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About involuntarykriya

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  1. Spinning or Rotations in meditation or involuntary movements in meditation happen due to, you meeting the cosmic Kundalini frequency. Cosmic Kundalini is nothing but the God or OM or Nucleus of the cosmos, the cause of the creation. When you match the cosmic frequencies, your kundalini vibrates and gets invoked (just vibrates and gets invoked not awakened). Due to this invoking of the kundalini, you will touch the deep layers of your soul in which THE TRAITS are stored. Then, you involuntarily make some body movements or spin your head or move your hands or rotate your hands or get up and naturally do yoga asanas or some even dance or laugh or cry involuntarily. Some of you may even have quite violent movements. All these basic movements need to be balanced and advanced. These are called spanda movements in Sanskrit. Spanda means vibration. Due to meeting the vibrations of the cosmic nucleus or cosmic kundalini you also receive those vibrations and then you naturally do those involuntary movements. These involuntary movements are very initial level of Kundalini Kriyas that touch the deep layers within you. Prior to starting these involuntary movements, you must have gone through some problems in life that should have crushed your mind so badly. Problems related to relationships or finances or career or health and so on. To get peace or calmness, you must have adopted meditation and that is when these involuntary movements must have started in you. You may not be a serious or regular meditator but due to the practices you have done in your previous lives and as the time came (now), those problems came up in your life that is when you adopted the meditation and thus, the involuntary movements have started in you. Your kundalini is just invoked due to which these movements are happening. Kundalini has to be awakened and advanced upward through all chakras by adopting the specific path meant for the these involuntary kriyas. If the Kundalini is not advanced, you might continue with your problems in life and new problems may arise as you these involuntary kriyas will awaken the KARMA LAYERS, deep within, that will expose you to new problems in life. In order to awaken and advance the Kundalini, MANTHA KRIYAS need to start in you. Then you will not only advance spiritually, your problems in life will resolve and in fact by adopting the path of Mantha Kriya Yoga at Omism, you will prosper in all aspects of life. Omism offers, online lessons that you can study and practice at home so you advance not only spiritually but also materialistically in your real life. You can check the Playlist and You can also check for more information.