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Everything posted by somegirl

  1. Lol. Some people claim they have some values but they are not embodying them at all. But it will reflect back to them and they will probably experience unfulfillment because of it. My values I live by are (random order): 1. (Inner) peace - The one thing I value the most and that gets targeted the most, because I let it, but I'm working on it. 2. Integrity - Saying something and actually following up on that. Actions over words. Not being a flaky person. I value integrity the most in people and hate the most when this value is not being honored. 3. Respect - I care about my bounderies being respected and my wishes be taken into consideration. I also care about respecting other people in that sense. 4. Perfection - Maybe not the best value but whatever I do, I try to do it with great precision and detail and it has to be how I envisioned it. 5. Being the best - Ever since I was little I've been competitive and I took defeat very hard.
  2. @hello1234 Shitting on people hahahahaha. Wanting attention. Omg. Was lovely talking to you. You are not lazy and not biased and you are just perfect, okay? Also you are right regarding this whole situation. Gonna prioritize my mental health and save my nerves and not engage with people like you too. Have a great life. You need it.
  3. Another example of hypocrisy of the West is putting sanctions on Russia, and pressuring others to do the same, but continuing to use their gas and energy resources.
  4. It's the other way around. When the West is confronted with their atrocious past full of crimes and breaking international law on multiple occasions, people say "Aw yeah, that shouldn't have happened.... Anyway... RUSSIA BOOOOO, DIE RUSSIA DIEEE, YO PUTIN IS INSANEE BRO".
  5. Previous comment asked you why is Ukraine so special as in, why compared to Africa and Middle East, Ukranian citizens deserve to live more than other countries (because in my opinion any human life is just as worthy as european lives) and your argument was that it is a democratic country. And I asked you why does it matter that it's democratic country because it shouldn't matter where, a human that is suffering, is from. I agree that Ukraine shouldn't suffer, but also West should have been more sympathetic to civilians and children getting killed in Middle East and Africa, the way they are "sympathetic" towards Ukraine now. But of course they didn't bat an eye when actually they were the ones commiting those crimes. So it's okay when they kill civilians, but when others do it, they suddenly become a god of morality and ethics and they suddenly sympathize and condone the war, when they themselves killed and ruined people's lives in the past. I actually never attacked you personally so you can go ahead and not add any epithets to me (tell me I want others to suffer for example) or insunuate something that has to do with me as a person, because that's a boundary I'm not gonna tolerate when I go back and forth with someone. I didn't tell you that you were evil or anything rude, so I would expect the same back.
  6. Bravo. You figured me out. Damn... My evil plan has failed.
  7. I'm already in love with this description ?
  8. So what??? What kind of discrimination is that? Just because it's democratic country, the lives of Ukranians are worth more than lives in some other poor country in Africa? Civilians in any country are worthy of having a good life! No matter if they live poorly or in democratic social systems.
  9. But it becomes easily accessible to a lot more people when it's available in different languages. We can make them better understand the meaning of english sentence when it's translated in "the spirit" of some other language. For example, my dad learnt english on his own but I can't imagine him being able to understand everything you are saying, only to some extend. Or it would be a great shame if he missed some important point that had potential to shift his view of life just because he couldn't understand some sentence entirely. And he is interested in spirituality very much.
  10. @Blackhawk you simply cannot be helped
  11. I actually started feeling legit depressed when I watch certain scenarios where a couple passionately loves each other. Never happened before. I actually started tearing up that they get to experience that feeling and I don't, nor can I see how that situation will change. Seems impossible. I don't know. I can't see how situation will change from current state to one I always desired.
  12. I don't claim that I'm "woke", I'm offering different perspective that is different from the the west narrative (that is btw disturbingly biased also). Kinda balances it out in the end. I won't deny that I'm influenced by environment (just like you are and you admit it which is fair enough) but also it's not like those things people are hurt and angry about here didn't happen. I have different perspective because different things have been told to me, but they were also true stories. It's not like they were telling me lies. They told me true things that NATO has done, not just here but everywhere else. Well I didn't know we were choosing in which social system we would love to live in. I would also choose west and its democratic values. It's not like I would love to live in Russia just because I said NATO sucks. There's a difference.
  13. @PurpleTree Where are you from? Since you're not from the US. Btw most of the the people do, for the same reasons Ukraine hates Russia right now. You would too if something like bombing happened to you. You seem to only reply to me when you want to mention the fact that I live in Serbia or something that has to do with it lol. I am detached from my nationality, I don't even think about it. I just happened to be born here.
  14. What you hear on western media is called propaganda. Did you hear those reporters talk? They use adjectives like "unprovoked war", "evil Putin" etc. That kind of talk doesn't contribute to better understanding of a situatioin, but honestly I didn't expect from media to be unbiased. Lazy people like to be told what to believe. Russia is not innocent either, I mentioned that in previous comment, both sides have blood on their hands. I'm just saying that NATO has been doing what Russia is doing right now, for centuries. They don't have a right to say shit now. They only care for people's lives when it's convinient for them. This is what pisses me off the most. A literal murderer talling others that murdering is bad. Why didn't people criticize NATO for bombing Yugoslavia which was btw against International Law ? Because they want to turn the blind eye only when it's convinient for them. And I agree. It's just sad that NATO will never take accountability for their commited atrocities because they are more powerful.
  15. Maybe. And most of the people here are openly biased against Russia and deem Putin as crazy lunatic who just so happened to wake up one day and decide to bomb Ukraine because he was bored and wanted to sprinkle some drama in his life (which is ridiculous). Reality is much more complex than that, shocker. But people are lazy, they want truth to be served to them, they want to be told who to hate and who to love. And when someone presents to them a different POV, they call it propaganda. Again, any war is awful and as you already mentioned, I know some of the stories people here were telling me because they experienced it first hand and it makes me sad and angry that it happened. So I symphatize with Ukranians. Civilians were always the ones who were sacrificed in any war.
  16. @vizual This thread is called "Understanding Russia and Putin" I don't condone the war, it's freaking awful, but it irks me to see people who listen to only one side of the story and form an opinion based on that. Do you know that media has an agenda and a bias? It's literally sculping your world view. But I don't blame you. If I lived comfortably in the West like you, I would also be lazy to see the other side. It's much easier to simplify reality and let Media do the job for you tell you who to hate and who to root for.
  17. ? I didn't go through every single country on that list to check its accuracy. The point is that the list is long and NATO has no credibility to tell anyone that others are evil, as they have invaded and killed innocent civilians themselves, with an excuse that they are doing a good thing. Ask people of Libya for example if they were better off before or after US involvement.
  18. @Godhead@hello1234 hahahah. When all you're consuming and listening to is Western news, anything that goes outside that frame is propaganda. Nobody tries to go beyond and see things from multiple angles and understand other's perspecrives. Realize that nobody is so-called "good", not NATO, and not even Russia. Everybody has blood on their hands. Except, NATO gets away with it a little more than others because it is more powerful and they control media more. And what irks me is that they invade counties for so called "noble reasons" (to spread democracy and freedom). I am not from Russia, and I don't even have family there or friends for that matter, I am just able to see hypocrisy.
  19. If this image was an art, I would call it a "Hypocrisy". Edit: Would just add "Ukraine" under Russia's list, because that's what's unfortunately happening today. An attempt to subdue a whole country.
  20. @Federico del pueblo thank you ? I'm wondering now, how does this dynamic play out in situations where you're dealing with real authority? Like, can you hold "alpha" frame with policeman? With professor? I would imagine it would not be so smart. They will just find a way to punish you for trying to "outsmart" them, right?
  21. *Women who cannot function on their own and need constant company and reassurance they are desired and need others to know they are desired* maybe. I don't believe they even love their new bfs, it's impossible to love someone after knowing them for such a short amount of time. They hop into new relationships for different unhealthy reasons. They love relationship drama.
  22. @Javfly33 Because you don't have abundance mindset but a scarcity one. If you thought you were "the guy" and had numerious options, you would act differently.
  23. @Preety_India It's not okay to be called a b word, and you have to decide for yourself if that is a deal breaker for you, aka is your standard for a relationship high or low. Me personally, that would be a deal breaker. Unless I did something terribly malicious and ruined someone's life on purpose, I don't expect my lover to call me such names.