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Everything posted by Vaishnavi

  1. and then we sat for eternity and beyond, watching birds, gazing stars..
  2. When I wake up early in the morning Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream Stay in bed, float up stream (float up stream) Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping Everybody seems to think I'm lazy I don't mind, I think they're crazy Running everywhere at such a speed 'Til they find there's no need (there's no need) Please, don't spoil my day, I'm miles away And after all I'm only sleeping Keeping an eye on the world going by my window Taking my time Lying there and staring at the ceiling Waiting for a sleepy feeling Please, don't spoil my day, I'm miles away And after all I'm only sleeping Ooh yeah Keeping an eye on the world going by my window Taking my time When I wake up early in the morning Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream Stay in bed, float up stream (float up stream) Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping (-beatles)
  3. you mean the reading man image? I especially like how his feet and subsequently the legs seem to be wrapped in those light branches...
  4. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”
  5. Bolivia crisis 2019 (in a nutshell) The very same people protesting against their president Evo Morales for being a corrupt hypocrite (which he partly is) are now protesting against the newly (self declared) interim president Jeanine Anez because she does not represent who they are (their collective indigenous identity is threatened) Here’s the story The country’s multi ethnic Evo Morales was (is) the guy who became country’s 1st leader hailing from an indigenous community (and so in a way represents them) Alleviated poverty on a large scale (from 59% in 2005 to 35% in 2018) His decline started in the last 5 years as international reserves decreased and gross fiscal deposit started increasing. He didn’t do much for environment protection which is a major source of livelihood there. Also made some comments on the amazon rainforest fire incident. All of this led to his popularity taking a hit The guy was threatened, went against the constitution in his own ways, messed up with election results (was confirmed by the OAS) Had to resign given the heavy protests and take political asylum in Mexico (which is where he currently is) Now comes the twist Jeanine Anez (who’s anti-morales) basically declared herself as the president stating that the Vice President too resigned. People who were then protesting against Morales had to regress and are protesting against Jeanine Anez now demanding that Morales be back because “its an interim government that does not represent us and is filled with white people who look at us with racism and hatred. We came here to show who the original people of Bolivia are” as one of them puts it. One of the conclusions that can be drawn is that Evo morales’s corruption will be forgotten (classic regression) and he will be redeemed if the alternative is Jeanine Anez (as she is literally replacing the holy textbook of Pachamama with a bible now. Thats the threat people see to their identity)
  6. we have too much time, way too much time.. and most of us are still "busy"
  7. I got my red dress on tonight Dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight Done my hair up real big, beauty queen style High heels off, I'm feelin' alive (lana gets me)
  8. be not ashamed of expressing thyself...
  9. Inherent vs Actualised Goodness I like this depiction of a child's idealisation of his parents, the helpless little creature has little choice but to believe (assume) in the "inherent" latent goodness of it's caretakers, regardless of the reality. I've personally extended this idealisation even in my teen years and now adulthood wanting and almost forcing myself to see the "good" despite the promises they would break, the "good" despite the lies and manipulations, the "good" despite the narcissistic tendencies. Does not mean I do not believe in inherent goodness anymore, I sincerely do and I know it's there, it's just that it's not always actualised. (Screenshot Image taken from The school of life videos)
  10. Apologies if this topic exists, but i'm curious. What do you think of the idea of universal morality? Does it exist? What is YOUR morality based upon? What do you base your decisions upon?
  11. @Leo Gura hey why's the game so rigged against guys? i mean it's like the guys have to do all the work all the time and the ladies just play tinder?
  12. (posting this from my last journal here)
  13. how cool (really), and how's that going? relatable. but something I've realised lately is that just like people can be scientifically minded, similarly a set of people can base their decisions on how something make them "feel" which does not always has to do with intuition; intuition is a more deeper concept. at least in my experience, a lot of times it is unconscious hidden assumptions and bias and my own egoic filters that i haven't dealt with yet ...which gets corrupted in unfair means and needs to be restored so you said earlier, morality and authenticity do not go hand in hand, do you not believe that i can have morals which form a part of my authentic self? say the moral or virtue of honesty and that it is a part of who i am and me being honest and living by that standard and preaching it is a form of self expression?
  14. and i'm assuming you base your morality upon this? seems legit and about as close as you can get to.. consciousness you mean to say you're selfish? where do you draw the line? would you kill another person for survival of your social image? @Jkris what is the essence of dharma if i may ask? woah. I think you are defining authenticity on a deeper spiritual level here, and not just say how authentic you are in terms of your personality if i'm not wrong ?Can you define authenticity for me here? what's the context? hey does this not point to existence of a universal morality in the first place? a lot like "faith", its just there. no good or bad about it. Oh ho! True. The level of self reflection this requires is generous. I'm personally guilty of something similar, thank you for putting this out. also i had to read your whole post good 10 times to actually get it, great povs
  15. sure not a clone but do you believe you have a moral responsibility on some level to pass on your teaching in terms of, well, how to be a responsible "conscious" don't fall into your own drama teacher? i mean sure you don't have to do it now but do you believe that if at all someday you think that your style and method of mentoring and communication has worth in it, that you should teach it to someone who would do right justice to it?
  16. do you believe in what is called as "extending yourself"? you know, beyond survival? trying to be something much more than just being a surviving animal? i mean do you not believe that man can extend himself beyond this? and that he should? maybe? "want"? what is this "want" based upon? I'm just curious ok? i'm not attacking lol but really, want is based upon pleasure/pain for most people most of the time. A student sometime would not "want" to do his lessons simply because well pleasure lies in playing the video game, so? and maybe my argument here is silly in the sense that you're talking about inflicting suffering in which case, is bodily pain/pleasure the deciding factor? all damn virtues that would take a lifetime of courage and sweat and standing alone in the rain to develop, all worth it though. So morality according to you should be based upon what takes you closer to these virtues? love this
  17. is it? hun. there's not always one factor. orwell was ahead of his time, don't you think? @outlandish ready with the popcorn, I am. sorry i don't mean to sound like a sadist but it's so tragic and i feel like a helpless maniac
  18. oh sweet sweet grace..
  19. Am I really making this entry? wow. Hi. (Hi?) Ok, writing this journal (a public one) is an act of being vulnerable to me. For a lot of people it comes handy, easy, and I envy that? Yea maybe. Maybe I’ve been so rigidly perfect all my life that putting out the fact that I am in truth, not that person and that most of it was just a facade.. well it's not the most comfortable confession, but since I do not see a place (or a person) I can open up to without fear of losing something (a relationship, a specific perception of me by someone) I thought a public (maybe anonymous) journal would be good but since anonymity takes away the whole 'I want to be vulnerable’, I decided to rest the idea of making a fake account. (Is this detail necessary?) Aside from the whole 'I want to express myself’, I write this journal also as a tool for self-exploration. For instance the feelings and emotions that I experience right now as I write this entry itself tell me quite a bit about my being and that is.. happy news. One thing that I will make an effort to keep up with is that of being honest and sincere in my writings, or else I won't (write). And if you relate to any of it, yay! I’d like to hear that.
  20. i don't know about the other things you said but this, THIS is like the meat and mother of fuck ups. Yes, most people have kids because society tells them to have kids and there's this huge void within them that they now want filled by someone. Kids are helpless, they're dependent, they'll abundantly selflessly (out of their selfishness) love you, they'll be your little boys who would put you in a place of great reverence and power. That's a lot of authority you have right there! @Spinoza I'm actually glad you put up this question. It is precisely because the topic of parenting and child rearing is not given enough consideration that people screw it up. You're not just raising an "ego", you are CREATING one. Here's my say in this. Do your inner work, your healing work, get your emotional screw ups in place, have your needs met first. Educate yourself well enough about the needs of a growing child, there's psychosocial crisis and virtue development at every stage (see Erikson's psychosocial development theory), learn the fact that your child will learn that which you embody, and not that which you will preach. So you gotta "BE" what you want your kid to become (and not be a damn hypocrite who lacks integrity). It's a full time 20 year job where you will mess up and that would demand sacrifice. Do you have that kind of support? A partner? The internal resources? Parenting is a job that needs proper "conscious" discussion. How weird and baffling is the fact that the single most complex job with arduous responsibility and effort does not have ANY pre requisites, any training at all?!
  21. of course they're going global