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Everything posted by Vaishnavi

  1. My love for ice cream be like..
  2. @Principium Nexus Excellent point. Everything is indeed a paradigm and tends to change with time. Great
  3. you actually talking about.. toilets? like for real?
  4. I think @Christian summed it up quite well. Awareness is the best thing you can do. One thing I'd like to add is forgiveness and responsibility. And I speak from my personal experience. I fall off track way too often and way too easily. But then I realised that sabotaging myself was one of the major reasons why I was falling back in the first place and the major reason why I was struck in the spiral. It becomes an endless viscous circle with your sabotage triggering low self esteem and fear causing the behaviour that actually leads to self sabotaging. What I try to inculcate more nowadays is when I feel like killing myself for a certain action/behaviour, I simply sit with myself, acknowledge it, think of it and then forgive myself, really. I accept my behaviour completely, and I forgive myself and then take full responsibility of it. And this works. This really works. Just keep in mind that you are the only person you have to help yourself. So you will have to learn to respect and forgive it. So yea, awareness, acceptance and forgiveness works
  5. Imagine texting your crush when your phone's about to go dead. Would it still not bother you?
  6. Sexy- maybe power/independence, passion attractive- authenticity (applicable to both men and women)
  7. Amazing to see some quality perspectives on men by men. I must say people on this forum are quite intriguing
  8. This is the exact same scenario at my place, my brother and my parents and even me, we all are obsessed with our cellphones and the Internet especially. And not just my place but literally everywhere. When I first had this realisation, it almost disgusted me for now I could see that I was using Internet and tech as a sedative, a distraction of course and a way to avoid emotional labor. The trick is in developing full consciousness I guess. Majority of the Internet is pointless, complete nonsense and is TOXIC. Funny how it was only today that I was listening to Leo's video on ways society fuc* s you. He in fact talks about similar situation, more like in the broader sense. If you haven't watched the video, you definitely should. It talks a lot about our chimp behaviour. a similar thread -
  9. For now I'd say laying a very solid and healthy foundation for myself supported with massive amount of emotional labor.
  10. Not really. By the "herd" I meant being one of the many 'normal' people, more precisely, mediocrity.
  11. Now I immediately want to know who Dr Seuss is! The most beautiful part is that it's written with a genuine and pure intent and I almost teared up because now at this point I can relate to it on an emotional level, at least to some extent and I'm sure many others on the forum can too. So thank you for sharing, really.
  12. This might help.
  13. I'd say Mastery by George Leonard or Robert Greene if you haven't. Both are amazing. Otherwise you can go for war of art by Steven pressfield. What kind of book are you looking for?
  14. It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful to be realistic to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes.” It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. The invitation by oriah mountain dreamer
  15. @Harikrishnan @Prabhakercan you share the sources of your information? For I've read his autobiography and nothing of that sort was mentioned
  16. I'm a student so my full time job at this point is studying. Not the best student in school but I certainly love my job
  17. Curiosity is the cure I myself used to suffer from "boredom" but it in itself is stupid. Learn to take a genuine interest in life, in everything it encompasses. I mean we all should in all honesty be shocked to death just to realise how much the world holds. I mean there is so much you can learn and explore, every minute, not necessarily through books or audios but mainly from experiences and observations even if it is for fun and not necessarily "grows" you although that's rare. I mean I actually recommend you to observe deeply say people the next time you're in the bus or be more mindful the next time you're eating. This way you'll learn to be more in the moment. There's so much to know and learn otherwise as well. You can literally be fascinated by any subject you wish. So take up more reading or having new experiences. You can also go for deep introspection. But I suppose until and unless you're not happy in simply being and living the present moment, without any external something, it will be difficult just like everyone else in this thread stated. That is something I myself am trying to include more in my life and it's beautiful. So try being more mindful and just.. being. P.S. nice display name I must say
  18. it is only when your desire is authentic that the efforts are genuine and success, definite.
  19. Your question actually got me thinking, 6 months is..perfect. I highly doubt I'd do the same stuff as I'm doing now cause at this point things are a bit rocky and not very..pleasant. I'm struggling quite a lot So in all honesty I'd drop the things I'm doing now, except for maybe meditation cause I simply enjoy the session though it's unpleasant. I've always wanted to leave something behind, not necessarily physical but in a sense something from which someone could benefit from. I'd probably write down all my "insights" and my "big idea" so that someone could hopefully learn something from it and if I'm fortunate enough someone might take up the idea though it's not very glossy. So mostly I'll create a few YouTube videos or maybe write a book? But I'll make sure I do that quick. If I have time I'll find myself a date I guess for I've never had one, I just want to have the experience once. I'll for sure write a letter, a physical letter to every person I believe I should write, even people on this forum, I'll write to them as well. Also in the last month I'll take a dose a 5-meo-dmt. This is for sure. And I'll use my last few days to do every chimpry stuff I can. Partying (although I'm not very much into it) eating shit dancing and and watching games of thrones. I really want to know what the hype is all about. And and bungee jumping, yea the last day will probably be in a jungle or somewhere in the mountains.
  20. @JKG you have a beautiful vision board. I like the way you've picked up the pictures so carefully which define the different aspects so beautifully.
  21. My insights aren't very deep but for sure they've been very valuable to me. I'll actually use the word realisation since insights is concerned with something very profound and deep. I'm not very familiar with the concept of self and enlightenment since I'm trying to get more sanity around myself and I want to keep enlightenment for later, for now. Some of the realisations I've had include -the fact that the society is in a really bad shape at this point and it isn't entirely its fault. Either the business and the marketing people are really cunning and smart and have discovered all are weaknesses and buttons or they're highly ignorant. I think they're somewhere in the middle. More like a combination of the two. And the worse is that they want us to be a part of them, to become one of them. Something I personally dread and resist greatly -another realisation that I've had, and this is my personal opinion which is formed after a lot of research and observation that changing our education system can solve a majority and in the long term can solve all our problems since I personally believe that developing quality individuals is the key to all the difference we seek. -A similar realisation to you @Christian has been that I'm ignorant. In fact I don't know anything at all. My beliefs are baseless and groundless. They aren't solid enough and are only supported by more beliefs. And since we all are in the same boat, it seems completely "normal" and probably the only way. -Another realisation has been the fact that nothing comes easy. Probably the best "insight" that I've had is this one. And i don't mean only in terms of work but in every aspect. A good relationship, a healthy lifestyle, or even understanding economics, it doesn't come easy. Finding authentic people doesn't come easy, connecting the dots isn't easy, questioning your beliefs isn't easy, anything at all. You will have to put massive massive amount of emotional labor. But it's worth it. I still struggle with it though - that life is beautiful with every colour of it. Emotions, people, logic, science, experience, FOOD!! - that status and ranking, competition and comparison is shallow -that acceptance is very powerful -that being is peaceful
  22. Going through this thread really did put a smile on my face. It's actually quite heart warming to read all the things that make people happy. Oh and connecting the dots, trying to make sense and getting a better view of the big picture, yea that works equally well. @Dodoster nice thread