't have to do with words or symbols and it's all intuitive and with feelings and nature. In my life I find myself in situations where I want to explain this to someone so we can have common ground and respect for our approaches to this aspect of life, but what's most important to us is beyond words and it's hard to convey to other people. I am also an INFP, Also play piano, relate to pretty much everything else you said as well. I would say I am proud of you for how you are living your life ,it seems you have gotten out free to really flourish.
  12. Pretty graphic and hard to watch, it's about the treatment of children accused of being a witch in certain parts of Africa.
  13. Ya, I guess so, but specifically with helpless children. Those who mistreat and neglect the kids are able to do so because their beliefs cause them to have no empathy for the "witch" children.
  14. No I totally get what you're saying and It's great I just got hung up on that word and then spewed out all my thoughts about it.
  15. I would go with the best musicians reguardless but this is just for fun, I'm not taking this seriously. If you're into MBTI you think of stuff like this. It's a waste of time, I know.