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Everything posted by ajai

  1. You must know, what is being Religious first? No need to answer anything, infact, be honest and say- I do not know what is Religion, Sorry! Understand that millions of languages are spoken across this globe. English just happens to be widely spoken, without understanding the literary roots we do fall into traps of knowing the meaning, feelings behind the words which is not actually so. English words are certainly not that great as we think.
  2. For those not aware of Upanishads aka Vedanta: These are the philosophical texts with soul mysteries of nature, also known as last part of Vedas (4) and hence known as Vedanta ( Veda + anta-or end ) Since Adi Shankaracharya interpreted these teachings of Upanishads in non dualistic fashion so is his teachings known as " ADVAITA VEDANTA ". This thread is for some useful and substantial knowledge we can attain from Upanishads, learn and use some of the teachings in our practical life while pursuing various practices, these ancient scriptures are without a doubt really useful in the pursuit of Self-Actualization. Thanks.
  3. Flaw- I hate show off.
  4. The more you will understand about relationships the more you will appreciate monogamy and marriage. It shouldn't be a custom really, but subject to further exploration to the values it has to offer. The marriage is not bound to be overpriced if you really do it for its own sake. Who cares about how much you are spending on a ceremony and what brand you wear on what day. It is absurd.
  5. If you are asking this to us, boi you lost her already, matter of fact, you love porn more than you love her. C'mon now.
  6. He did not setup any community, do your research, Y'all please, before you blame someone as a conman, corrupt, bizarre or as flawed, at-least get a little history otherwise it will just add to your ignorance. Moreover stop participating in conversations that has to just project your inner biases and dogma. Do the work for God's sake. Work is point your finger towards you and your inner being and "NOT OTHERS". NOBODY KNOWS WHO A GURU IS. EXCEPT ONE. DO NOT MISLEAD.
  7. Rajneesh. He is: " The Most Transcended human I have ever listened to, watched and read". Him and only him. Please read his texts. Recommended. I read and listened to him mostly in Hindi Language. His native tongue. Regards.
  8. @KoryKat You equated Everything to Consciousness. Everything = Consciousness There is no space left for "THEN" after this Equation. Study about language and its nature of Duality.
  9. Things stink when they get old, I rather prefer the one without hair and new.
  10. WhatsApp has announced to share it's data with Facebook recently, what are your thoughts on this? Why is WhatsApp doing this to it's loyal users, this is really sad! Should I be concerned about my chat privacy? Or is it alright to continue with the same messenger and if not, what are some other good alternatives we have? I am deciding to switch on Signal anytime soon after Elon Musk's recent tweet.
  11. Why do we say everything is Consciousness? So one of the main confusions arises, when certain people starts alluding to the fact that everything is Consciousness, and that that the fundamental "matter" of Reality or Existence so to speak is— Consciousness. What happens is— There's this gap in understanding of the view or in the method of investigating into the very nature of Reality, since- "everyone" be it a living or non-living, being- present in this Universe is playing its fundamental role as a part of that Universal whole itself. A Human is a sentient being, why? because a Human makes sense of the world (Reality) it perceives through senses, that is to say that a human makes use of senses inherently to comprehend the world around it, or world in which it is living. So, can we say that a Human is actually trying to become aware of the world it is in? Yes, so the concept we can use here to identify this phenomenon of a human to make sense of Reality could be— Awareness. Now, this awareness can interchangeably be used by other words or labels such as Consciousness or the act of being Conscious. Now, one thing is very straight and clear which is that if I'm alive and my breath is still going on and heart is pumping blood and the brain is functioning as it should, no matter what I'm doing, where I'm at, how I'm existing, my intrinsic nature always asks me to be involved in some sort of sense making—Always, its just is the way it is, it's not me on whose "will" this thing is operating or acting, it's the Modus Operandi of being in a state of Human or being a Human. (And perhaps this true for every other animal or whatever you can think of-!) With that said, I believe this is the case with every single thing you can see or perceive as an object, thought, sense, feeling, emotions etcetras for that matter. Every individual phenomenon or the occurrence in the "fabric" of your AWARENESS/CONSCIOUSNESS, IS aware of its own self as well, because YOU are aware— of anything you can perceive or sense or even think about, and because you can think about it or feel or sense it— is the very reason for that particular thing being AWARE of its own self. How could it be possible, that if you are Aware of a thing and that it's not Aware of its own self? If it is not aware of its own self you won't be aware of it at all. It's just too necessary for both to be aware of their own-selves, failing of which in either one's case would result in "non-origination". "Habitually patterned consciousness" So is it HABIT resulting in Consciousness, that is in this act of making us being "aware"? Yes— Habit of not only physical action or reaction, but even the psychological processes, that are habitually driven. So, now let's say you are dead or lost your mental or even physical capacities to make any sense at all, the result would be non-origination— NOTHING. Cuz you are dead and whatever this world (Reality) was for you, went along with you, just as if you are watching a regular T.V. show and the moment you or anyone else switch it off, everything's just gone and vanished with a blink of an eye. Now my question is— Is this state of non-origination (let's say NOTHING) is Consciousness (a state of being AWARE) or not? Because if it is, then only prepositions like— Everything is Consciousness-! stands True. Bottom line is EVERYTHING— EVERY DAMN THING, IS AWARE OF ITSELF, THUS EVERYTHING I CAN SAY IS— CONSCIOUSNESS. NO MATTER, EITHER "I" AM CONSCIOUS OF IT OR NOT. Because Everything is Conscious of its own, it's me who got to work and explore this "MYSTERY" which is there always upfront and thus is no mystery at all.
  12. Non-Origination is not non-existence for me, and yes as someone rightly said- EVERYTHING IS EXISTENCE-! And yes- Nothingness is existence, not non-existence.
  13. You've done the ryt thing, really! Dont worey. wwooppss ???