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About fgh96

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  1. Debunking solipsism... for the 476th time 💀
    Debunking solipsism... for the 476th time 💀
    Solipsism is ultimately an identity or conception which is never experienced as anything other than identity or conception. It is trapped in a conceptual duality, and so it is never experienced. It is just as accurate to say "there are only other people" as it is to say "there is only you", because both concepts assume that something else can be the case, that is the only way both concepts can exist at all.

    My stance was basically summarized in this section:
    I elaborate more poetically on this point in another post of mine:

  2. Give One reason for why we couldn't design our appearance/avatar like in a RPG game?
    Give One reason for why we couldn't design our appearance/avatar like in a RPG game?
    Imagine if one of your The Sims character, lets call him Bert, asked "Why did you make me fat? I want to be handsome like Johhny next room!"
     You the player, made those temporary vessels to experience whats it like to be Handsome and whats it like to be fat. Those attributes are just imaginary. If NPC Bert realized this then he wouldn't feel shame or embarrassment. The sooner he identifies himself as the player and not the NPC, the better.

  3. Terror after Leo's Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
    Terror after Leo's Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God
    Fear is judgment. The more judgmental/selfish you are the more fearful you are. Learning to forgive, and seeing everyone and everything as you will slowly get rid of your fears. The brain is the root cause of all fear as it is discriminatory and creates labels and categories. Its useful for physical manipulation, building, planning, but it is terrible for emotional health. 
    The discriminatory mind views everything from a logical perspective, but it is limited in its ability to process information, which is why you have to fail so much in life through personal experience because the truth is...YOU KNOW NOTHING. You are finite intelligence what the hell would you know.
    The key to growth is adopting the mindset of not knowing, and going forward into the unknown. As you draw your map through your experiences you adopt a this seems to be true approach without every clinging to any belief as absolute truth because there is only one absolute truth which is the truth that controls all of reality. Everything else is relative to the situation at hand in the present moment.

  4. You are not your Emotions...
    You are not your Emotions...
    Many on here keep seeking to gain peace and tranquility....that is a trap. Seek to gain TERROR, and to be AT PEACE WITH TERROR. One of the most important Realizations I gained was that I could be experiencing TERROR and be perfectly at peace. So when you do your Spiritual Practices....aim for this, shoot for this. The more you can acclimate to that Peace that is always there....the more you are shedding that veil of denial that prevents you from having peace. 
    This practice will completely change your paradigm...you will realize that no emotional expression can ever bind you, and that you have given into by giving your will to it. So the next time you feel immense fear, anger, etc.....stop....and observe.

  5. You alone exist
    Solipsism syndrome
    Your final awakening will be that you are completely Alone and One as God.  All other is held within your mind.  This is not the Wikipedia definition of solipsism so I don't brand it as such.  It will just be a complete feeling of Aloneness.   Where the Wikipedia definition is right is in the relative domain.  It really doesn't matter whether solipsism is true in the relative domain.  Because whether its true or not has no bearing on this domain.  That is the whole point of the relative domain.  

  6. Am I forgetting that I was conscious during sleep?
    Am I forgetting that I was conscious during sleep?
    No matter what happens, you will always have to perceive the "unawareness" through awareness, or else "unawareness" doesn't exist, and so you always perceive it through some sort of memory, no matter what. You can't escape awareness. You can see that this "unawareness" is always entangled in awareness, somehow.
    Existentially, this unawareness is not actually some existential and metaphysical unawareness, that is impossible. Rather, it is a change in memory, time, physical function, etc, so it has all to do with awareness and things that you are aware of. You are perceiving drastic differences in experience, which make you infer a gap in experience, but this gap is only inferred through the differences that you are absolutely aware of, and not unaware of. This bundle of experience is what the average human calls "unawareness" or "unconsciousness", but truly it is neither of those things existentially or metaphysically, it is just an experience of you inferring unawareness, but never unawareness being experienced (this is a paradox and can never happen).

  7. There's no such thing as an "I" lmao.
    There's no such thing as an "I" lmao.
    Watch: The flower can continue to appear exactly like that when you DELETE the ENTIRE perception that there is an I, that there is seeing, or that there is a person.
    You can literally DELETE all notion of there being any I at all. Completely delete it. And reality does not stop appearing. The flower can continue to appear completely and utterly in your absence.
    Nobody seeing it yet it looks like a flower. Reality is painted with colors and sounds, the colors and sounds are the things themselves. Reality is NOT anything other than WHAT IT IS. "I" thought is "I" thought. Red is red. Flower image is flower image.
    Nobody and nothing needs to exist coinciding with any of these things. Do you understand what it means? That there be a seen object floating around nowhere with literally nobody seeing it? Seen WITHOUT seeing?
    Do you know the way sound becomes omnipresent, nowhere, and everywhere on the Deemz? Do the same with vision. Stop the perception of sights appearing to you, in front of you, or ANYWHERE in relation to you. Sight is a motherfucker. Humans are like sighthounds, it's our primary sense for positioning in the 3D world, so even flatland Salvia can have a me + out there perception. Fuckin' click drag del it like the imaginary thought that it is.