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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. On that level, nothing. Nothing ever changes which is everything constantly changing. As for getting into wonderfully blissful states, there is basically no substitute for meditation, sure. In fact it seems in this forum there is widespread underestimation of meditation, to the point where there are people using recreational drugs for pleasure, completely unaware that skillful meditation states blow all recreational drugs out of the water as far as pleasure goes. It's not right or wrong, just uninformed.
  2. The you who thinks it can do something through its own action to get further on a spiritual path is a bit more glaring an example of the apparently separate self than is a mere conventional expression ("I") used in conversation. This is like cooling off the sidewalk with a hose when there's a burning building next to it.
  3. Heavy metal detox is a very involved thing which can only be achieved with heavy metal detox (chelation). It's too dangerous (unless done safely, but don't assume you'll know what "done safely" means) and too involved to be worth almost anyone's time -- you could easily be convinced you're doing it right, and then end up with brain damage from mercury redistribution from using the wrong substance, or from using the right substance but at an inappropriate and half-assed dosing frequency. Regular (non-heavy) "metal detox" on the other hand though might be different but (for the most part) what would be the point of that... so I assume you meant heavy metal.
  4. Redundant, as there is nobody else. But there's no separate me either. It's not that only you can realize God -- there is only what is (which also is not) and there's nobody separate from that. As far as one awakening, there can be many apparent awakenings and mystical experiences in the expansion of consciousness, but there aren't multiples of ultimate liberation. In fact, there isn't even one ultimate liberation, as it's not a circumstance; it's beyond things/experiences. All mystical experiences and realizations have four aspects, it seems: 1. they come and go, 2. they can always get more profound and better, 3. they have a context as part of an apparent path to more/fulfilment/truth/beauty, and 4. they involve knowing/consciousness. Ultimate liberation, on the other hand, does not come and go (and no one ever arrives-at or leaves it), does not have any possibility of being better, does not have any context or meaning or cause, and does not involve knowing/consciousness.
  5. While I’d be tempted to say nothing is useful, I’ll talk on a different level: It’s ridiculously effective, but it can take either luck or finding the right techniques. With meditation skill alone, you can manifest as much bliss as you want, any time you want it, maybe not instantaneously, but in short order.
  6. Nor is basically anyone. Emotions are what drive sex anyway.
  7. There is no understanding. But yeah the concepts are apparently understood. What you’re speaking about is solipsism — a nice last ditch effort for the apparent individual to avoid liberation. Still in the story. There is no me and you. There’s only what appears to be, which is nothing being everything. Good luck.?
  8. Well not really. Apparently, but it was an appearance, as was the you referred to. It didn’t even really fall away when it apparently did — it simply never was.
  9. If that’s what the apparent you believes, that’s what’s appearing to happen. Nothing wrong or right with it.
  10. Experience is literally separation from what is experienced. There is no actual separation.
  11. Sure the true nature of a you or anything else is that — nothing being everything. But the true nature doesn’t have a me or a you or whatever.
  12. That right there is a perfect example of the dream that there is someone separate from what appears to be.
  13. My friend, that’s just what’s appearing to happen there. It’s not happening to anybody. In all that, there was (for instance) thinking and typing — maybe sitting on a chair — appearing for no reason. No one is doing the someone or having the someone happen to them either.
  14. Of course infinite past is impossible. Can’t disagree there. There’s only infinite everything. Eternity isn’t long at all, it’s timeless. Infinity isn’t big at all, it’s attribute-less.
  15. Lol if this is truly zen devilry then wow what a doozie... that might as well be a teenager’s reaction to taking a bit too much acid ?
  16. There is no here so there’s no over there. There isn’t anyone here who could have thoughts of an other or not. Nor is there one over there — of course it can seem like it but it’s not real. And there is no actual or not-actual.
  17. Go as hard as you can with everything. Then realize it’s not going to work and you’re okay with that. Stop all practices. Be happy. Then the huge shifts you had been longing for will be revealed to have been so close you actually can’t miss them, which is why by trying to know them, you apparently missed them. Then be done, choicelessly. Not actual advice. 100% joking yet 100% matter of fact. But certainly not prescriptive.
  18. If that's what's appearing to happen there that's fine.
  19. Not sure I follow you on that lol. That's just what's appearing to happen there, in any case. You said everything belongs to me and you, but there is no separate me and you. There's no one to take responsibility or not. There's no denial of responsibility, just the lack of conviction in it. Nothing is lost in that, there's only unconditional love. You could say infinite responsibility, leaves no one responsible. You've apparently only taken a half measure responsibility.
  20. That's what's appearing to happen there then. There's just what's appearing to happen, and there's no separation; nothing belongs to anything, there is only everything. God is just an idea if it is believed in by an apparent separate individual. God points to something else, yes, but that can't be known. Knowing is the dream.
  21. It's not that you don't have a past. That's not it... It's that the you referred to is just an idea, so it couldn't have a past nor could it not have a past. Again, it's not merely that you don't have a past... Nothing can be had in the first place anyway because there aren't real separate things, only the ungraspable appearing as everything.
  22. How do you know there is actual truth that can be ascertained with experience? This investigation has perhaps more to do with unknowing the false rather than knowing the true. But one could say truth, if it exists, surely will be the last thing standing when everything you don't know for sure, and everything you thought you knew for sure, is gone.
  23. In a dream at night when the dream just begins somewhere and there seems to be real continuity... How do you know this is not that? Not saying this is a dream but how do you know there isn't no real continuity? You can't know, just like in a dream. You can't know it because there is no real continuum. Memories just appear. How did you determine that infinity can't appear as a universe with a history with no problem, without that history having even taken place?
  24. No one is punished. In the story it’s just a natural apparent evolution and learning process. And there’s no God separate from you so could say it’s God teaching itself. But of course there is no real teaching going on, there’s just liberation apparently happening without cause and for nobody, timelessly.
  25. There’s just what’s appearing the happen. Nothing appearing to happen. Boundless energy (nothing) being everything. The past is boundlessness appearing as that. As is the future. As is the appearance of you. And there’s no real separation (nor even connection) of any kind at all. There isn’t anything which is ever really caused. Infinity is not limited by causality or even logic or anything else. It’s well within the infinite’s capacity to appear as an entire universe with a history without that history needing to have actually taken place. It’s actually over before it began — well, the beginning and the end are not two.