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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. It can be fun but it can also mislead people into thinking there’s nothing to do. Not the speakers’ fault though. Nothing is happening. No one knows that, but the only thing that experiences things happening in spacetime is an illusion. If it’s recognized that experience is an illusion, it’s not possible to imagine its reality. The talks are not about some event that actually happens in time. There can be energetic effects from various practices that make the lack of separation glaringly obvious, but even that is not required for what they’re talking about in these talks — that “event” quite literally does not happen (as the speakers even say over and over). Basically it is set up, both unintentionally and apparently, that the message comes literally out of nothing. And is nothing. Exposure to this phenomenon can seem to be associated with varying effects in people, but it’s not intended as a spiritual practice — and as far as spiritual practices go, if this were indeed to be used as one (and it can), it would be a very inefficient method to awaken indeed. Again it is not intended that the message be used in that way, by virtue of the message being the message and nothing more.
  2. That'd be one hell of an ego backlash lol Imagine the peaks and troughs of consciousness. You just went into a trough. Now you're going to approach a mini peak, and so on. But next time you're headed for the trough, imagine that graph upside down, so you're actually heading for a type of peak -- just try to feel your intuition as honestly and vividly as possible while you're in those "bad times" so you can feel just how bad it actually feels, causing you to learn. That way you have clear consciousness progression at all times, even when you're headed for lower consciousness in the short term.
  3. You seem very dead set on the idea that it's your height and so I understand how you might be feeling depressed about this, but unless you're like 5'5'' (but probably even then), it's not your height the vast majority of the time. I'm 5'10'' and I'm taller than many of my friends and shorter than many as well -- not many (men) in either category have issues with attracting women. I don't know anything about height insecurity -- basically just never have thought or cared about it. It would have never even crossed my mind. I can guarantee you, if I somehow had height insecurity, that would be a cause of not being able to attract women -- if I were 2-3 inches shorter and didn't have success with women, all else equal with my current circumstance... well then that would not be possible since I don't have height insecurity... and it would not be possible without height insecurity.
  4. From corresponding a bit with Adeptus, he might not even misunderstand nonduality entirely, he mainly just thinks Leo was being a bit over confident and half baked with his claims of healing abilities like a year ago or something — though I do still think Adeptus is misunderstanding that, because I don’t remember anything particularly crazy, and the way Adeptus acts leads me to believe he has a bit more of a problem with Leo than just that.
  5. Oh I wouldn't say that either lol I was saying it'd be better than tying it to a forum he doesn't think at all highly of. But it's not really an infinite regression in a way that's problematic. Reality is in a sense already an infinite regression -- everything is unconditioned and empty and there's no separation of any kind; everyone is the imagination of everyone.
  6. This. It may be best to just take things into your own hands.
  7. If this were in the USA that's exactly what I would do without any deliberation. But I don't know how that would work out where she is.
  8. At this point I can't see him being a narcissist in the problematic sense of the word. Everyone has their quirks but narcissism is highly destructive -- he may have been referring to a different meaning of the word like self love or confidence. I don't know. Y'all would've hated Chogyam Trungpa! Yeah it's just different styles I guess.
  9. ^^ even though it is sort of true, we could at least be more accurate and say “you created everything to wake yourself up” rather than saying he created us ( to do just that... since he already does not think this forum is worth a hill of beans.
  10. That’s assuming 1. he’s at a lower level of understanding (correct) and 2. this is a circumstance conducive to his mind being opened enough to break through to a higher level. 2. is rather unlikely considering he’d in a disagreement and already perhaps talks before he thinks a bit. I don’t think he’d be receptive. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong.
  11. Harris better be able to soon otherwise he’d be an exceptionally late bloomer considering all the meditation he’s done ?
  12. Yes but hopefully you can see I was not talking on that level. That’s like saying there’s only one user on this forum: you. Well, if you admit of there even being a forum (or enlightenment as something that can happen) in the first place, then there are “many cases” of users (or journeys). For instance Inliytened1 and The0Self, just to name 2 forum users... You’re ultimately correct but my point was basically “that goes for everything” not just Leo.
  13. While this is true in many cases, it’s not necessarily as true as everything else you said. Some might not have Leo as such a large influence compared to other teachers or their family or their life environment in general — which they of course timelessly created, along with every other aspect of the journey.
  14. Resonates. But no in my case it’s rather energetic and intuitive — the alignment that I sense.
  15. Yes. You can only truly love what you are ❤️
  16. ? Yeah I know... But probably about the same... However, I’m not as highly familiar with his teachings as I am the other 4, so I can’t really say how I feel on the matter — it just wouldn’t be an apt comparison, if one could even be made at all. I’ve seen enough of him (Ralston) to know he’s very highly conscious, that’s for sure.
  17. Infinite consciousness. Anything can happen. There may be apparent connections across various nodes and this possibility becomes quite obvious in high states of consciousness from meditation and psychedelics, and even in every day living with high level awakening. I’ve been quite shocked by many past life experiences in my earlier days of consciousness work. But then when real time and causality were seen to be illusory, apparent past lives were no longer even cause for batting an eyelid. There’s literally not even any separation of any kind — past lives now seem many orders less disconcerting and impossible to wrap the mind around.
  18. I too sometime get this effect, and strangely LSD is the only psychedelic entheogen that ever produces this for me (except for maybe MDMA but that’s hardly a psychedelic). Probably its dopaminergic qualities.
  19. Sure, but they can’t actually let go of control if there is any reason to do the practice, so they can be honest about that control, get it out of the dark, and apply that control to letting go of any intentions that are both available to be noticed and available to be let go of. Situating and getting cozy in the space between action and inaction.
  20. Because generally, the standard experience is one of thinking that something is lacking, when in reality nothing is lacking. But the question is malformed since enlightenment is not an experience. It’s the lack of the experience of real separation — that something really matters or that something is really wrong; missing; lacking, or that some circumstance is known with certainty, or that there are actually inherently existing separate objects and beings. It’s not an experience, but it is technically a state — just not a state that “someone is in.”
  21. It’s just his mirroring style, if anything. He wears totally random stuff that completely doesn’t even seem that way though...Watch more and you’d probably catch on. If there are even any highly conscious beings on earth at all (questionable, relatively, considering the infinite nature of consciousness), then he is among the top. My strong intuition is that if you can’t recognize that, then you’re getting caught up in your expectations of how a “guru” should act. For instance, most can intuitively recognize Rupert Spira to be highly conscious, but less can recognize Leo as such, even though Leo has probably actually explored and developed further than Rupert Spira, even despite his younger age. Essentially, Leo is too highly conscious to be recognized as such by many normies and relatively spiritually developed people alike. Bentinho is the same way, but perhaps even more so, at least partially because he has built his baseline almost entirely without psychedelics. Bentinho Massaro feels to be on the same relative vibrational level as Adyashanti, Nahm, and Frank Yang, for reference. This is simply an interpretation, of course.