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Everything posted by ajai

  1. Yepp Sure thing! Also, you can add any resource too, if you have got any, on your side or find something valuable in future, but as you know it should be one of the gems of all resources and upto the standards, let's make this thread very useful for someone looking for Vedanta resources and Teachings. Also let's try n keep the thread as much clean as possible, just focused only on the resources of Advaita Vedanta. (You can go ahead and add the teachings of the people you have mentioned, you can share their other useful resources as well, as I don't know much about them or their teachings yet.) Thanks&Regards.
  2. Can recommend you a video tho, Do watch, got some amazing insights.
  3. No. Not at all. Welp, that depends on your definition of what's true and what is not as I said it's just a relative thing, certain thing might be true for you and not for me. (As per me there's no Truth at all, and with that said I don't agree with what I just said, since there's nothing like False or Not-Truth per se, Reality is baseless the moment you base it anywhere you are creating a duality and making a distinction which perhaps is not what GOD is in my opinion, haha) No! in my opinion, things will work in a certain way for them too, it will be just "their" world, just like other animals and insects and other living organisms, they all never behave the same given the fact that all have different, for example: A bat can prey at night using supersonic waves but we can't, it's just with what qualities "you" are endowed with. Yeah I agree. Indeed. What do you say? As far as I'm concerned, I would say no way at all. So besides everything how would you like to conclude the thread, what's your take away?
  4. I still haven't got what do you mean by Direct Experience. The reason you can taste, smell, see, hear and touch is because of the apparatus you have endowed with. The reason you can see is due to the fact that you have visual apparatus even if someone is not bestowed with eyes and if is blind, that doesn't mean his biology will behave completely different, we must know that all he is missing are eyes, which might be a part of the whole visual apparatus but not the "whole apparatus" which includes the nerves and other things as well, the senses are not as what they only seem to be, they are infused completely throughout the body in such a way that maybe if someone is missing one of the pieces of that apparatus but it would be superfluous to say that he lacks sensory experiences completely, because that(sensory functioning) is something acquired through genetic endowment, you just can not neglect your complete sensory functioning as a whole.
  5. Just accepting that- "I/You do not know", if not directly perhaps indirectly, just like some arrogant/ignorant guy, who is stuck in his own paradigm, Let us understand this by an Analogy, Let us suppose I got some problem in my car which is most expensive in the world, but me being stubborn about the fact that my car just can't stop working, since it's most expensive in world, this doesn't change the fact that it's jacked rt now and only a mechanic can fix it, no matter how aloud I keep asserting that no it is the best car, which won't make it work till eternity, But see? It is me being stupid, isn't it? Owning the most expensive car does not validate the car to always work perfectly, it's a machine afterall and hence has all right in the world to break down or not work properly in some situations. Similarly, when I say embodying ignorance, it means first you gotta come to pedestal/base of ignorance and accept that, "I DON'T KNOW", (now ofcourse not all say/accept it bluntly they take assistance of BS arguments and logic, which too are limited) only then you can move forward towards a baseless base or a pedestal where there is no pedestal, Even in spiritual teachings I see Teachers trying to teach their students- See, See you are not this body/Ego, and that you are God, you are this-you are that, blah-blah, rather teaching should start in a different fashion by being at, or touching the student where he/she is at, only if you can go to his level you can take him forward, making him realize his true self at the primitive stage, which is the realization or awakening of- "That he is ignoramus" and that it is good stage to start with, and then slowly and steadily embodying/accepting each and every stage transcending from ignorance to WISDOM.
  6. To be honest it's good for them, They (Scientists) are at a primitive stage, and I advocate the philosophy of embodying your ignorance first, Haha, and they seem to go very well on the track of embodying ignorance and infact going even as far as making their Self-Identity (aka Ego) as stubborn as possible, good for them, The Greater and the more Stubborn the Ego is, the Stronger and even Harder shall be the Wisdom and hence calming shall be the Epiphany, making them more n more Humble towards the higher purpose/ Dharma.
  7. @charlie cho Do you know about Prof. Noam Chomsky, We need more people like him. Even the 'DAO' is just a concept isn't it? and same holds true for 'TRUE' itself and 'NATURE' and perhaps about any other abstract concept like, REALITY CONSCIOUSNESS GOD TRUTH Even the thing called as DIRECT EXPERIENCE. The very intrinsic nature of being a human being is to know and expand, thus humans have a tendency to reify every damn thing that comes his/her way and thus is a mere puppet of the SENSES. Now whether you want to surrender to your Senses or Not? that's a matter to contemplate upon.
  8. Perhaps in some corner of the world a scientist is already asking such questions, your justifications about Science also depends on how much you know about the works of Scientists that are involved in the work, perhaps there are some, directly taking the question you are asking head-on, "maybe knowledge can come out of what is not of the senses?" Just because of a few motherfuckers, it's not okay to scapegoat the whole discipline as well, every system today has got flaws and thus is also open for further improvements but that will only happen by concrete action in positive direction, not by condemning and ridiculing the whole discipline again and again and philosophizing stuff, perhaps that's the only reason that we went too deep in the pithole of always theorizing and playing blame game that stature of Science is not what it is supposed to be, and there are Universities working for real, but they don't make an uproar and claim everyone to visit their place and see their like few others in the limelight, work is a process, the true Science is a process as well.
  9. Yeah I'm hella serious, Since the way you put the light on the fact that, be it academic Science or Mathematics, neither of them shouldn't be considered SERIOUS at all (when it's about knowing Reality for the sake of it) since if any hypothesis which postulate knowing it all, it can be flawed at it's very core and thus there's need to investigate all theories with an open mind and not just propound what others have said or claimed something in past, just as what Rajneesh did when he visited his Maths class, A tool for investigating into the very nature of Reality is just a TOOL afterall, be it Science, Mathematics or any other discipline which is based on a set of premises and postulates. But if you think you didn't express the subject matter WONDERFULLY , I take my compliment back. Regards.
  10. @Muhammad Jawad Namaste Ji! Wonderful experience, Spiffing!! ? Hooray! So finally you did your first trip, congrats for experiencing such amazing insights. This...
  11. Who is the most attractive person in the world? For me personally- Kate Winslet (Rose in Titanic)
  12. Wonderfully written and thank-you for information.
  13. @Moksha What is Love? What is Consciousness? (Do you mean both the terms mean one and the same thing?) And also, if you'd like to tell, What is Dharma? Answers will be much appreciated. Thanks.
  14. Ofcourse, for 'external conditioning' at a primitive stage, being only in and around HUMANS is not a necessity, the only necessity being the presence of external CONDITIONS for the sake of conditioning to happen, that condition could even be the WOODS. But I have seen a Lion Roar, seeing another Lion in his Territory on Tele, And I have seen a dog bark, on another dog straying in his area on streets. Now, why is that? Haha.
  15. When the ever expanding and unlimited real self (ATMAN) of a Human Being his/her SOUL is mistaken as something limited and static it can be termed as EGO or self-identity. What is this "ever expanding" self, what is the point of it? The point of this ever expanding self is to become one with, what you can say GOD. The finite becoming unlimited/infinite ultimately realising both are same. Now from where that mistake is ever arising? It's arising within the ingnoramus, the whole point of being a finite individual, the DHARMA of every finite individual is to progress from that finite stage to a stage which has no limit which you might term as INFINITY, and the whole point of realization along the way is to realise that for which an individual is striving for, is no other than what he already is, now with that said shouldn't stop us at the very beginning saying when it's 'ME', what's the point of going down the way, also it's like asking What's the point of living life? Now that I'll leave on the individual, what else will he do if he is not ready to live his/her LIFE? The point to realise is that when you say/term something as infinity or understand the ever expanding self, that in itself has all sorts of pain and failures waiting for you down the road, it's surely not going to be all ROSES, suffering is as real as happiness or being good or living in bliss is. I advocate the philosophy that our ego is never static, it is dynamic and is ever changing, the more you learn the more flexible/mature it becomes the less you learn the more stubborn it becomes. The more you move from Ignorance(even that is not static) to knowledge the more flexible you'll become and thus becoming more "grounded" in your real self. There is some problem in this statement itself, There's nothing to grasp in the so-called direct experience, What do you mean by Direct Experience? If you, me or anyone had experienced something "Directly" , why such doubt then, and what's there to 'GRASP', it is what it is, which is direct is DIRECT, no explanation is demanded/required thereafter. If you had to begin with your Spiritual Teachings and teach an ignoramus, and if you start with- "You are not what you think you are, this Ego/Body", haha, this is like telling a noob mountain trekker to trek Mount Everest, this is like hitting him/her on his/her head repeatedly and forcefully commanding that you are going to trek Everest today itself, either you do that or you know nothing or you are NO good, But in actuality when you say "Direct Experience" it is to first experience the ground where you are either standing or sitting on, primarily, then we shall move forward, first and foremost thing is to accept that I don't know, and this limited self EGO/SELF INDENTITY is what I currently AM, and I'm going to seek my higher self, first and foremost thing is to embody your finite being, your EGO, then only you can make the case to nurture it for a more mature one and ultimately realising that from where you started and whatever stage you will be on, is no different but the same from where you started,in the sense that you must become as directly conscious of the fact of being an EGO as being a GOD. As for thoughts and memories these are just concepts, I like to see memory as the storage device(non-volatile) on my smartphone which I can visit whenever I want to access my stored files, this function in the brain is performed by synapses, the whole idea of past, present and future of TIME in general arise from here, this is as per what I have read until now in certain theories. Whereas thoughts are just like notifications in our smartphones (volatile memory). Personality is just another fancy concept, I won't go deeper into it and will end by just saying, the word came from the early 20th century: Latin, literally ‘mask, character played by an actor’. Even playwrights wrote whole lot of plays in antiquity in and around a particular characters, different characters in different plays, but the writer being the same, these are the roots of the term PERSONALITY, the term sounds cool, huh.
  16. The whole Actualized.org is special right from Blog, Forum to YT channel (All Videos). We can talk about Favourite Thumbnails tho, My fav, Without a doubt, I would like to see him once more with same cosplay.
  17. @Preety_India Congo!! Keep learning and keep helping others. This place is a School of Life, just like one of those in antiquity, where travellers used to reach after covering miles, just to seek True Wisdom and share their practices, experiences and what they've learnt thus far, we must rather strive to make it even a better place by all means possible at our disposal and not let it go otherwise, it helps so much, it nurtures so well, I have found a few really good people through this community and I just hope nothing but The Best for our forum.
  18. Excellent Job Swarnim, Keep up the good work Brodie! Would love to see more of those, this style is so rare. God Bless.
  19. PRANAYAMA, my TOP recommendations, 1. BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA 2. KAPALBHATI PRANAYAMA 3. ANULOM-VILOM PRANAYAMA Start with 5 minutes each, then consecutively increase the time frame. ?WATCH THIS FOR PROPER TECHNIQUE OF ANULOM- VILOM Happy Learning!