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About love-in-a-mist

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  1. For much of my life, I've been so focused on the future. Not in an especially ambitious way, but more of a "I want to be done with this moment and get on to the next one" way. But since I have been studying non-duality, and also due to current circumstances and not feeling as if I can make even a halfway decent guess about what the future may hold, I find it easier to stay in the now. Even if I'm doing something I don't particularly enjoy, I'm not as focused on getting it done quickly so I can move on to something I do enjoy. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? It feels like a gradual settling into what is.
  2. For some reason this brought epigenetics to my mind. I vaguely recall reading about a study where scientists spritzed mice with lemon juice and then gave them a painful shock, so they naturally became averse to the smell of lemon juice, associating it with pain. But the eerie thing is, the descendents of the mice, several generations down the line, also had an aversion to lemon juice, though they had never been exposed to it or the shocks. They also had no contact with their ancestors, so it seems the aversion was not learned but genetically encoded.
  3. "Truth is a pathless land." - Krishnamurti
  4. What a wonderful experience! When I initially began learning about non-duality, I had my first (and thus far only) lucid dream.