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Everything posted by joshuahuebner

  1. @Lyubov age is in the title18 years. That's why I'm curious. It's not like I can't get it hard. I just don't see the point in it. Seems like time waste to me
  2. I really wonder why I lost interest in sex. It's not like I can't have sex. My dick is working fine when my gf wants it but I just don't care about sex/masturbation anymore. Self Development/Productivity/Spirituality is everything in my mind. The only point I see in sex is to make my girlfriend happy even though it's not that satisfying for me. Any opinions/experiences?
  3. @flowboy Thanks, I'll do that. Shouldn't be a problem though
  4. Yeah, the sex quality might just not be the best. What are some good resources to learn more about sex or should I just practice?
  5. I heard Leo talking about the mind projecting and creating reality. (Timestamp: 17:24 ) I get it to a certain degree. I understand that your unconscious mind is responsible for how others treat you and I understand that you can get wealthy with the right mindset BUT LEO was also talking about manifesting physical objects in a really complex way. What did he mean by that? Can someone explain it to me?