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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. The thing is, death is ever-present. You never actually left it, so how can you return to it? Also, if we just think about it logically: to know what happens after death, certainly one way to accomplish that would simply be to know what always is. However, just like how a joke becomes less funny the more it’s explained, the more what always is is described, the further it is obscured. How could one describe everything? — there’s nothing that's not it. Though what always is is actually simply what is.
  2. And you know how after you successfully share an awesome sexual experience with a girl, you kind of think “wow I did well there...” ?? Well, if a woman thinks you’re awesome, and shares an awesome sexual experience with you on her end as well, she will think exactly the same sort of thing — “wow I did well there...” What can really help your game is understanding that you're sort of becoming a better male sex object for the female gaze, just like they’re a female sex object for the male gaze. Realizing this is what’s happening results in a more mindful and congruent view, and women want to see you right down to your view. They want to know that you know that you’re a male sex object for the her, the female gaze, and that she’s a female sex object for you, the male gaze. This is one of the subconscious fantasies they often seem to have.
  3. Yeah that’s why I’m telling you. I feel like many guys are just going to give up and think they’re failures when they think 15-20:1 is awful when actually that’s not that bad, and it’s never going to get better than 10:1 no matter what you do (for cold approach), unless like many guys you basically only go for a sure thing in your friend group etc where it’ll be a way better ratio than that, sometimes nearly 100%. No guy is every girl’s type, and not every girl is trying to have sex right now. That’s why being immune to rejection is important — by its nature, game is mostly rejection, so once you realize that, you can get on with getting experienced.
  4. Whatever dies is born. Whatever doesn’t die always was.
  5. Emptiness and Love (which he calls agape), and freedom from suffering (happiness as a permanent state — which is nothing like fleeting happiness, which is wantable, as permanent happiness can’t be desired if one knows what it is).
  6. This is true, however, women still expect a guy to be very smooth and lead them to a sexual encounter with minimal discomfort and anti slut defense. They will be most affected by those types of guys. But yes you should be very suggestive with those types of girls from the very beginning (hand on lower back sometimes within 10 seconds of meeting for the first time) — using sexualizing speech and jokes too. You still want to be smooth even with women who are only looking for sex (though even then, they’re still hoping they’ll eventually find a long term partner).
  7. @Javfly33 If you know girls ahead of time as in they’re from your friend group, it can suffice to only talk to a few at a time, but one thing you have to realize about cold approach is that even if you do everything perfectly, the phone number to sex conversion ratio is going to be 10 to 1 at best. It’s much better if they’re already in your social circle. So cold approach is a numbers game. Never expect it to actually work out with any one particular girl — of course in the moment you want to assume attraction (and assume that everything you are doing is awesome), just don’t be surprised when it doesn’t work out, because again the number to close ratio is going to be no better than 10:1.
  8. @Javfly33 Yeah they generally aren’t going to be invested until sex happens (unless they’re really crushing on you and think you’re above their league). But after it does, there is usually way, way more investment. Especially if it was really good. And even if sex doesn’t happen, IF the foreplay was good, it will probably still be on — unless it got all the way to getting naked or either person touching either genitals bare-handed/skin-on-skin (either their self or the other) and sex/penetration still did not happen before you two parted ways, then the girl will often feel like a slut if she were to see you again and so she just won’t see you again.
  9. You brush twice a day and floss once a day even if you’re fasting. Rain or fucking shine.
  10. One who 1. Loves 2. Protects 3. Is strong (there are as many ways to be strong as there are people)
  11. Exactly. Great way to put it. Sorry for the multi posts, I’m on mobile and it’s preposterously harder to respond to multiple users in one post.
  12. A hard no is any actual no whatsoever. Any no other than a joking no perhaps (not very common to begin with). Though of course you get “no not yet” which is to be expected if one sufficiently understands women at the level of casual sex, but some (few) guys hardly even get much “no not yet” if they’re good looking or just kind of laid back or charismatic to begin with and extremely confident and aware of their ability to give the girl probably the best sex she ever will have (so he could kind of just take it or leave it anyway), and able to treat these women as equals (or at least not as above them somehow) and preferably with respect and a conviction that the best way for a woman to grow spiritually and emotionally is with the guy in question.
  13. Yeah it’s kind of like playing them like an accordion and hitting the wrong note. (that was a joke) It’s generally a bad idea to think of it in such a way but still that’s definitely fitting in a sense. (Not that you’re ”playing” anyone. The point is not to play them but to just play and surrender all seriousness.) There’s a finite margin of error, is all. You see, this is why it’s so important to speak with no filter. Attraction switches in both women and men can get flipped both on or off very easily, and women in particular can sense fakeness really, really well.
  14. Didn’t say he specifically had to regardless of his specific goals, it’s just if he wants to have the highest change of bringing a particular woman (who is behaving like the woman he describes) into his life. He can just find another woman, of course. And of course it doesn’t always work that way. Just giving my two cents for this particular, unique but also commonplace, situation. And, women are often expecting the guy to want sex no matter what (I’m not saying that’s a true belief), so if the woman wants it faster than the guy, she can perceive that as the guy being reserved with his true desires (self explanatory why that could be a turn off, but it can also seem kinda chickenshit and not representative of her once-building fantasy of “super awesome guy” anymore).
  15. You kind of have to lead. If she’s willing to have sex faster than you then you have to push forward, otherwise they will sense reservation/hesitation in you.
  16. Game really is a bit of a spiritual / law of attraction sort of endeavor. The reason for this is how perceptive women are. They see through all your words right down to your mindset. Luckily this makes things simple, but also hard because mindset isn’t easy to change and requires facing your fears. You need to speak with no filter, which takes balls. If you don’t do this, she will perceive that you are monitoring what you say and this signals to her that you’re not good enough for her on your own, you’re having to “use tricks.”
  17. Well it requires two hands so it’d be a two-piece set. Too many moving parts ?
  18. Get better at it. Two fingers for g spot (up and down rapidly in pussy), other hand’s thumb for clit. At the same time. Then after 5-30 seconds, just look at her orgasm.
  19. Yes. Flip the script. Seek strength and integrity rather than pleasure. Simple. Difficult, but solid. In other words, fully authenticate.
  20. Anavar is an anabolic steroid. This will result in torture for the user eventually because they were too weak to get the results on their own and when you go off it you lose all the results. And it’s quite physically unhealthy and ages you quickly. So it becomes just like an addiction to any other harmful drug, albeit with far less fun. More importantly, it will make it completely impossible to actually learn how to train (which is nearly impossible to realize unless you’ve actually been natural for years and successfully built plenty of mass), and so their advice will be dogshit. Steroid use is a cancer, and a trap. other yt sources for natural bodybuilding: bald Omni man Basement bodybuilding steve shaw
  21. Natural Hypertrophy This is one of the most reliable free sources on the internet on how to get fit and jacked and healthy and strong, inside and out, naturally, so I thought I'd share it on this forum and help anyone out who has questions about exercise. It might be hard to believe, but most PED/steroid-users who run popular fitness channels actually have no idea how to train, because PED's are essentially injectable training. Link to a very useful playlist of his; this particular video doesn't hold any special significance: There are also plenty more gold standard channels but it takes experience to identify them. I'll list a few: Bald Omni Man, Basement Bodybuilding, Geoffrey Verity Schofield.
  22. Training minimalism in any form can increase injury risk due to the muscles strengthening in specific (rather than global) fashion when training within strict parameters, such as overly-primarily using isometrics, or calisthenics. Generally you want to use both weights and calisthenics in a way that is challenging and produces real rather than artificial progression: Example of artificial progression: adding 5 lb per session to 3x5 bench while needing to decrease pause at the bottom and possibly even widening the grip. Example of real progression: 2x/wk 2 sets of 8 paused squats (pausing at parallel) for a 1 second pause with x weight, the last rep being very challenging, and adding 1 second to the pause every week until 3 seconds, then adding 10 lb and starting over at a 1 second pause. But you want a wide variety of exercises and rep ranges ("training maximalism") to minimize mileage on the system. An example of a high-mileage (minimalist; poor) routine that still technically works all muscles would be just doing: squat, bench, deadlift, and pull-up for 5 rep sets. I'd advise against falling into that trap as well. For instance: Technically, the most effective reps/set range for growth (assuming 0-3 reps in reserve on each set) is indeed 9-15, however this does NOT mean that you will maximize progress with only this rep range, as you get hardly any CNS adaptations above about 6 reps/set once you're relatively trained (and you need CNS adaptations for maximum long-term increase in tonnage -- the primary driver of muscle growth in the long run), and you leave some more gains on the table by not training in the 16-30 rep range as well. It just means that if you want the fastest progress, the majority of the work should be in the 9-15 rep range, not the entirety. Consistent and careful exercise execution -- pausing/holding the stretch; same bar path each rep; controlling the weight on the eccentric; etc -- is also crucial. The most effective isometrics are pauses in the stretch position in the midst of full-ROM sets. Also weighted planks -- though they are outmatched by hanging leg raises for growth. You simply need a full contraction-relaxation cycle to maximize progress of either strength or size. Which is why the reverse hyper is so highly-regarded in the strength world -- it's one of the few exercises that do this for the erectors. And you eventually want to choose whether to focus primarily on strength or mass, since the lower the systemic fatigue, the quicker strength progresses, and the HIGHER the systemic fatigue (up to a point), the quicker mass progresses. In other words: deloading necessary for maximum strength, and not-deloading is necessary for max size. This took me years to finally realize -- that strength and size are extremely different pursuits -- though for the first 1-3 years of hard training they're almost in lockstep... it's temporary.
  23. Then why’d you ask? Zero exercise is not a tenable strategy for even reasonably decent health.
  24. Here is the mechanism: The more energy that flows through an organism, the more the organism adapts in its capacity for more energy to flow through it in the future which of course can and does directly and indirectly involve increased life-span and various other elements of health and longevity. Simple as that. Therefore, challenging physical activity, specifically the kind that would require significantly more energy/calories to fuel its progression, is incredibly important for a clear mind and good health. And increasing muscle mass requires far more energy flow than increasing cardiovascular conditioning, the reason for which could be described as: you’re “increasing your engine displacement” and therefore “decreasing your gas mileage” when adding muscle mass to your frame, therefore cardio without resistance training is not nearly enough to optimize health. It may seem like cardio burns more calories than resistance training, but it only does so at the time, which is a small part of the day… and it only does so marginally anyway, if at all, if the resistance training it’s compared with is circuit/multi-superset training and thus essentially void of rest periods.