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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. The levels can always be higher in the dream. But liberation, which is all there is already, has no higher level, because it’s obvious that the only thing that experiences levels (or anything actually happening at all) is illusory.
  2. Acutely. But yoga can increase self esteem. Testosterone level is not that important anyway. It’s actually kind of rare for it to be low and if it is low, there’s basically absolutely nothing you can do other than either stop consuming substances that shut down hormones (worst offenders are calcium channel blockers and opioids), or start taking TRT. And when these studies show that some things increase or decrease test level, it’s usually going from like 300 to 350 (can’t remember the exact units, maybe ng/dl) — not gonna be much of a difference. And really the only things that’s make a significant difference are sleep and stress, so if anything meditation and yoga help testosterone level. When men look at babies it lowers their testosterone production... momentarily... so in the long run it makes NO difference. It only matters when it’s extreme, like someone with low T of like 50 going to 1200 (by injecting at least 140mg testosterone a week). You’re misinformed on this one man. I can go on if you’d like because I had quite a bit of experience with this is my life.
  3. Satisfaction is the dream of there being something other than what’s appearing, called fulfillment, which one can obtain more or less of, through their own free will and choice. See, the possibility of fulfillment in the future, which like you say is just an idea/word, automatically confirms that there is un-fulfillment now. Satisfaction can appear for a time but it’s temporary, and even while it’s happening there can be the subtle sense of “I don’t want this to go away,” if there is apparently me/duality. In that sense, separation is almost always unsatisfying, even if only subtly.
  4. Which no activity will cause. Which is why I thought you were either joking or misinformed. It's a major alteration in homeostasis, not something yoga is going to cause.
  5. No idea if that was a joke or not, but the guys with the highest testosterone have the highest estrogen usually. It's the balance that can be a problem but this is usually only an issue if carrying a lot of extra fat and even then usually not. But no activity is going to make you produce significantly more estrogen; certainly not as much estrogen as a high testosterone male ... unless you already have high test, in which case your estrogen will be somewhat high as well.
  6. It's a summer home that my sister and my parents and I share but there's usually never anyone actually living there. Yeah I know, it's like the nicest view ever lol.
  7. Yes, no thing could be infinite. But there aren’t any things anyway, so that’s redundant. ? And of course there’s no process, in fact I’m afraid there's nothing happening... There’s just nothing being everything — boundlessness appearing without cause or meaning.
  8. It’s essentially just a random picture of nature in my own backyard. Might change it again soon.
  9. There's no past or future, and no separation to understand in. Just timeless isness without any constraints such as cause or meaning.
  10. Well, there is actually no purpose. Or meaning. Or cause... And just to be clear, it might seem like one could maybe get their head around that and imagine what no purpose/meaning might be like and actually get close... But no. No meaning at all whatsoever has an utterly exactly 0% likelihood of ever being imagined. It would blow the mind out if it were capable of grasping it, which it isn't, which is why it would get blown out -- it was never there anyway, we're not talking about something real here.
  11. Even that is a case-closed in the loop of self-reference. There isn't anyone who knows what exists, yet the apparent one can only know what exists -- from a separate standpoint / as separation. There's just what appears to be happening, without separation, which can't be known since knowing only operates in what's actually happening in my awareness.
  12. Yeah.. This was apparent in my response. No one can know what this is, which is why all you'll ever see me do is basically negation. If I seem to be claiming anything, it's not me doing it, and it's a story anyway, so there is absolutely no claim on what this is, or if it is. Just apparently negating held beliefs of apparent seekers, for no reason.
  13. Obviously? Lol that was the damn point of my response! lol lol that was literally the point. wish I had access to the crying laughter emoji Which (whether psychedelics, or even insights of any kind, are of any value or not) of course is not worth talking about, but neither is anything else, and so the appearance is complete anyway. No idea what I'm even saying. This is already complete. But yeah I was agreeing with you apparently.
  14. You weren't responding to me were you? Because if so then you didn't read what I said. I was precisely pointing to God realization merely being an appearance of boundless energy. It has no meaning or value and it's simply freedom appearing as that. I was literally saying that psychedelics have no value.
  15. On point. Very much seems to be the case.
  16. In my story I was about as deep into the psychedelic experience as one can apparently be. 500mg 5-MeO-DMT inside of a week or two, sheets upon sheets of LSD, etc etc... Tons of God realizations where there's just timeless infinity, lots of flashy stuff... Jhana (without psychedelics), fun meditation states, profound insights, etc... It never ever leads to already just what's appearing to happen without any cause or meaning or limit or other (and therefore anything better), which is peerless freedom...
  17. Technically, it's nothing, apparently speaking/appearing, to nothing else, a description of what nothing is -- freedom; all there is. And actually, that's technically all that ever happens, if we're going to be as perfectly imperfectly precise as possible.
  18. Well in the end we can't say anything at all because there isn't anyone separate to do so. There's only boundlessness appearing to be. Appearing as people, sex, walls, anything.
  19. Yep. Nice insight/awakening! The you referred to has no definable/fixed/limited reality -- there's only what is not, which is what is. Form is emptiness; emptiness is form.
  20. And just to be clear, nothing can be done about that -- it's not real anyway and every attempt to get rid of it is only a confirmation of its substance. Everything is already complete, and you are that completion appearing as anything, including perhaps the illusory sense of separation/experience. There's no gap to bridge. Liberation is already all there is. And it isn't even a thing at all, not here nor there. There's just what's only-appearing to happen. No one can experience what's only-appearing to happen, because the apparent experience is always of what's actually happening to me / in my awareness... which allows for (or rather is identical with) the dream of "something else," which is illusory / not real. There's just what's appearing to be, which is nothing being everything. In the end, all insights collapse into what's simply only-appearing to be, which is boundless freedom, not limited or contained by anything whatsoever; cause or meaning or otherwise.
  21. Too many to list but off the top of my head:
  22. It's a direct process, not a verbal one. Not saying you should do self inquiry (there's no you to decide to do it or not), but I can describe what it is: inquiring directly (with experience, not words) into how you know you're experiencing anything at all -- it's the most obvious thing, but "where is the knower? Anything I see can't be the I since I'm the one who sees it." Keep hunting the I incessantly, even when amazing states present -- just keep turning away from every object, toward what knows it. That's how it's done. It never leads to this but there's no reason to not do it either. There's no reason for anything, really -- this is just chaos appearing, utterly without limit or control or direction.
  23. Recognizing there’s no me does not cause me to fall away, because me is the one who recognizes, therefore me stays in play, apparently. Any attempt to see through the me is an illusory confirmation that there is a me to see through. The longing for something around the corner is always the longing for already exactly whatever appears to be happening.
  24. Liberation is like nothing. The one who is searching and traveling through time will never get it, because it doesn’t happen in time. It’s indescribable, but it could be said: there’s only what’s appearing to happen. There isn’t anyone who ever experiences “what’s appearing to happen.” All the apparent one ever experiences is “what’s actually happening (to me / in my awareness).” When there’s no one left in the appearance, there isn’t anyone left who could dream of something else, nor anyone left who experiences what’s only-appearing to happen (which is impossible anyway), there just IS only what’s only-appearing to happen, which is nothing being everything; what is and is not.