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Everything posted by ajai

  1. Having supernatural powers is one meaning attached to the word "Siddhis". First of all it's a hindi word (Origin- Sanskrit) which is commonly used in yogic culture and traditions in India. Secondly, before using a word to a certain degree we must know all possible connotations attached to it and then we must discuss any stuff related to it. Now few possible meanings of the word Siddhi, Hindi- सिद्धि could be: 1. Success 2. Determination 3. Answer to a question 4. Complete purification 5. Supernatural powers 6. Efficiency, mastery 7. Full knowledge. 8. Goal checking 9. To be clear Hope these various connotations will try to clear the meaning of Siddhi which is certainly used for a state of attainment of profound knowledge (or even enlightenment sometimes) in a particular domain of life which could be anything. I feel many of the words that we take from ancient cultures and traditions are misunderstood and used incorrectly, just be a little vigilant and do your research first instead of parroting nonsense without knowing a particular word,theory etc.(strictly speaking) And I also hope this will shed a lil light on the actual question "Are Siddhis real?" Of course Regards
  2. You can download it for free in pdf format from archive.org ? Go ahead with this link below⬇️ https://archive.org/download/HowToReadABook1972/How to Read a Book (1972) -- M. Adler%2C C. van Doren.pdf And if you want to buy a hard copy, check either amazon it's available there or any other online retailer based on your location or any local store. Regards
  3. @Leo Gura The price of staying awake is every reason you have to stop loving your "Everything" .
  4. James B. Glattfelder Information-Consciousness–Reality
  5. Great one? Noam Chomsky: The machine, the ghost and the limits of understanding; Newton´s contribution to the study of mind⬇️
  6. @modmyth If we work a little bit more consciously and push our limits and be a little more creative in our research, we can make an academic library available right here at this forum only ? Regards
  7. Yes you rightly mentioned about Soma Rasa ( Rasa means a liquid or fluid ), it has been referred to in various Ancient Hindu Scriptures and a lot of significance is given to this particular drink for attaining higher conscious states. Also, I would like to correct for the readers that it is not "Yaga" but it is Yagya, which is Sanskrit for : Yajna or Yagya (Sanskrit: यज्ञ) (IAST: yajñá) literally means "sacrifice, devotion, worship, offering", and refers in Hinduism to any ritual done in front of a sacred fire, often with mantras. Yajna has been a Vedic tradition, described in a layer of Vedic literature called Brahmanas, as well as Yajurveda. I used to be quite well practiced in this ritual, lol ?, since it was a general tradition to worship God in my family. Thankyou for sharing the nice book ?
  8. "Conscious Economy" or whatever the title may be. A mini-series that explains whole Economic System cumulating all necessary aspects such as Capitalism, Mixed Economy, Socialist Economy, Monetary Policies, Money, Finance etc. A holistic understanding of this system is inevitable in a more Globalized world where it is getting complex day by day.
  9. @sir maut Thank-you Bhaiya !
  10. Not yet, Have you? I have just gone through his paintings and some of the works available on his website and youtube channel which I really loved, I will love to read his texts in future for sure. There are other existential artists as well which fascinates and overwhelms me
  11. Mahn, that was heck of an existential lesson
  12. A substantial historical text from one of the profound authors of History, check this out if you are interested in knowing about the Indian sub continent (early 1900s -- to date)
  13. Osho's teachings has nothing to do with "wild wild country" nor with his commune. You can listen to his teachings and extract valuable key insights without any concern, if you wish to do so.
  14. If you notice carefully the way Leo teach in his videos is apparently what Ken talks about "Integral thinking". Spiral Dynamics and all other similar Models in Developmental Psychology are quite the same, it's all a matter of terms that are used. For Example: Jean Gebser's 6 stages, Carol Gilligan's 4 stages. The bases of all such models,theories and teachings is Integral Thinking. And Leo incorporate this concept in almost every single video of his lectures. Regards
  15. "We meditate on the Spiritual Splendor of that supreme and Divine reality, source of the physical, astral and celestial spheres of existence. Allow that divine being supreme to illuminate our intellect, so that we can realize the supreme Truth." "We meditate on the glory of that Ishvara (God Almighty) who created the universe, who is just to worship, who is an embodiment of Knowledge and Light and who is the destroyer of all sins and ignorance. Hopefully he illuminates our intellects." -Gāyatrī Mantra,RigVeda (Mandala 3.62.10) Appreciate it bro, stay blessed !! ?☘️
  16. I think there's a fine line that needs to be drawn between just pychedelics and psychedelics as helping tools along with other self-realization techniques. Now in this video Sadhguru says: "Any thing inorganic you put it into your organic system, you have to pay for it" Yes maybe true I don't know, but the thing that irritates me more is even people like him who are higher on the spiral they do advocate it's not good for you to intake such substances yet they will never say there's a need for Psychedelic Literacy and that the usage shouldn't run amok, that's a straw man. Help me understand this shit?
  17. "HALF A LIFE" BY KHALIL GIBRAN Do not love half lovers Do not entertain half friends Do not indulge in works of the half talented Do not live half a life and do not die a half death If you choose silence, then be silent When you speak, do so until you are finished Do not silence yourself to say something And do not speak to be silent If you accept, then express it bluntly Do not mask it If you refuse then be clear about it for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance Do not accept half a solution Do not believe half truths Do not dream half a dream Do not fantasize about half hopes Half a drink will not quench your thirst Half a meal will not satiate your hunger Half the way will get you no where Half an idea will bear you no results Your other half is not the one you love It is you in another time yet in the same space It is you when you are not Half a life is a life you didn’t live, A word you have not said A smile you postponed A love you have not had A friendship you did not know To reach and not arrive Work and not work Attend only to be absent What makes you a stranger to them closest to you and they strangers to you The half is a mere moment of inability but you are able for you are not half a being You are a whole that exists to live a life not half a life
  18. There is so much that we can learn from the works of profound Poets, and a whole ocean of wisdom is awaiting us to dive into, All you literary folks out there let's try and help each other to make a list of best and the most beautiful existential poems out there.
  19. It is the weak and sloppy identity that we build around ourselves, that motivate us to ask questions like these, but really if we think about it in terms of non-duality by which I mean not thinking in materialistic terms, and let's not even go that far think about yourself as a rat or any other animal whose cognitive behaviour and functioning is not same as you or any other human, it really puts us in a situation where it is really hard to even fathom how these creatures work and think and choose their actions, because we are not them and they are not us (behaviorally speaking), so you see when we think of God as to serve us in a "good" way it is like projecting your own self objectively which is rather impossible, there's nothing like objective good or bad, the mere idea and use of determining something being "good" is programmed in our psyche by it's repetitive use in a general sense, but if we see it from a meta/deep perspective it's has no real significance at a cosmos or universal level. Let's see all "happenings" just the way they are, not labelling them as good or bad, and that's where the real juice lies, to develop ourselves of being that potent that effective, can we do that? Same is with CARE ! @SQAAD
  20. Don't set an unwanted bar while you are along a progressive path unnecessarily. Intend good quality and immense value over quantity and time duration, be mindful while choosing your resources which are totally subjective depending upon your own interests and goals. Rest, other petty human stuff, will fall along the line, no need to worry much about that.
  21. ⬇️ infinity cumulates everything and infinity itself, anything finite is part of infinity it can take all finite forms.
  22. @SirVladimir I fathom and appreciate the significance of your writings.?❣️
  23. @SirVladimir Wonderful, jaw dropping insights brother, keep progressing and stay blessed. ? I have been to the Center of the Earth What a beautiful piece of writing, I really enjoyed it ?