
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Fadl

  1. What do you/we mean by toxic masculinity?.. A real man is simply a biological male with no fear in his heart. That is a man. Otherwise he is not a man, but just a male. do not use Trump as an example, he is just a very frightening one.
  2. take it easy buddy, everybody goes through these kind of feeling on their lives. No gain no pain.. and vice versa.
  3. That’s normal I think, all civilization born and die at some moments, then reborn (in a different shape) and die again. I’m from the Middle East, so I will try to explain what is happening there nowadays from a spiral dynamic point of view (as this model makes it easier to understand the situation in few words): - Saudi Arabia: going from stage purple to red. -Syria: from red to blue. -Jordan: from purple/red/blue to orange. -Qatar: from red/blue to orange (they are aiming for green but the resources are not enough yet in my opinion). -Egypt: from red to more red. -Turkey: from blue/orange to orange/green. -Iraq/Lebanon: I have no idea, just too complicated. These were some examples.
  4. I like Mike Tyson a lot, but Psychedelics do not work 100% on him, maybe it do not work fully on anybody by the way. Well, personally I don´t enjoy art nor music (I really think it is just a noise) .. all different kind of art meant to touch the self not the heart.. (which could be good sometimes). what kind of self purpose you will get from two guys punching each other!. Life has no purpose, building a life purpose is not healthy if you got attached to it. Just try to help the others(by reaching God yourself), and if there is no one to help, just set inside your room and enjoy your turquoise stage until you die.