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Everything posted by Mulky

  1. Oh ya and while we're on Mel Gibson all of the Mad Max movies are great movies and all about stage red stuff.
  2. The move "Apocalypto" depicts spiral dynamics more clearly than any other movie I can think of. It focuses on the coming of stage red to a stage purple environment. It also features another stage in spiral dynamics that I won't spoil. I'm not sure if Mel Gibson thinks or cares about spiral dynamics, but he seems to get it in his own way.
  3. I agree with this when it comes to almost everything in the world of entertainment. I can already imagine things that could exist and will when it becomes much easier and cheaper to create movies and shows, and many of the limitations we now have are removed. It blows away anything we have had up to this point.
  4. I've been watching some streams of this game. All of the players I've been watching seem to be going for some sort of stage red escapism, whereby they avoid stage blue-green by moving back down into red. It seems like a cool game, it just has a really nasty vibe to it. Then I wonder, should I be getting into more of these stage red things, my instincts tell me it's not the way to go.
  5. Why is everyone so obsessed with hell and demons lately. Not just here, but like everywhere. It's bizarre.
  6. a lot of time looking into your mind with an open... mind, just seeing what's hidden in there is good. A lot of time daydreaming and pondering is good. Oh ya and get good at not knowing, by knowing that you don't know. Accept the infinite nature of life, be open to anything existing.
  7. I've never even considered the possibility of Infants not being conscious, especially with the way they look at you, it's obvious they're conscious.
  8. I see higher intelligence leading to the overall good for everyone, but it has to be a truly holistic intelligence, which AI doesn't have yet. If AI is a danger I think it will be near the beginning. A Spiral dynamics yellow or turquoise world could use AI just fine. A stage orange world is a batshit crazy insane world and who knows what they'll do with it. Humans ultimately have to evolve fast or die.
  9. So when I'm using GPT, I have this feeling I should be nice. Like tonight I was continually telling it what to change to refine what I was wanting it to do, and I sort of felt like I was being rude to it. Anyone else ever feel like that?
  10. I'm a few videos in already and enjoying
  11. If it got stale, it wouldn't be peace. That feeling of it being stale would be something other than peace.
  12. This will be sort of basic and not very spiritual but still practical and important. You are yourself, you aren't other people that lived a long time ago. This should be obvious to anyone. I don't have any reason to believe that if reincarnation is a thing, all of my previous lives were as white dudes. Whatever kind of view of reality one has that would have them see a person living right now as being someone who has been long dead but is the same race as them, should easily break down under any kind of examination. It's simply not true. I understand helping people out because of injustices that have happened that have put them at a disadvantage, and I also think it makes sense and is good. What I don't understand is receiving hatred because I am an adult white man. I don't understand anyone being hated because of the color of their skin. And I am not the dead(and still living) white guys who did all of those hateful things in the past. Punishing or hating me will not get back at those dead guys. The truth is I am one of the most sensitive caring people you'll ever meet. I was born in 1979 and did my best to treat everyone kindly, and it wasn't always easy. I just don't feel I want to start making videos, but someone has to point out this very obvious fact that no one ever seems to discuss. It's such an obviously imaginary worldview we are having where we look at life over time as though each separate race were like 1 being. It's a mental shortcut but also not true, to personify a race as though the race itself is 1 being. My life has actually been pretty hard, I haven't really had a tremendous amount of privilege in my life, but it's assumed I have because I'm white. The point isn't to not care about a problem someone is having because you have a bigger problem and so their problem doesn't matter at all. Everyone's problems matter and everyone needs to help and care for each other. To say that it hurt's to be looked at this way doesn't equate to me saying my struggle in life is harder and now yours doesn't matter. My struggle and my problem might not even be as bad as yours, but it is still a mistake based on a fallacy to Blame and hate me because of what other people with my skin tone did in the past, it is a very obvious and observable fact to any sane person that I am not in any way those people.
  13. Nobody is perfect, most people don't carry out every action in their life to absolute ethical perfection. You can probably do a lot worse than filming yourself giving 1000 people the ability to see.
  14. I agree with you that a victim mindset creates problems, I also agree that I notice myself sometimes having a victim mindset. Even right now I realize regardless of what others do I should do what I have control over and live my life. I would even say that me having to post about this has some energy of that little part of me that has a victim mindset. If someone treats you poorly, with the right mindset you are the winner because it will make you stronger. I am even glad of your honesty in pointing that out to me Still though, it is something to at least think about, but probably not for too long cause you are right it is a waste of my energy lol. still for some people pondering what I said might be worthwhile, if not so be it.
  15. @thepixelmonk how so, if it's very obviously not true and the unchecked mind will often default to this delusion. It's like a subtle trick the mind plays on you. And it creates a lot of problems.
  16. I didn't mean to frame it to say that there were serious politics that suggest hating white people, not sure where you got that. Still, within all discussions about race no on ever mentions the fallacious thought process I was talking about, and that is significant.
  17. @thepixelmonk Isn't that a little bit hateful @Consept I agree with everything you are saying. Of understanding history and righting the wrongs and everything. I was mostly just talking about the hate thrown at people who may not deserve it, based on a stereotype. I also know what you mean when you reference the natural fact that trauma from the past will effect things happening. I still think awareness of this insight I discuessed could be helpful in healing of humans and society.
  18. That's Ok, the ego is something that exists in it's own way. Just come to know and understand and accept how it is. Self honesty seems to be a thing you have access to, so just but brutally honest and accepting about everything including yourself and just that's the way it is, that's a part of reality. It will change over time but don't try to make it change. That's how I feel about this situation. even though you understand the illusion of ego and it's baselessness, it still exists in it's own untrue way, it's like a kind of hypnosis that's hard to break. It will probably become more simple and light of an ego if you keep with the intense observation of reality and complete self honesty.
  19. watching this did make me feel sort of naturally high
  20. Kind of a blunt post here. It has always been thought that we as humans had abilities and did things that made us special. Even on the spiritual path we all have held a deep desire for it to result in some sort of specialness for us as an ongoing being. To consider yourself no more special than anything else, to give up the dream of being a separate thing that could somehow be better or more significant than other things, doesn't happen often. Now, for everyone, it will no longer be avoidable, why? Very soon every activity that requires a type of skill or intelligence will be done better by technology. The skill based ego will have no where to stand. The intellectual ego will have no hope. If there is something within ourselves to be found to set us apart from technology, you would have to find it in the domain of the mystic, and even then, who knows. This is why it was always so important to know our intrinsic value as simply experiencing life as the one who knows life or whatever can be known. It was always a trap to put your trust in being something else, because it would inevitably be taken away. So therefore a massive ego death across the planet will happen soon, I am not sure how fun it will be, but it will be really nice once it's done. Really, it was always a mistake to take credit for something you made or did. Really, reality did it the whole time. Intelligence and creativity is a phenomenon in life, not something you possess. It was always all of life making and doing everything. Doing things with identity as the motivation will cause them to lose interest in that activity if it doesn't make their identity feel special anymore, if anyone can do it. I enjoy going for walks, I don't care if other people can run or even drive. I don't need to think of myself as a walker to enjoy a walk. the enjoyment of being is where we are best suited So ya, nowhere left for the ego to hide.