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Listen to the other side. I know it doesn't serve the ego. But it might make things more clear to understand.
+1 Putin is an insine one though, right? Let's forget NATO's bombing of Syria, libya, Yugoslavia... lol I just feel bad for the people of Ukraine. They literally don't have anything to do with what their sick politicians decide to do and they die needlessly. Prayers to them.
If you actually believe that, without joking, I don't even have any comment to write. I am too stunned to commnet lol. Keep believeing what you're being sold and ignore all the facts that say otherwise. Life certainly seems much better when we live in a fantasy.
That's not true analogy. Someone here mention, I forgot who, that even if someone put a gun to your head and said they won't shoot, that won't help you feel at ease at all. The same with this Ukraine/Russia situation.
Of course the West would think Putin is crazy and "attacked for no reason". Do you really think someone would invade for no reason at all? If people would not be so attached to their national identity, they would see why Russia is pissed. NATO has been playing with fire in a suble and nice way for a long time by expanding. They have eventually come to Russia's door (Ukraine).
What was supposed to be funny about that? ? Genuinely curious. Those kind of stuff can actually make a girl scared, especially if she doesn't know a guy. "Who knows what kind of people there are", she would think.
Works every time ?
Why would a friend/partner just ignore you out of nowhere? There's aways a reason. You don't need to deal with this kind of behaviour because it's not normal. A friend/partner is supposed to pay attention to you, or if they're busy, they should let you know what's up (if they're close friend of yours).
@Evoke I never did drugs, but I did drink (not too heavily, but I was usually having a glass or two of strong drink) but was never addicted. Though for me this whole corona situation helped me distance myself from that night life for a bit and realize how good I feel when I take a moment, relax and not consume any alcohol. This whole situation just made me appreciate my health more and that was enough to make me not drink anymore. Very grateful for that. I have a glass of wine here and there, but it's like once in a few months, usually when there's some kind of celebration/birthday. Even then I would just order juice. And I still have fun even without alcohol. I sometimes get nervious when I'm among new people in social situations, but... I don't know, I just push through that.
No, I try to be respectful and kind with "Mhm" responses, but am eventually heading into the direction of ending the conversation. Usually by either turning my body away from them, as if I'm about to go somewhere, or if I'm sitting, I will try to seem as if I'm busy doing my own thing and therefore cannot listen to them.
I figured I am attracted to facial expressions. And overall character mannerisms. It's sooo attractive. Literally anyone can spark an interest in me if they have very pronounced facial expressions (brow rise, very expressive eyes, appropriate body movements...). I guess people who are photogenic as well? I don't understand it entirely. But I think it subconsciously indicates a very intelligent person who knows how they appear to others and therefore adjust accordingly. I guess it indicates very high emotional intelligence. They know "what looks good" and how to act in certain situations. This is just my take on it.
@vizual Sure. But I don't understand those arguments that marriage is pointless. It is if you make it so. I think some some people just say these type of stuff because it is cool and trendy thing to say (my opinion). It's become trendy to hate/not want to marry. If a girl/guy loves their partner, I don't understand why they wouldn't want to crown their love with marriage. Are they afraid of something happening? Are they afraid their freedom will be lost?
Noone can force you to stay in marriage too. You can leave even then, and it won't be the end of the world like it used to. Marriage is not guarantee that no cheating will be happening also. I agree with your last comment. I don't believe married couples indeed think marriage will ensure that no cheating will be happening. It's such a naive way to think. Marriage will never not exist in my opinion. Just like people thought books will be replaced with online e-books entirely, but as we can see it didn't. People still value books they can hold in hand. Same with marriage. People see value in that too, and sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with respecting traditions or financial reasons. It can just be "the next step" in someone's relationship. And for most people, it's the most magical and beautiful thing that helps a couple celebrate their love, almost like putting a crown on top of their already existing love.
@Tudo Yes... Very "trendy" and popular to say that marriages are overrated and pointless these past few years. Then in that case, relationships are pointless, family institutions are pointless. Society you chose to live in is pointless. Everything is fundamentally pointless and outdated. But we still choose to play this game called life.
Yes, I have male best friend. But we've known each other since we were both kids. I also have lots of gay male friends. Other than that... I wasn't able to stay friends with other straight guys since becoming an adult. I almost always feel when they want more than friendships.
And vice versa. This is why I try to not hold negative beliefs about opposite gender even though I was bitter about what happened to me in my previous rs. Lack of understanding and being bitter about opposite gender serves noone. We all deep down know that and feel that to be true.
I appreciate your way of commenting and readiness to be open-minded. And btw, sure, but girls are biase too! Haha, we're same in that sense. Sure. Hmm, maybe, things have changed, but I would guess that biology has stayed the same. Women (in general) like to be admired, protected, feel safe (because they are in general weaker sex physically), surrender to the masculinity she trusts. And guys are the ones (in general) taking the lead, cherishing, assertive, admiring feminine beauty... It's a beautiful dynamic. So my wish would be that we don't fight lol. But I'm kinda idealistic in nature, so I don't know how realistic this is. But the more people are open minded, we will have more communication, and will be better at solving problems.
Respecting opposite gender is not bending over backwards. Moreover, you're also getting something in that dynamic. When it comes to people online you don't even know, sure, you behave differently, but I would imagine still having that basic respect and non-discriminatory approach. And you still take into account who you're talking to, I suppose. I know I do No but literally couple of people said the same thing here - that they won't be listening to women because they have no clue/won't admit the hard truth or whatever. That's so bad to say. World is not so black and white. If we apply that same logic back to men, then we girls shouldn't listen to Matthew Hussey on how to get a guy, because he is a guy! And that's the whole reason! Plain and simple, end of discussion. How would he feel? Probably discriminated against. But it's not a coincidence that female members here keep complaining. It's not because women are bored. It's not like it happened once or twice, but it keeps happening and almost everyone has some objection when it comes to this subforum. If I were to hear certain group of people KEEP complaining about the same thing, I would question what the hell is going on there.
It boggles my mind how some of you guys are not making your absolute priority as men to try to understand women and then act in a way that would reflect that and make women feel more comfortable in your presence/while talking to them. Shouldn't that be your very instinct? Don't you want to strive for that? To my knowledge, that should be instilled in your being as a male. To protect, to cherish, make your girl feel understood and comfortable. And her giving in and letting go, completely surrendering in your presence, because she *trusts* you, and as a result, that makes you feel more manly. It's complementary dynamic. Instead I see a lot of discrimination and rejection to take someone else's perspective based on their gender. What the hell, really? How is that being open-minded? How are we supposed to function and have a conversation if one side is discrediting the other based on their gender? So the very fact someone is born some way, is enough not to take them seriously. How doesn't that ring as "wrong" in your guys mind? Life is not that black and white.
@Leo Gura Yes, we support Leo ! Apologizing if some previous comments were taken as making fun or mocking, that was not at all the intention.
OMG such a cute kitten ??
Kind of a shocker it might be but.... Guys do these kind of bs too. No, but seriously, why would (some) guys be any different? There are guys and girls of all profiles. Guys are not always strightforward. They might be saing one thing, but actually string you along. Girls too. Nothing to do with gender but with qualities of a person.
You're not, it's just how it is. Everyone has these weird stories of their crushes behaving one way, then next time the other way etc... Everyone. If only you could hear countless weird stories my girl friends have encountered. Myself included. The only trap you could fall into right now is being bitter and forming generalized thoughts about certain gender. Which we have all at one point in our lives have been temped to do. But it serves you nothing. You would just be unhappy and resenful, noone wants that. Feel unhappy right now, let it all out. Be angry if you feel it. And then just move on. Look at dating as an "adventure", not something you should feel anxious about. Be like "Meh, if it happens, it happens". And then watch what kind of people you will come across after that shift.
Beautiful. I can resonate. I have moments when I care about other people's opinions of me and that's because I don't love myself during these moments. When you experience lack of interest in what others have to say about you or have this attitude of "I don't care even if they dislike me/talk bad about me", that's when you know you're just comfortable with youself and love yourself. Though, it's interesting to see that you have started to feel bad for that person, even though that person started this nasty game himself. You sometimes have to be a bit of a jerk/make people a bit uncomfortable on purpose (sometimes). That's also form of love. You don't be brutal, but a little poke/comment here and there and they should be put into place. And they will respect you for it. (You stood up for youself) It's not good to be too nice, nor too mean. You should be somewhere in the middle. No response is also powerful response, which you did here. But only one who feels comfortable with themselves and have worked on themselves long enough can pull this off without being emotionally damaged. Ignoring someone and not giving them a reaction is something a narcissist loses their mind over. It's brutal to them. But they probably have their own struggles that have made them be this way. However if I was to encounter a narcissist today, I would be a little selfish and let them suffer a little bit by ignoring them too. Because they started it first lol. That should maybe teach them that they shouldn't mess with me. I value my inner peace wayyy too freaking much for anyone to disturb it.
Okay this irritated me also. I mean yeah, girls do play dumb sometimes, but to be this obvious? And she took 0% responsibility also. Damn. Anyway... Did you text her anything the next day after you guys kissed? It's usually good idea to do that, so she wouldn't feel used. I know it hurt me couple of times when I made out with a guy in the past and he said nothing the next morning/day (or ever, for that matter). Just acknowledge that it happened and say how nice it was and how you had a good time. That's the least a guy can do. And yeah next time make sure to ask her if she is coming and does plan still stand. Best of luck, just don't take things like this too personally. This is why dating is weird and hard. Because suddenly everyone behaves weird and illogical. So don't take this to heart, it happens to everyone, even girls. @Karmadhi