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Everything posted by Halm

  1. Hello, I've been studying the vedantic path and the psychedelic path for about 7 years now. So far I have never tried 5 MeO though. I know that there is only one consciousness. But would love getting more technical about this. So enough about me. This is my question (read it through before hyper typing If i am the One Consciousness why am i not conscious of all minds simultaneously, as all minds are made out of me. I know the question is coming from the level of the mind, and other minds can not know other minds, though they are connected and made out of consciousness.. The regular vedantic answers to this question doesn't satisfy me. The usual answers: Ocean and the waves: But if consciousness is the ocean it's also in the waves and therefore should know each wave simultaneously. The house and rooms: If there is one house but separate rooms. If im the house i should of course know all rooms at all times. As consciousness is knowing each room but also knowing the house simultaneously (or not knowing “the” house, but clear knowing. Because if something knew pure consciousness it would be greater than it. So, I'm interested in answers from people who have come to rest about all of this. It seems so easy for so many to tell the ocean story and they cant see where my confusion lies. Ive been unsatisfied with most of the answers so far in this area for many years. People who came to satisfaction about this subject, how do you explain this? People who have done 5 MeO do you have the experience of how the process goes? Thanks for your time Best wishes
  2. @peachboy Thanks, this was beautiful, resonated with me. I know my question is impossible in a way, but I love the answers I get so far, very diverse. Can you elaborate on the infinite can only know the infinite? Isn't the finite mind and ego known by infinite consciousness? The blind fold analogy didn't really catch me.
  3. @Someone here Im am in the “waking state dream” right now. How i know? i can't get lucid and start flying here as i can in dreams at night. The waking dream has its own laws, while the “night dream” has its own. That's how i seperate them. I'm sure you too can see the difference in these two states. You know when you're in the “waking dream state”. (We are in it right now). It might be hard if you're not lucid to tell if you're in the “night dream state” but nevertheless it's revealed upon “waking up” to the “waking dream”.
  4. @Vittorio Thanks for replying. Yes, I said in my post I've been doing psychedelics (didn't tell which ones) though. But I can elaborate; LSD, mushrooms and DMT is what I've been doing. But for sure interested in 5 MeO and Nn DMT. As to contemplating, I've been doing much (maybe and obviously not enough, haha). I've been studying vedanta for about 7 years which includes a lot of contemplation. That's why I included it in the post as well. Most of all I love discussing these things. And love seeing other people's conclusions. Many are different, some resonates, some don't.
  5. @Someone here This is the kind of answer I'm looking for, love it. But i've been through this. The dream metaphor has very big limits. The other people in a dream at night are not themself the dreamer which I can confirm upon awakening to the “waking state” which I agree with you also is a dream. This analogy is a bit too much solipsism. The other people in a dream are just “props” of the dreamed world without subjective experience. At least what I can confirm. In the “waking” dream. You and me. We both have subjective experiences.
  6. @Leo Gura Then start with this; "You're not going to get it through explanation. Which is why I don't bother." You did bother in the beginning though. You were “explaining” while fully knowing i wouldn't get it through explanation? This is why I say you come off as pretentious. Would love a detailed explanation coming from you, even if I wouldn't understand it. I'm not expecting one but it would be super interesting to see how you see it. How the one Consciousness can “seem” to split up into many imaginations, with separate experiences/perceptions. I think you know what I'm pointing at. Maybe it's super ignorant, but It is what it is.
  7. @Leo Gura I can see you have not been reading through the thread. We have already gone through that this is all an imagination, and it isn't helpful at my level of understanding. At least it does not clear out this one confusion that is present. If you really want to give a helping hand here, please try to see where my confusion lies. Take me step by step. Telling a guy; "You're not getting it!" “it's all an imagination” without reading through previous answers seems just pretentious. Would instead love your step by step explanation to get me to the understanding.
  8. Can't see it, seems like there should be an easier explanation, but so far none have untied this knot for me. You said this: “You are conscious of all minds simultaneously but it takes different forms.” Can you elaborate on this maybe?
  9. @Gesundheit Ok, perception is imagination. This i know. What do i do with this information?
  10. @Osaid Thanks for the reply! You say; “If I was God and I wanted to become a dog, I would not allow that dog to look into other minds because that is not what dogs are supposed to do.” I say; That dog's mind is made out of consciousness. Not just a product of, actually made out of the “substance” consciousness. That consciousness is knowing. Now, the dog looking into another mind sounds wrong. What I'm saying is: That which is aware of the dog's mind (infinite consciousness) should be aware of other minds simultaneously.
  11. @Gesundheit I don't know if you're trying to get style points or what is happening. If you really want to help me please try to come down to my level. For me you seem a bit far out with these explanations, and i think you're smarter than this and can see where my confusion or level of understanding lies (maybe i'm wrong) Most likely I'm not at that level of understanding yet, and it's a bit too far of a gap to make it possible for me to understand with your explanations so far. Thanks anyway for trying, i mean it
  12. @Gesundheit Yes, I would want to directly perceive it. That would fit into being infinite consciousness. Then by this reasoning you are imagining me too? You're imagining a guy at a forum and telling him he is imagining stuff? Then there are two imaginations going on, I'm only directly aware of one. While the infinite consciousness is conscious of both. Only one imagination is a direct present for me.
  13. @Harikrishnan I agree but then you are imagining that you are telling a guy at a forum that he is only imagining this. There are now “two” imaginations going on simultaneously. Why am I not aware of both?
  14. Thanks for the reply. This feels like Solipsism for me. I know it's all perception. But there are more perceptions, one of those is "yours". If I'm that consciousness that those perceptions are made out of, why am I aware of only one?
  15. @allislove I can't travel in time because this mind/dream has its laws (mind laws) + there is no time to travel in anyways, this sidetracked and this in my point of view has nothing to do with the self aware being I'm trying to point at. This mind with limits and laws are known by an infinite consciousness, and I am that. Then if this is the case why am i not aware of all thoughts in the universe simultaneously?
  16. @Gesundheit @Gesundheit Thanks for trying, though my confusion persists. When I'm sitting face to face with a friend and talking I know there is an experience present that i'm not aware of. Let's say my friend says; what am I thinking of right now? If we are the same awareness why are not both “his” thoughts and “my” thoughts available at once?
  17. Thanks for your reply! I like this line you provided: "If God created such an experience to experience for itself, it would certainly have to first remove the knowledge that it was God. Else the experience wouldn't be authentic." I get the feeling of; 'The infinite can only know the infinite and the finite can only know the finite.' Do you agree with this? I've heard this reasoning before and it resonates but I want to get more technical about it.
  18. @Inliytened1 Waking state is only a name. Much used in the vedantic ways. I agree “Waking” state is a dream. As do the Aadvaitans. The name is just there to let us know what experience we are talking about. As the dream state at night is different than the current experience we are having right now. So my original question is still there. As our limited mind we are experiencing right now can only have one perception at time or even one thought at a time. The One Mind/Consciousness can dream up many minds (we are one of those dreamed up minds). So, if I am infinite consciousness/All knowing, how come I'm not aware of your thoughts? I'm only aware of thoughts appearing “here” while i'm sure there are other minds with other thoughts I have no access to.
  19. @Corpus Thank you, this seems super interesting. Will look into the book right now!
  20. @Nahm This doesn't make sense either for me. I can only see one mirage because there is only perception of one mirage at that moment. If a friend calls me and says he is "having" a perception of another mirage then i would say, why can't i see both mirages as both are appearing in infinite awareness. Let's say perception is a mirage. I know there is perception right now. I also know that "you" are "having" a perception right now. If I'm infinitely awareness, why am I only having this one perception at the moment, and not knowing about "yours".
  21. @Inliytened1 I've thought about this alot. And for me it doesn't really do it because in a dream at night we can't really say other people are conscious as in waking state. And if they are conscious, my limited mind can still just be aware of one subject at a time. While Consciousness/The One Mind is conscious of every mind.
  22. @Leo Gura This is not very helpful for me. I know there is only one room/space. And the walls in that house are an apparent and not real division of that space/room. Then, if all minds exist in my mind, why don't I know them? As I am that knowing which they are made of i should know them all in this very now? I only know one mind at the moment. For example, I'm not aware of "Leo's perception" right now. I'm sorry if this all sounds silly, but it is really something i'm struggling with.