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Everything posted by vraev

  1. @JayG84 I've got the exact same problem, I came to this forum for this problem. The last year this has gotten completely out of control where I developed something like a phobia against doing anything productive at my computer. Even checking my mail causes fear and anxiety. I've been self medicating in a harmful way which makes the situation worse. I've also done a lot of digging finding the root causes of my feeling that lead previously led to depression, and now this absolute non-productive state of escapism. Now as soon as I look at what I need to be doing I feel extreme guilt for not doing better and causing this situation, which probably is the root of the problem. Guilt of not living up to my own standards. There are many good suggestions in the posts above, and "One Simple Rule For Acing Life" is spot on the source of the problem. For me I believe one core component of solving this issue is stop feeling so guilty, just accept that this is the situation now. The only time I'm not feeling guilt for my failure is when I'm in the current moment, and is what I think is the solution. To transfer that feeling of being present without thinking about the future or past when I do the task. I feel fear, guilt, shame, when I approach the task. In this moment I try to breath and observe myself from above, be the observer and detach from my ego where there is an emotional storm.