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Everything posted by ColeMC01

  1. @Etherial Cat A weak kind men will not get girls. A strong unkind men will get girls. Of course a kind and strong men is the best.
  2. @Recursoinominado Could you please reply to my question? You seem to be pretty good at dealing with girls with a lot of experience so your input would be MUCH appreciated. I will paste my question here. "I will honestly never understand this shit. A girl is interested in you and once you get to know her well and she is comfortable and has rapport with you, then she rejects you once you her ask her out. Wouldn't it be better if the girl starts dating you AFTER you have spent some time together so she knows well she will not be molested or treated like shit by some stranger SINCE SHE KNOWS YOU WELL. If she finds you attractive and cool enough (she was interested and flirted) then why reject. This thing that if you talk for a girl long enough and then she will not date you after is so weird to me. Ofc i am assuming you acted normal not like a needy wimp during that time, so in case you acted normal but didn't make moves." Now i know you will probably say that it is not important to know this and just make your moves and talk with a lot of girls but i am asking this more out of pure curiosity.
  3. During the last months (boredom from quarantine hehe) i have dived deep into the black pill. I am not popular with girls and was drawn a bit into it but soon realized how toxic and destructive it is. After talking with dozens of Incels and seeing a lot of the Youtubers that make blackpill material. I honestly would like your guys ideas on why this happens. What struck me the most is the fact that they always use "it is proved by science, there is data behind it" argument whenever i criticized the blackpill. Why is this happening today? There have been people that do not socialize a lot for a long time, this ideology is quite recent. They often say Tinder and online dating is a big factor and i do agree. Being unattractive is a HUGE downside if you base your results on online dating since it is 90 percent based on your looks. However, you can still go out and meet girls in person. It does not seem as the ultimate reason why a guy would be dateless for decades. Another thing i have heard from some Incels is that they claim to have approached hundreds of girls without any results. One person said 100 and another over 1000, all rejections. I find that very difficult to believe since before even autistic people managed to find a partner or people with disabilities. Heck, John Nash had fucking schizophrenia and still managed to find a wife. Have girl standards gone up? Have men become weaker? Has online dating and the spread of technology made dating more based on appearance since online dating is mostly look focused? Now i know you people would probably say stuff like "they are scared of changing and working on themselves so they complain", i fully get that. But some guys being like (socially awkward, hermits etc) this has always been the case. Even in the early 2000 s for example . Why the blackpill has happened in the last 5 years or so? Leo it would be amazing if you could make a video about this issue like you did for conspiracy theories. Looking at this forum can clearly show you how much of an issue this is becoming and would be good if it got some high conscious addressing. "the hidden psychology behind the blackpill/inceldom would be a good title hehe". Disclaimer: I do not agree with the blackpill and it's core beliefes. I am just reporting what i have seen from a small research i did.
  4. @Rilles So the less excitment of not knowing you is more important than the comfort and security you get from knowing me? I thought girls cared about feeling comfortable and secure since they are the weaker sex
  5. @Bando What if the person is insecure about being a virgin? Imagine being asked on a date if you are a virgin and you saying yes i am. It can ruin the date. If you lie then you ll look super bad when the sex arrives to the point where she will just leave since girls hate lying to them. Fucking a hooker can be good to get the virgin stigma out of the way and get some basic experience. It can be a huge confidence boost, but i WOULDNT do it often as a replacement of talking to girls and pussy
  6. @Roy I feel like there is a pattern here. Have seen it happen A LOT of times. It is deeper than a "mind change"
  7. I will honestly never understand this shit. A girl is interested in you and once you get to know her well and she is comfortable and has rapport with you, then she rejects you once you her ask her out. Wouldn't it be better if the girl starts dating you AFTER you have spent some time together so she knows well she will not be molested or treated like shit by some stranger SINCE SHE KNOWS YOU WELL. If she finds you attractive and cool enough (she was interested and flirted) then why reject. This thing that if you talk for a girl long enough and then she will not date you after is so weird to me. Ofc i am assuming you acted normal not like a needy wimp during that time, so in case you acted normal but didn't make moves. If someone that understands girls can fill me in i would REALLY REALLY appreciate it
  8. I have a simple question. Can a guy be happy with a girl that he considers to be average looking (so is average looking for his tastes not for society) and she has average personality according to what he values on a girl. So if i made a list of what i like in a girl she would be just okay or average. Can a guy still be happy with a girl like this or will it be miserable? Take into account that they guy is not needy and quite detached but kind in general
  9. @Leo Gura Now incels have a good reason to approach since the mask will hide their "subhuman" face hahahahahhaha
  10. @Leo Gura You can also say " I was abusive to my girlfriend to see how far i could take it", "her fault for letting herself get abused and not break it off". With that logic you can rationalize everything, i am not judging you but there should be a balance between being a decent person and good in game. You can just talk to the girls that are single and worst case talk to girls in relationships but just attract them, so you can practice attraction skills, not actually get physical with them.
  11. @Leo Gura I love how chill American girls are. If i did that shit in my city they would be like wtf leave me alone. Probably would be with headphones and even if they were not it would be quite weird and annoying. Now ofc not always but people are closed af here. I have met American girls and they are OPEN AS FUCK compared to Western European people
  12. @Arcangelo What if you practice with night then switch to day once your skills are good enough. When you learn the piano you start with easy plays not directly to Mozart plays hehe
  13. @Javfly33 I feel you bro i used to be the same. Still am but A LOT LESS. What helped me the most was truly understanding and embodying relativism and the mechanics of projection. Also learning and applying the concepts that Leo teaches personally made me MUCH more confident in myself since i feel like i have a much higher understanding of things than before. It makes you feel like a developed person especially when you combine it with meditation and self love. Socializing is key of course but working on your inner bullshit is also very important and you can only do that by yourself. Understanding that what we perceive as value and worth does not exist and is completely dependent on the individual projections and reality will change your life once fully embodied. You will never compare yourself to others again and not give a single shit about what others think about you. Every individual person's perspective is just 1 out of millions. Don't give a single shit about what an individual person thinks of you, no matter who he is. Do not give anyone that privilege.
  14. @Preety_India That works if the guy seduces you properly then you ll be eager to go at his place. However otherwise you will get rejected. I think that would make more sense on the second or third date. However getting a kiss or something on the first date is quite important. I know because i ve had dates like the one this guy had that ended up in friendship
  15. @Preety_India Thank you for all the advice. I am not insecure about my looks, i consider myself to be a decent looking guy and have been called cute by many girls (also not been the type of others so it really depends on girl), so it is not about looks with me. My issue is my personality is very logical, analytical and deep. Not a lot of flirting, spontaneousty and even if i manage to get these things ok in some cases i ABSOLUTELY SUCK at getting physical. I can get a girl next to me sitting and i wont be able to do anything physical more than touch her arm LOL. Those are my issues, lack of charm and skills in getting physical and boldness
  16. @Leo Gura It would be nice to cover this incel thing at least on your blog. You did a 3 hour video on conspiracy theories but these days this inceldom bs has become just as big of a problem. So many shootings and suicides done by incels these days i feel like it deserves a bit of a cover. Maybe on your blog if not on a video, or on a subsection of a larger video i don't know. This is just my suggestion ofc Massive respect for your work and putting in the time to personally message in such length and depth the people here
  17. @Preety_India The thing with the blackpill is that they say that girls now will NOT settle for anything than the top 20 percent of men. Unless you are Chad or famous or something then they will not want to be with you. Social media, tinder etc have made them feel so entitled that they believe they deserve the top guys even if they are do not have a lot to offer. Incel quotation: "high and medium girls go for the top guys", "low girls go for the medium guys", low guys get nothing. So guy always fucked unless he is top guy. But to be top guy you need looks since as you said women want all. Oups we have an issue here! This is how incels think. I personally believe that dating apps have made dating worse since now more and more people are meeting simply based on the guy being attractive and that is it. It is not an excuse though as Leo among many others have managed to get good dating and sex life without using social media and relying on real life interactions
  18. @Leo Gura I do agree that a lot of incels ( easily 80 percent) of them are like this however i have talked with incels that claimed to have done hundreds of approaches and only rejected. Now i would assume these incels are small minority but these are the ones that make the channels that get all the views and stuff. Maybe they are lying about their efforts? Who knows? One of the most toxic ones i talked with said that he did 100 approaches and got rejected very harshly and it really hurt his ego and shit. I mean you said you did like 400 but 100 approaches, how many guys do 100 approaches honestly? Very few. I feel like there is SOME truth to the blackpill, maybe as much truth as there is to most toxic ideologies out there
  19. LOL why the fuck should a girl be above you because of her looks dude. Looks are such a small irrelevant part of life and as a actualizing person you should know this. I am not saying to see yourself as above them since that also is not healthy but at least do NOT see them as above yourself. We are all equal, all human. Everything you consider value is petty human bullshit that has no real truth or meaning to it, its fugazi, nothing more. However if you really want to see yourself as ABOVE the hot girls then just realize how much more developed of a person you are than most of the random people you see on the street. Being hot and developed human being are independent variables
  20. @Keyhole Would appreciate if you actually responded to what i wrote. You can share me your story either here or in Private message if you would like to. I am trying to help here
  21. @Keyhole What is wrong with pick up ? Do you even know why guys do that? Do you think most guys love putting themselves out there to be rejected and turned down by girls on a constant bases? If you girls approached more then pick up wouldn't really exist, it is designed because the guys approach and the girls accept/reject. You say guys are jerks? Well i can assure you that there are a lot of really caring cool guys but your mind is not seeing them, you are just focusing on the jerks. Personally i hate to approach girls but i have to because i cannot get a girl otherwise. That "cute pick up artist guy" could have been me you know. And it is not that i am a jerk that wants to fuck a girl every day, that is a stupid myth created by the 0.0001 percent of guys that have Youtube channels and promote products. Most guys are normal people that just want a girlfriend since it is a need most people have not transcended (if you even can). Nothing sinister or evil here, just the desire to share yourself with someone, physically, emotionally, spiritually etc. Most guys are equally emotionally and morally mature as most girls. No gender is better than the other in terms of how they treat the other gender. Guys can manipulate, so can girls. Guys can cheat, so can girls. Guys can be heartless, so can girls. Guys can be kind and caring, so can girls. You remind me of those red pill guys that keep complaining about women because they date girls simply because of how hot they are. If you date people based on values and vibing then you will not complain about " the other gender being jerks"
  22. @Leo Gura Of course they can. I am VERY VERY strict when it comes to personality, looks however i do not care that much about. Usually guys go for hot girls while i go for girls with great personality so that is why i clarified this so you knew i was not refering to hot girls. I would not say i am needy, my personality tends to make me very independent and able to enjoy my own company (plus i have friends and goals etc), it is just that i tend to be attentive and very kind and it can be confused for neediness since so many people are selfish af and only act nice to get pussy. High value guys dont have necessarily a lot of options. If you do not go out and are dont meet new people every week then you will not get laid. A low value guy can get more girls if he goes out a few times per week then a high value guy if he does not. I would consider you a high value guy and you will not get laid unless you go out or use some sort of online dating for example. Same logic applies for everyone. You dont have to meet new people every week to be considered a high value guy.
  23. @Leo Gura Yeah that is why i wrote what i wrote above about girls being turned off by you talking to other girls and being a player etc. I feel like a 6/10 girl would like if you invest in her a bit more rather than treating her like she is nothing. Personally, I never would go for hot girls because i feel like it's not worth it unless they have a great personality to go with it. I tend to be more feminine in this area and select girls more like girls do select guys (kinda).
  24. @Leo Gura Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. I wonder though if this applies only to hot girls or to every girl. I tend to be more personality than looks focused and i would be pretty cool with a decent looking girl (around 6/10 in looks). Will this advice work for her or is it more centered around the 8,9 and 10s.