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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. @Asayake You’re welcome!
  2. It causes nerve damage by itself indeed. It can’t be salvaged with extra b12. Otherwise I would have indicated as much. It’s not that it merely causes b12 deficiency, it deactivates ALL of the cofactor in your body so that even supplemental b12 is useless for 4 days post nitrous use. Demyelination will occur for 4 days, but it will heal if the damage was only for 4 days. If you use nitrous every 2-3 days for a year, that’s 365 days of 24/7 demyelination — 99% chance of being in a wheelchair for the rest of your life with painful pseudo MS, after that. Nitrous subreddit used to be full of them.
  3. Literally like $200 or so of extra cash… but a steady income. Yeah so like almost nothing.
  4. 1. Mango 2. Pineapple 3. Grapes 4. Apples 5. Plums Runners up: papaya, melon
  5. It was. But it was incredibly, surprisingly intense. You would think the mdma would make it a little less intense, as it kind of can make an LSD trip less harsh… Not really the case when you’re adding it to a dissociative… and especially to a disso-psych combo. The love and ego death was overwhelming before I even got up to a decent dose of the k. Ego death came before I even got half way to a k hole, so this body was walking around on a disso with nobody in there doing or knowing or understanding anything — there was just indescribable beauty. The song that was playing during the experience makes me trip a bit, years later, just from hearing it.
  6. And it causes unsalvageable demyelination for 3-4 days following each use, even when used in very small amounts. Which can heal... But if you go past a point of no return — say, by linking 20 of those 3-day periods together with no break, by doing a nitrous session every 3 days for 2 months — BOOM… permanent damage.
  7. That guy legitimately knows his shit, so whatever he says is probably decent guidance.
  8. There are only a few sources I would endorse: If you limit your sources to those three channels only, and take action in the field, you’d be hard pressed not to be in the top 1% of guys in the game. Just my opinion, but see for yourself.
  9. @Roy The point, for me at least, is it’s the only way to get so well calibrated with girls and relationships, that you’re at the pinnacle of what’s possible for you in terms of having the ability to attract the highest possible quality partners, and thus have the maximum number of options available to you, and therefore eventually end up with the most compatible woman when you do settle down. It’s not simply about having sex — I could almost take that or leave it. The assertiveness and mental strength from doing this has spillover into all other areas of life.
  10. @Roy Not setting rotation means either one of two things: seeing each girl more than once a week, or not having very much sex at all. If you see them more than once a week, people get hurt, especially if you’re a high value player who rocks the shit out of them in the bedroom. Oxytocin overload. Believe me, I’ve carefully considered the ethics of this, and yes it does take finesse — better me than someone who doesn’t even consider the ethics at all, and there’s a 99% chance that’s who they’d be hooking up with, because 99% of ultra non-needy guys are an asshole and a half. Or they’ll settle for a nice guy and constantly want more. This is indeed playing with fire, sure, but if you can play the game well, it’s on your shoulders to do it as best you can. Not to mention, most of the girls you hook up with don’t eventually get to be in rotation. It happens organically and it’s not always easy to keep them coming back — not that I’d force it; they want it just as bad.
  11. @Roy I was assuming a goal of sex as well as making sex for her a win and a fun time as well. Yes they get way more attached after sex which is why they will soon push for exclusivity unless you see them no more than once a week. That’s what a rotation is. A different girl for each day of the week works well if you can add that many to your schedule lol, and none of them will be getting particularly attached nor will they likely be pushing for exclusivity. Everybody wins. If you particularly like one of them, make her your main gf organically by beginning to see her multiple times a week — she will soon be your gf.
  12. Some brands are total shit. I can tell you the two I've found to be the best, though I'd recommend a tank. And realize that nitrous causes spinal neurodegeneration due to oxidation of the cofactor responsible for repairing the myelin sheath! It's not the amount that hurts you either, it's the frequency -- even ONE whippet renders your myelin repair system inactive for the next 3-4 days. So use a bunch in one day and then wait a few weeks preferably until the next time. If you used 1 whippet every other day for a year you'd be in a wheelchair. But if you did 180 all in one night you'd be fine. HEED that warning, everyone!!! Best Whip is fine Leland (or whatever the yellow pack is) is fine
  13. ^^^ Definitely.
  14. I've only been "here" for a couple weeks myself -- just getting started. Been doing game half assed for a while but just started really kicking things up a notch and pushing my comfort zone 2 months ago. I got way better results when I started listening to John Anthony and stopped listening to Todd V. So much simpler. No more needing to get "in state" either. Todd's not bad; just telling you what happened to me.
  15. A man who has either cultivated or naturally has free expression of his personality, is comfortable in his own skin, and assertively holds boundaries.
  16. Yeah the vibe that gets you laid is basically having the mindset that you can't even imagine she wouldn't want to have sex with you. So any objections along the way, token or otherwise, are met with your disinterest, and escalation and her compliance is met with your affection. And if a hard no ever arises for some reason, that's no big deal, just move on to the next girl (or back off and vibe more and try again later). High quality girls fairly often don't have sex on the first date. If it still doesn't happen on the second, that's fine too if the girl is on fire, but generally first date sex is going to happen if your game is tight. If after the third date it still doesn't happen, I would reassess whether you want to keep seeing her -- you should put VERY low investment in her until sex, at least partially because she will be the same way.
  17. It's not manipulation, is empathetically connecting with them on a level that they know many guys don't understand. Sex needs to "just happen" for it to be a good experience for the girl. Make it clear that you have no sexual expectations. Her: So like if I went home with you and decided I didn't want to sleep with you, you're seriously telling me that would be totally fine? Me: Yes that's what I'm telling you. Her: (gets wet) But if you do that, you should make sure the sex does not come out of left field... A good way to prevent that from occurring is to make sure to keep things very sexual and physical so it's clear what can happen. Even saying "I like to just let things unfold naturally" is a good move.
  18. If you're the expert then alright then, but it is certainly possible to set up dates straight to the house. Moreover, in situations where the girl is not down for that, then, assuming you answer her inevitable objections effectively (crucial), there is at least a 50% chance she wasn't down for first date sex anyway, regardless of the type of date (... ikr!!), so it's a good screen if you're building a rotation or harem. If you're looking for a relationship then yeah you are correct there are better ways. But you can always go from player frame to boyfriend frame -- the reverse is MUCH harder. You will always get objections to it btw. The correct response is: "don't worry I'm really laid back. bring pepper spray if you're that worried lmao" And if she says she's not that kind of girl or you just want sex, make it absolutely clear that you have no sexual expectations -- you will be absolutely AMAZED at what that does for you... and her, for that matter. It takes the pressure off her tremendously. And you have to actually have no sexual expectations, it's just that it'll probably happen as long as you move things forward. If you want to be even more up front just say "I like to let things unfold naturally" so it's still at least on the table.
  19. Yeah that's a very good one. It can be tainted with psychosis for sure though. Nitrous seems to interfere with the apparatus responsible for assigning significance to things, so no matter what happens, it will seem like the most profound possible thing.
  20. Damn. I used darknet and it was always 60-100/g. DCK was 30/g but arket and esket blow DCK out. 5-MeO for sure. But one of the most incredible ego death awakening experiences was from the following: Took 1g mushrooms and 200mg MDMA orally. Once I could feel both coming up strong, about 30 minutes later, I carefully began VERY slowly sniffing tiny bumps of ketamine, such that by the time the mushrooms and MDMA were peaking, I was about half way to a k hole (k hole is >>140mg so I was at probably 70mg) and then time stopped and I had an infinite love orgasm; became everything. Psychedelic + Entactogen + Dissociative combo is extremely intense though, so tread very lightly.
  21. Do it very infrequently. Causes spinal neurodegeneration for 4 days following each dose no matter how small due to the oxidation of a key cofactor. It's pretty good for awakenings at a high enough dose though. I wouldn't do it unless you have a tank though -- the whippet cannisters get oil and steel shards into your body.
  22. Best: Split a bottle of wine or champagne at your place (or hers if that's the only option). Or, if you don't drink, watching something funny on Netflix or YouTube. Others: Grab a drink -- margaritas, craft beers, coffee, tea, or wine Walk in the park (idk about this one for rotation girls, but for gf it's great as is anything else you just like doing) perhaps with a dog too For women you have already slept with only: nice dinner
  23. Or if you have really good pics. I am apparently really good looking (routinely get rated a 9) but if I make my profile kind of shitty it's rare to get any 7.5+ matches (my cutoff), and the 7.5's I do get usually don't message super eagerly, at least not at first. From cold approach I literally get 8.5's saying shit like "wow you are SO handsome!" and I can at least get my foot in the door with stunners -- interestingly the most common way for me to get blown out is actually forgetting their fucking name one too many times -- if I've been drinking and especially if also on dabs, this happens way too much, it's bad... If you create a female account you get shown all the most popular male users (this is to get the girls hooked on the app) -- they're not necessarily model looking, but they are all 6 foot 5... So height matters a whole lot. More than model looks. I'm 5'10'' barefoot so I can pass for 6 ft in most or at least some shoes. Have the camera facing up slightly so your head is the furthest thing on your body from the camera -- this will make you look taller. Don't have any photos of you looking shorter than anyone else in the picture. In the "about me," don't give too much away -- it needs to be slightly mysterious. Put just enough to convey a bit of your freely expressed genuine personality and best (high value) self. Part of the game is allowing the girl to have her fantasy of you -- don't spoil it for her. So get pro pics or at least use the timer and portrait mode on your phone, or use a good camera. And use Face App for filters, and get hot girls to tell you which photos are good -- if this isn't an option I hear there's something called Photo Feeler that you can use to get rated. You can even use green screen and photoshop. I haven't done this yet. Taking a break from Tinder and the other apps but I will probably using those when I go back on there. No idea how to implement that but I guess I'll have to figure it out. Starting now, take pics whenever you're out doing cool shit -- start now so you get better at it and can build up a stockpile of pictures. I neglected to do this so I'm having to start over. Also, find a graffiti wall for a background, and bring a phone/camera with timer so it doesn't look like a selfie. Selfies (visibly holding the phone/cam) make you look narcissistic as fuck, so avoid that.
  24. Yep. This works. Been doing this for the past 2 months and my life is unrecognizable compared to what it was not too long ago, in the best possible way, and it's only getting better. For the first few weeks, every Friday was rough but Saturday I would be in the swing of things. Didn't move to a big city but it's a pretty decent college town. All the bars close at 2 except one and that's where everyone goes at 2 and it's almost impossible not to meet cool new people there at that time especially. Might be moving out to a bigger city in Texas soon with my female cousin who is extremely beautiful and has a lot of connections, living together (yeah it's a little weird but we both have it going on with the dating shit, or at least I assume she does too, and we are first cousins who respect each other as friends and family members). I used to be really intimidated by approaching girls in groups, but now any time I see a group of girls where each one is "YES/10" I'm practically unable NOT to approach because I've gotten such good results by just saying "hey you" to the hottest one like I know them already, and if she or any of the other girls respond well soon after, I put my hand on the small of her back (the most interested one), flirt, get the number, and set the date. A lot of the time they'll say "we're lesbians" but if I just ignore that (or give them the noncompliance face; Mystery's "disallowing-frame face") or say to them "why you being weird?" they quickly drop the act and start saying shit like "Are you for real? (Rubbing my chest) Wow you are SO handsome!" (I'm very fit because I started doing more serious lifting 2 months ago and I'm getting strong fast because I've been strong before, and so there's muscle memory there, making for quick gains, it seems.) (You need to be careful if you're good looking and going out solo though -- pretty sure I've almost been kidnapped on at least one or two occasions! ) I'm a natural introvert, and a couple nights ago I led a ~30min discussion on the street on camera... like, holding the microphone and everything... about relationships and sex positions with a bunch of hot girls, and got a bunch of numbers, and hit a dab pen very hard that one of the girls handed me mid-conversation and just continued -- they were blown away by how much shit I knew; when you learn game you have a lot to offer in the way of relationship advice... so then they started looking to me to lead the discussion! That was fucking WAY outside my comfort zone -- 2 months ago, that would have been utterly unthinkable... I might even start playing guitar in public and/or sing in a band next. I'm just pushing it in some way, every day. Sometimes I cry because of just how happy I am now -- it's kind of like "what the hell just happened..." And shit's just barely getting started. In fact that's why I haven't been posting much here lately.
  25. I have friends now, after a long period with practically none, following the loss of many good friendships that I took for granted — spent all my energy on a spiritual quest that was requiring everything I had. What did I do to start from the ground up again? Just went out to bars and clubs solo on weekends and started being more social and seizing opportunities whenever possible, always pushing a bit past my comfort zone.