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About CuriousCanid

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  1. Question on Actuality & Visualization
    Question on Actuality & Visualization
    You are literally imagining the new reality you want. Basic LoA.
    You are using the power of imagination to drill a portal to God. Many spiritual techniques rely on this mechanism without being explicit about it. That's how prayer works, for example. If you pray long and hard enough to Jesus, he can manifest himself to you. Because in fact Jesus is just a facet of your own mind. This is why some people worship Jesus, and it works for them. Other people worship an elephant man, and it works for them. Other people worship the devil, and it works for them. You can even worship Leo and one day I will appear to you and guide you to God. It doesn't matter what specific form your worship.
    This is why an infinite number of different religions can exist. The details of the imagery are largely irrelevant, as long as you take it seriously.
    The whole point is to blur the materialist boundary between "real" vs imaginary. This boundary itself is imaginary! The more you can blur this boundary, the more powerful you can be at manifesting and manipulating reality. This how yogis develop supernatural abilities/siddhis. They train up their imagination skills.