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Everything posted by ajai

  1. @Preety_India Interesting, Altho this pink moon reminds me of someone I Love the most,
  2. @soos_mite_ah I really liked how you explained "Smart=Safety" , very-good. “two steps forward and one step back” It is inevitable isn't it, it is so unavoidable it's bound to happen even if you are some Yogi or Spiritual Master but the only difference is they come ready and prepared for it it's also a part of Learning process and to be honest it's so amusing, just imagine if there's was no ego backlash there was no point I'd be able to integrate the change in my self indentity, it's like that one little step backwards to make a contrast between your old Self and the new Self or about to become Self. So, one facet of Ego is that it also acts as our own Guide, it is a very powerful tool, everytime we demands a change to our Self-Identity the conversation between us and Ego goes like this: A: part of me demands change Ego: No it's not good for your self-agenda, remember !! A: I said I want change Ego: No wayyy !! A : Atleast I wanna try that change Ego: Okay !! Let's try but we'll keep a check with our old self and will follow up accordingly. A : Hell Yeah !! ( that should be the answer ) That's abstractly how the conversation goes in my opinion , And in that case it is so evident that you'll feel like a little unstable which is absolutely fantastic, infact I "fear" if we were never unstable and if there was no ego-backlash and we'd never improve ourselves and wouldn't even think about Development ever, and lives would be completely static and passive. Part of being more Spiritually aware or More Conscious is to be Dynamic and accept the Unstability because that's how it works !!! Read the article below: https://catherineauman.com/ego/
  3. Does competition bring out your toxic side? Yes, offcourse. Why n how ? While playing most games either online or offline (outdoor) decision making is instantaneous hence there is less time to ponder about some action or decision, it's like either you do it or you loose in split seconds hence comes the role of instincts come into play. Now, instincts are driven by subconscious mind which is programmed after years of doing things and going through variety of situations ( in general ) , although it can be re-programmed and hence our instincts can become more rational while taking a particular decision after consistent working more consciously. That's the toxic part rt , so it's alright to be a little toxic for sometime but if you want to remove this toxicity, the job is to determine what the toxicity is and work on removing it, toxicity which in your case you have already figured out I reckon. Yes , personally I don't fancy playing online games but I play Basketball which is quite an intense sport both physically and mentally , so yes I used to become "ragey" unnecessarily during my primitive years when I was immature and less educated game-wise but I have noticed with more game IQ and work on my weaknesses I was able to transcend that childish behaviour. You don't have to settle or caress this behaviour not at all , see if there's room for improvement and development and work accordingly you'll definitely see the difference.
  4. Does that stability mean being Complacent ? By the way, what is that ' I ' that want to become Disciplined all of a sudden ? First of all, being smart does not mean to held on to something. Second of all, to get sense of stability it's not necessary that the thing (being smart in this case) which worked for 10 years will work on n on to make you stable ? maybe the smartness needs an upgrade !! What do you mean by "Ego" and dissolving it ? Neither the Result nor Feeling nor Unstability nor Mentally nor Emotionally nor Spiritually are any different from Spirituality all of these terms fall under term Spirituality and in practice too. So I object your use of "spiritually" as something different as per my comprehension ( I don't know how you'll interpret this...) , it will always blind, it will never stop blinding, this is our whole shtick with this work here " To become more Conscious of that blinding " and to don't go with the flow and act out unconsciously ( broadly speaking ).
  5. 16. More Integral or Unitive approach in thinking. ( altho it could be an extension of point 6. ) 17. Nuanced and pragmatic approach towards life in general.
  6. Yes, that is true. Yes Indeed the world is too Unconscious, but maybe if UN brings change into the structure of how it functions world-wide, it can be effective even if not 100% but atleast upto some extent. Yes, it's a marriage between children but, who is there to tell children that they shouldn't marry and take responsibility for any such mishappening ? Yes absolutely, their Pandemic management all over the Europe, I really liked the resilience of European countries against the COVID-19.
  7. @commie I'm talking about all the functions, organs and bodies of UN in general. I mean role of UNGA and UNSC go hand in hand, isn't it ? ROLE OF UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY (193 member nations) : It serves as the main deliberative, policy-making, and representative organ of the UN. It is responsible for the UN budget, appointing the non-permanent members to the Security Council, appointing the Secretary-General of the United Nations, receiving reports from other parts of the UN system, and making recommendations through resolutions. It also establishes numerous subsidiary organs to advance or assist in its broad mandate. The UNGA is the only UN organ wherein all member states have equal representation. ROLE OF UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL ( 15 members,5P AND 10NP): It is charged with ensuring international peace and security, recommending the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly, and approving any changes to the UN Charter. It's powers include establishing peacekeeping operations, enacting international sanctions, and authorizing military action. The UNSC is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions on member states. (source:wiki) Now highlighting, how important these two organs of the UN are I would like to put forth the issues that I have or which I see broadly, in UNGA it seems like member states in every session spill out the same thing over and over again some even lending the blames on their neighbouring nations for their vested interests and probably because they think it's not worthwhile to really bring out something new because none of those nations are developed enough to do that. All in all I'd say I'm done with the rhetoric used in these sessions and the utopic ideals they talk about even sometimes they go as far as giving references from Philosophy, which I strongly doubt. UNSC has a very significant role to play worldwide I don't like the idea of permanent and non permanent members in today's age, permanent members have the privilege of VETO power, so they use that privilege as it suits them. More nations must be involved in decision making, isn't it ? It is this monopoly I was trying to point out. I don't know about that still my understanding about UN is way too sloppy. But there's is World Federation Of United Nations, what is that and what is it's role ? Direct power is questionable in my opinion but they can do as much as to guide and show the way, given the different demographics and psychological development of humans in different parts of the World.
  8. @Quantum Toad Heyy, good one.
  9. Being someone that changes himself or to say in a better way adjust or adapt to any Situation no matter what it is hell, heaven or be it crowd for that matter ( in words of Bruce Lee "be like water my friend", water can be filled into any vessel yet it is water, the essence of it never changes generally speaking ) And I want it not only for you my brother, I want it for everybody you me or anyone else, Okay, but also see: A Buddha is one who has attained Bodhi; and by Bodhi is meant wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection which can be achieved by man through purely human means. The term Buddha literally means enlightened one, a knower. Bodhi in Hindi is written as " बुद्धि " which is Intelligence or Wisdom, and it helps a person to understand new situations properly and to adapt with them. Wisdom can also be understood as 'the ability to process information'. Know more about Budha and Buddhism: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1958/02/the-meaning-of-buddhism/306832/
  10. Bruh... Being a Budha shouldn't be considered a Utopia. Do you mind if I ask, Who is a "Budha" ?
  11. "Person's personality represents the possibility of that person ." @ColeMC01 The word Personality comes from the Latin word "Persona", where it originally referred to a theatrical mask. In literature, substantial work is done by profound authors of antiquity, where the term refers to a character established by the author, one in whose voice a narrative takes place. So, we can say that personality is a very misunderstood term in this day n age, it's actually a facade that we put to act out in a given particular situation or in front of others in society, because it's hard to digest being "yourself", desired results are hard to get if we go by just being ourselves, because from the inside we know "I am crap", but to get the cutey you have to act like the best man on the planet or else you know you not getting her. The whole problem is to "Get" things we want. Good mindset would be to not be "okay" with your existing facade, because as in this case it's evident it's not working, so we gotta change the mask. Reframing your mask seem like heavy work and punishment so either you change it or live with the results, choice is yours. How will you change it ? First you gotta be working on yourself get yourself acquainted with the "basic needs" you talked about - these are the basic needs you want to meet right, so first make yourself aware with, What is Sex? and how it works, read about it , do research about it same goes for, What is Romance ? read about it, there is a whole lot of work done, you'll find brilliant Romantic Novels from Romanticism, you can get key insights from there which you might try being the protagonist of your dream land trying to get your dream princess?, develop this mask, really important for meeting the needs you talked about, how in the world you are expecting to be ROMANTIC without being flirty, c'mon man it's an Art be a good artist do it like no one ever did it before, it's good that you are not flirty which means there's an immense scope to learn and understand the artistry involved in flirting, research bruh do your research, nobody will come and spoon feed you this alright you gotta get up stop resting your ass, enough have you rested it already, may god bless you with a lot of hot chicks and cuties and may you meet all your fucking and flirty needs?. Stay blessed.
  12. Spectacular Bruh !? Irony is, even though I live amongst Sikhs here in India, I wasn't aware about this particular prayer they do, I mean I know about one or two which is taught in school in general, now as I read from the link given in video's description it was composed by Guru Gobind Singh who was the tenth Sikh Guru and offcourse was a spiritual master and also has a substantial significance in Sikh tradition ( also my University is named after his name), all in all it was great to know about this, I mean I knew the meaning of my name which is Invincible but it's good to know that there's a prayer with same name, amazing prayer tho. thank-you, ??
  13. I have got a hot chick's picture and barely holding myself not to share it here, should I share ? ? Maybe, bcoz I want to spoil your streak.... P.S. All the Best fellas !! ( hope you'll learn a lot and come out a bit transformed )
  14. alright, yeah it'll hinge on the boundaries and here it would mean to accept and understand my parents' perspective in a particular instance, respecting them would mean to understand that given the level of development of their psyche they may not get a particular situation in a way let's say I would because my developmental level could be different ( maybe higher or lower doesn't matter), and offcourse this respect would come out of love (I'd rather say caring) , to be fair I still do not understand the term Love clearly, you tell what do you mean by Love ? it will certainly help in improving my understanding of the term. So yes, respect will only hinge on the boundaries in few cases but then thats's the whole point of doing it in practice this is what the meaning attached to the term "Respect" tells us. What do you say ?
  15. Wait wait wait, let's not jump onto conclusions so faaast.....?
  17. @unborn_chicken Ain't nobody trying to be certain of nothing. Now we are talkin.....??
  18. @Natasha Umm, yea I'm getting you but a bit, isn't it so that the concept of Love is already there to begin with, it might be a matter to deepen it in a sense to manifest it more n more n more, it's like it's there yet not tangible enough to really feel it. Could you please make it more clear with boundaries, I don't get that in this context, Still thinking abt this tho, as I said juicy question...
  19. @Natasha Great question, I'd say the sense of appreciation or a sence of acceptance for somebody's qualities or potential or for persona also along with that when you wanna applaud that "somebody" not necessarily physically but just applaud because you think he/she/they/that/it have/has some special quality or perform special action/purpose in your life that is only done by that particular somebody. example: Parents, I respect my parents for wht they are to me.