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Everything posted by somegirl

  1. @wwhy Yes, he knows. I don't keep secrets.
  2. @SgtPepper That is true, that message did made me question the intentions even more. I thought the same thing for a moment
  3. @egoeimai Hahahah, that would be out of the blue type of move and kinda offensive. He could ask me on a date when I was single, but I would decline anyway so he would know where he's at with me.
  4. @Gesundheit I guess this was just bound to not work. I will contemplate on how to reduce possible misunderstandings in the future.
  5. @wwhy Um, I think he was not honest about the situation. I couldn't be 100% sure what's in his mind, so I just continued treating him as a friend. I think he had hidden intentions, which I kinda suspected but was not 100% sure cause he was not upfront about it, and this was therefore bound to fail.
  6. I kinda find an issue when a guy talks to you only because he is hoping something would come out of it. It bothers me. And when the girl is being nice and friendly, willing to hang out with him and stuff, that is misunderstood for "leading him on" or she's "keeping her options open". No. Of course, some girls do that and it's terrible because I know how devestating it is when someone is purposely leading you on knowing you are interested in them. They're in a way abusing a guy emotionally. But when a girl wants to only be friends with a guy, I think she has the right to. Not everything has to end in a relationship. And politeness should not be misunderstood for "I'm interested in you". What can a girl do when she notices a guy is interested in her in a romantic way? Be rude to him? No, I think she can only try to dismiss any kind of "non-friendly" or flirtatious comments from his side and hopefully he gets the message. If he doesn't, that's on him.
  7. @Nahm Lol, no. I never looked at him that way. The way he is, I cannot imagine myself being with him, I thought about it when I was single. I was just hurt and kinda taken aback by such contradictory behaviour. It's like one day it was all fine and the next it's like "You don't exist in my world anymore". I would be hurt by this kind of behaviour coming from my female friends too, if it ever happened lol. @Username Maybe. I was not leading him on though. I was behaving as if I would with my friend.
  8. @Artsu @Byun Sean @egoeimai @Gesundheit Thank you all very much for your time to answer and give me your thoughts on this matter. I was guessing this was the case because I can't think of anything else that might have caused such an "angry" response last time I tried to talk to him. @wwhy I didn't think he would react this way. I'm not even 100% sure that this was the reason why he got upset since he wouldn't really talk to me, but it seems likely. Also, yes I kinda felt he liked me more than a friend, but what could I do exactly in that situation? Not be his friend? I was trying to dismiss his flirtatious comments, even when I was single. I am 8 monghts into this relationship with my bf, so I guessed he knew, since I posted picture with him on social media. @Michael569 Thanks for your insight. I'm trying to learn, how can one contemplate in any given situation he or she faces? How do I know I'm asking the right questions so I can actually learn something, and not questions that would only straighten my point of view?