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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Lmao tell that to an individual suffering from low endorphins due to opioid use. Of course that’s a temporary scenario that heals quick, especially with intense exercise, but still. Tons of things can reduce sleep. And some people have no issue falling asleep even with tons of blue light — it will likely negatively affect their sleep quality, but for many people blue light is not at the top of the list of things that negatively affect their sleep, even if it is high on the list.
  2. The feeling? It’s the body assigning a higher pleasure response from rest than activity. Usually involving tension behind the eyes. Fatigue itself is simply buildup of recovery need.
  3. Samatha is often translated as Calm. But really it's Samadhi plus joy, tranquility (fulfilment), and equanimity. And Samadhi is essentially in-distractibility.
  4. Yes, that's what Ingram says. It should be noted that Culadasa adamantly disagreed, steadfastly, on this point, and politely left it at that. Your last sentence above is perhaps true, but TMI past early stage 8 is pretty much the wilderness for anyone because it can get rather crazy -- it can involve pretty much everything that Ingram talks about... But Culadasa aptly does not script the experience, he just says the places you go will be unimaginable and thus it's pointless to try to describe how it'll be because it's impossible. TMI doesn't take longer. Not whatsoever. At least not as a rule. Where this disagreement comes from is perhaps Ingram's recommendation to sit for 10+ hours a day, whereas Culadasa says 2 hours can be sufficient. But the idea that this means TMI must take longer is a total misunderstanding, because it doesn't take into account that you can just do TMI for 10+ hours a day as well... in fact Culadasa even heavily implies that this would be faster. Also it perhaps comes from thinking that TMI is pure samatha. It's samatha-vipassana. Ingram recommends doing samatha and vipassana separately for the most part, whereas Culadasa doesn't as much. In the end they have to combine anyway, even in Ingram's model. The 1. intensity, 2. frequency, and 3. volume, of the training are going to be what dictates how long it takes for the requisite neurological changes to take place. So train diligently and consistently if you want to succeed, no matter the method. Past early stage 8 TMI you'll want to broaden your horizons past TMI anyway though (which is even implied in TMI).
  5. No-Fap in the end just makes you even more animalistic. So still be very careful with your porn consumption (most preferably no porn), but don't stop masturbation and especially sex. If you're not having sex, get your butt in gear and get that need met, whatever it takes -- Your best self depends on it, unless you're asexual, which you're clearly not if you have a high libido. Eventually, once you at least have the ability to get laid, you can get by on sex as little as once a month or two, or even less depending on your disposition, once you've gotten in out of your system (if there was a major lack).
  6. Ask yourself: "Who cares if Leo is the most awake person on the planet?" It will be the ego that cares. Awakeness can neither reject nor accept the sentiment, because it doesn't even compute -- the cosmic joke just blots out the sun.
  7. TMI is more down to earth and straightforward and detailed and comprehensive as far as actual techniques i.e. the actual stuff you’re supposed to do. MCTB2 is broader but far more open-ended, albeit it more extensively describes what to expect (imo something that should be avoided in excess). So I’d go with TMI 100%.
  8. Yeah NH is more of a philosopher. Which is why this is a good place to share the channel. After all, Plato (“broad shoulders”) was not the guy’s real name but Aristocles’s nickname given because he was not only mentally but also physically strong, via training.
  9. Sometimes, the right thing at the time is a stronger identity. In fact, until you “know you’re on the right track” it’s the right thing. So ask yourself if you’re on your definite path yet. If there is any doubt, you haven’t found it, and you might want to favor a growth stimulus or strength building mindset over an acquisition mindset. Dead giveaway for needing a stronger identity to progress further, is para-social relationships, of any kind.
  10. That’s the arising of piti. For your further research.
  11. Exponentially increased conscious power is adequate. To the extent that spirituality is a means to an end to bring more of that, it’s at least a valuable tool. But I disagree, I hear some spiritual teachers give the sentiment that you indicate here you never hear them say. Maybe I just read from their words things that aren’t there but fortunately I really don’t have to wonder… because I have that sentiment… and I’m not even really a teacher. So surely some teacher besides you also understands. Angelo Dilullo’s vids for instance indicate that he is liberated to the gills, fwiw. I wouldn’t be surprised if with all this immense spiritual development you have (let’s call it what it is, not that it’s all you have but it’s there), you end up 10 years from now with so much more development, finally do a k hole (and it wouldn’t the the sort of k hole most people have, it would be absolutely epic total God Realization of a sort you’ve never seen) and after that you’ll be practically an alien even relative to where you are now. Just to say, this is indeed very loosely held dialogue serving only as potential growth stimulus. There are all sorts of different paths, but the one that seems to shine brightest to me is that one where you continuously recognize how you’re slowly sloughing off the comforting delusion that you aren’t all-powerful. Not saying you should use ketamine. It is horrible for the bladder and if it’s toxic to the bladder epithelium I can’t imagine it being good for the cardiovascular system either. Other methods are perhaps superior.
  12. Every awake being is the most awakened being on the planet. Nothing comes into being and nothing moves. But the only awakened being is the awake one. Language is not sufficient unfortunately to get this across.
  13. Set of submaximal (>3-6RIR) full-ROM (for you) pull-ups Set of submaximal full-ROM dips Set of submaximal hanging leg raises Set of submaximal 45 degree back extensions (Optional) calf exercise (slow tempo, stretch, feel burn) to pre-fatigue calves for stair climber Stair climber for 5-15 minutes, checking and logging heart rate with the machine Repeat 1-4x Keep HR well above 130 bpm for at least 15 minutes at least 3x/wk
  14. Just monitor urine concentration. If you take riboflavin it will be brightly colored but otherwise it should not be overly concentrated/yellow.
  15. You better have a very healthy physique before even considering it. Have you lifted consistently with sufficient volume+intensity+frequency to make steady progress for at least a year? Is your bodyfat % below 15? You can’t really expect to have high testosterone if you haven’t at least done that. Remember the hard life is the easy life in the end.
  16. @Schizophonia Dude if you’re racist then why are you wondering why you don’t succeed with women? (I’m remembering your past comments; wish you would’ve mentioned this so you could’ve been helped sooner.) You have to be a good man first. It’s pretty much impossible to be a good man and racist.
  17. When I sent it I thought “oh yeah table sugar has a rather low GI doesn’t it? Oh well.” ? Reason I didn’t edit it is bc he seems particularly dogmatic and crazy and anyone recommending that kind of “supplement” to anyone who isn’t a world class athlete doesn’t really know what they’re doing. I can’t remember the reason I stopped listening to him at all, but I definitely saw some kind of weird dogmatic stuff going on with him. He really doesn’t like PUFA’s… ?
  18. Oh and another thing. Do you fall asleep at the gym? Meditation should be no different, as it’s just as intense training — if it isn’t, fix that. If you don’t lift, fix that too. Body and mind both need to be strong, especially as a man, today. Try TMI if you need a massive amount of structure to your meditation.
  19. @Schizophonia @Michael569 If anything, Ray Peat would love a high glycemic index considering he recommends table sugar as a supplement. Rice is easy on the digestive system and therefore a great source of calories/fuel for training. It’s awesome for that. If worried about the glycemic index, jasmine has far lower/better than basmati.
  20. Oh wow. Yes I can tell you what helped. Exactly when it cleared up completely happened to be while I was doing heavy metal detox with DMSA etc 6-8 or so years ago, so that may have helped as well, but I have a strong intuition it could have been coincidence and it was (primarily but perhaps expedited by a reduction in heavy metals / oxidation) brain damage that had run its course. What helped: Ensuring I got at least 6 hours of sleep a night (I wasn’t lifting weights at the time so I could get away with that little), going to bed and waking at roughly the same time. Really it barely helped though — it was severe. I was recovering from poly drug addiction — though I was clean; my best theory is that a quasi overdose knocked out some of my orexin neurons, leading effectively to pseudo-narcolepsy. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. Later on, when it was pretty much in remission (at least enough for me to no longer be terrified to go to sleep) but it would still happen some nights, I in fact went on SNRI’s and they in fact helped, but when I stopped taking them, I had a month of wicked sleep paralysis and hallucinations almost as bad as it was years prior when it was happening severely all the time.
  21. I used to have nightmares a lot. I have diagnosed narcolepsy and very often get sleep paralysis. I would procrastinate going to sleep every night. The sleep paralysis was painful too — felt like what I can only describe as phantom limb syndrome across the entire body. Eventually it cleared up for the most part fairly randomly but it happened at the same time as what I would call “growing up.”
  22. Then you need to rouse more energy. Always maintain balance in the middle between relaxation and energy. “Relax all that can be relaxed, alert all that can be alerted.”
  23. I almost said similar but didn’t justify it with a response it was so utterly ridiculous. Perhaps I would’ve if it was my forum, but I almost question your judgment in giving this individual the time of day ?
  24. First, let your intuition speak for itself. It’s impossible to know whether you’re really asking such a thing, but here goes: How to surrender: Maintain the effort to relax any other form of effort, in other words relax effort to voluntarily control whatever could be relaxed (let go of control) voluntarily if you wanted to right now, for if it can’t, it isn’t under your control. And then see the ramifications of that after doing it all the time and realizing it was in fact always already being done. 99% of the time this question is ego bluster and you won’t actually do this. And I’m not saying anyone should do this. It is literally the end of reality (from the perspective of the only possible candidate for one who could care about this). Paradoxically nothing existed that could end, so it’s simultaneously the most and least consequential inquiry one could have.