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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Not necessarily, but this is potentially a very freeing insight. Credits to Aaron Abke for this, but any time you write a post like that, just before you hit the button, ask: "who cares?" If it's coming from the (spiritual) ego, it won't be able to resist -- it will tell you if it's the one who cares, and if so, perhaps refrain from posting it.
  2. You are correct. But Andy Cutler definitely did mention at least once that "600mg for 2 months" is probably fine. But he was just speculating. I wasn't planning on doing just that lol but after building up and experiencing no side effects that is exactly what I eventually did -- 3 times. Not saying anyone else should do it -- just saying how I did it. Perhaps you can even pick up on it in the comments I copied and pasted in this post...but these indeed were mostly responses where I was self aware that the doses are at first glance, very high, and the rounds lengths are, again at first glance, very long. I even indicated it was a rather hardcore approach. I didn't just recklessly use those doses and lengths right out of the gates though. Although, even Cutler indicated many times, albeit usually indirectly, that longer is generally better. Higher doses aren't necessarily better, but longer rounds usually are, though of course, within reason and depending on the situation.
  3. Might already be obvious, but it's nice communicating it: Something else other than the individual (all there is; no-thing) can hear that this appearance is inconceivable, and it’s obvious, and yet (no-thing pretends), the individual knows this while simultaneously believing and fantasizing/pretending that it is conceivable. That’s a description of the process, but the suggestion is there’s no process. All pointers to truth are just different ways of saying nothing at all. The dream (unreality; what is not) is that you exist, there are things, and you can know them -- the truth in this statement is hidden by the fact that it says nothing, which is of course what truth is... i.e. it says the truth . Tragic. It's actually beautifully tragic. For example: the statement "all is love" means nothing to someone who thinks that statement runs counter to their experience -- therefore it's a pointer to truth. If they expand their consciousness enough, that statement will perhaps say or mean something to them, at which point it's no longer a pointer to truth. Whatever part of that meant something to you, does not point to what is true. Whatever part meant nothing, points to what is true.
  4. Nice. If I may, I can clearly see the subtle flaw in your technique (if your goal is awakening). It’s easy to fix: You’re overlooking the fact that one needs to use a line/thread in order to plumb the depths — you can’t just jump (well you can but only if you’re lucky). Allow yourself one delusion to eradicate all other delusions. The only situation when you’ll actually do nothing is when the mind is extremely stilled to the point of witnessing (body identification gone; feels like you’re God looking from the outside in). Here’s the delusion that you allow yourself, as a position from which to destroy all other delusions: Hold the intention to relax (let go of) all intention except for the intention to relax all intentions. Just do that, and only that, until what you will very likely perceive to be enlightenment — it’s not enlightenment, it’s Witnessing. Once here, relax even the intention to relax all intention. Full circle. Essentially, turn away from all experience, and then when the subject is the only object left, turn away from it as well (forget your self; go away; unhappen). There will be no notion of having gained anything. Good luck!
  5. Nobody has any clue what death is, and once dead, that will still be the case. Even those that do know what death is, only know it by virtue of not not-knowing it. It’s not real. Mahasamadhi can probably be done by simply not breathing or maybe starving, but the most common form is probably just enlightenment. Yeah I know that’s not mahasamadhi of the body — I wonder if that mahasamadhi (the kind most would consider the real one) is the belief in the body held by no one, evaporating. ??
  6. Yeah it’s as if the healing really begins at around hour 60-72. You can keep it going longer for a much smoother detox, since every time you go off, redistribution occurs — longer rounds minimize the number of instances where redistribution occurs, relative to the total time spent on cycle. Andy Cutler pointed to the healing/damage ratio on forums a lot — it only becomes a positive number just prior to the 72 hour mark, and then every additional day is basically money in the bank with pure healing essentially if the process is seen as a whole. I’d suggest starting with 4 on / 4 off. 3 days is cutting it a little close — it’s “leaving money on the table,” so to speak — unless you physically can’t handle the symptoms or sleep interruptions going any longer.
  7. Potassium without food is almost never a good idea. Lots of sodium and magnesium should generally get the job done. Any potassium capsules/pills will have an almost insignificant amount anyway. In any case, the answer to your question is potassium chloride. Not in capsule/pill form. But I really should reiterate — you’ll probably want to skip the potassium altogether. Sodium is most important on a fast. Magnesium is #2.
  8. Experience = “What would it be like if it were possible that I am real?”
  9. Just getting metals out of the body as a medical intervention is not the same as getting them out in a specific way to make psychedelic experiences more clear and consciousness more elevated.
  10. Glad to hear it! Sounds perfect. Perhaps stretch the rounds out longer as you’re able. You certainly might need to start with either 3-on/4-off or 4-on/10-off for quite some time, but that’s going to be brutally slow compared with 14-on/14-off, which seems to provide a great balance of rapidity and mildness. I started with about 10mg DMSA and 10mg ALA e3h. is probably the best source. At least it was back when I did it years ago. Might do some more just in case the psychedelic research chemicals and foods I’ve ingested since then collectively contained significant mercury; lead; arsenic; cadmium. Lower doses such as yours are still quite effective, since increases in dose do not result in anywhere near linear increases in excretion rate. I’ve heard of people who were so mercury toxic, even 1mg ALA had them contemplating calling 911... so yeah, start slow. I luckily never even had side effects — from 10mg all the way to 600mg e3h — not even a single bit, lol — pretty sure that’s not typical, though it does happen.
  11. In case in wasn’t in my post, ALA alone chelates mercury from the brain. Most of what I posted was the deeper aspects of it.
  12. False, actually. All I can say is you must not have read everything he wrote on forums. False on the other thing too; each 50% increase in dose results in an 18% faster rate of mercury excretion.
  13. ? yeah fuck no... Uncut Gems was sorta stressful but in an artsy fun way for me. Nothing like Requiem for a Dream — everything about that movie was a mood killer.
  14. @Heart of Space However, saying it's how others should live their life is something I'll gently suggest indicates an avenue of work on yourself -- if and only if you're looking for something to work on . It ain't broken, it's just a wormhole. Copied and pasted. You commented right as I edited and added that. Not that you're necessarily implying that, it's just a potential reading of what you posted.
  15. Lol, damn . Well, right on brother! However, saying it's how others should live their life is something I'll gently suggest indicates an avenue of work on yourself -- if and only if you're looking for something to work on . It ain't broken, it's just a wormhole.
  16. When viewed as the other side of the coin as self inquiry, surrender = Ignore and relax all experience/intention/thought except for the experience/intention/thought of ignoring and relaxing all experience/intention/thought. Relax all intention except for the intention to relax all intention. Neither action nor inaction. Then (once Witnessing or at least deep quietude emerges) apply that intention to itself. Ignore even the thought of ignoring thought. Relax even the intention to relax all intention. What is revealed cannot be described. It's not an achievement. It sounds like he's contradicting himself because it's a reflection of nonduality in experience, which isn't real, so paradox is inevitable; action is inaction.
  17. Ultimate apparent liberation is simply the end of the false claim, "I am" -- that claim can appear as 'I know,' or even 'I don't know.' But it's not really an end of anything, because it was a false claim. So there isn't really a thing called enlightenment that you can achieve. This of course does not mean "you're already enlightened" -- there simply isn't anyone in the first place. When the claim "I am" unhappens, everything is, miraculously, both unimaginably different, and exactly the same -- literally inconceivable. Only wholeness remains, as it always was. No one gets peace, ascension, happiness, or anything at all, including suffering -- though all of these can arise. There is certainly no seeking though. It's what apparently happens, with no one knowing what it is.
  18. @RMQualtrough You're post title is basically correct. Mainly the word "merely." I am is so thin, it's not even happening. It is nothing more than the claim that it is happening (I am experiencing). That's literally all it is. Infinitely unreal.
  19. ^^ I am = in order to = something needs to happen. Nothing needs to happen, clearly. So, what am I? Nothing. Everything appearing as not-everything. There is nothing other than everything, so not-everything is nothing. I am nothing; everything. But there's really no I. Only wholeness. I am is merely an empty claim. There is no one.
  20. I really loved that movie! Can't really remember anything about it, lol. Just that I loved it. Actually now I kind of remember. You mean the character Adam Sandler played taught you what to do? Or what not to do? Honestly I can appreciate both views. After all, that character seemed quite happy, but was clearly addicted to gambling (or whatever the fuck "that" was)... And under severe stress -- or...was he? What's your view?
  21. Basically just empathize, repeat back to them what they've said in my own words, suggest that their problem isn't necessarily a problem, and then suggest what I might do in their situation? Italicized portion might be incorrect. Maybe I'm not cut out for it. Just wondering.
  22. The truth? Well it's not the truth, but it's a message. An ungraspable but unbelievably simple message: there is no message. The message: First, remember, there is no message. Here's the message: You're everything appearing as (being) a claim/experience/Be-Lie-(I)f to be something else. You are everything appearing as the experience of being something other than everything. For no reason. In other words, everything being nothing is all there is. You are: "in order to." Notice there is (you are) always a claim: something needs to happen -- I need to live -- I need to die -- we need to save the planet -- I need to brush my teeth -- people need to go to school in order to learn my worldview -- doesn't matter... If you are there, there will be the experience/claim: something needs to happen. But of course, you know deep down, nothing needs to happen. So how about that claim? Is it real? What now? That's it. But there isn't an "it." You will never get that there's nothing to get.
  23. As long as your experience is “something (anything) matters” the true meaning of “nothing matters” will be hidden. Because when nothing matters, nothing happens.