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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. First of all, congratulations on the milestone! Congrats! ? Close rate, from number to sex, is 10% at best for the most advanced guys in the game btw (anyone saying otherwise is either 1. not doing primarily cold approach, 2. lying, or 3. ignorant, or all 3), so definitely focus the brunt of you efforts on getting more numbers… but do follow up with this one as best you can, to get the practice. About waiting being a good thing — that is a myth. The earlier you follow up, the better. It would be better if you already made plans, but still, at least you mentioned an activity — that’s infinitely better than not doing so! Text or call her (call is probably best if you really hit it off with this girl, otherwise text) and before you set up plans, ask her when she’s free this week, rather than suggesting a day and time, because if you suggest the day and time it’s likely she’s busy during it, and you’ll just have to hope you don’t suggest like 5 times and each time she’s busy ?— so ask for when she’s free and then see if you can work her in your schedule (if your schedule is open that will of course be easy). Make sure you have about 3 hours free (attempt to spend time at your place or hers after, and while on the date, suggest some kind of activity, preferably one you’ve already talked about with her, like even Netflix etc i.e. “we should watch x after this”). So… Prior to the date, most likely by text, ask if she’d be “down to hang out after to [watch a movie / split a bottle of wine / some activity at your place], assuming we have chemistry of course .” Date should last about 45-90 minutes. Don’t try to impress her; there’s no need to win her over, you are enough. She’s not on a pedestal, you’re just two humans in the exact same boat. Neither one of you is wholly responsible for making the interaction go well — she will want it to go well just as much as you… very much unlike a cold approach, wherein you are responsible for carrying the conversation… The same is not true on a date!.. So you can relax. You should both be contributing roughly equally to the conversation. Talk about many topics at one time, gravitating toward the best ones, while making sure you are consistently starting new conversation threads from time to time, via saying whatever comes to mind and speaking with no filter… if she reacts negatively, to either a conversation topic, or to physicality (which you should be attempting throughout), then simply calibrate after the fact (never before) by playing it off as a joke / as no big deal. Do not assume that if she goes home with you, she’s agreed to have sex with you. In fact, you might even want to make it explicitly clear that you have no sexual expectations — if you DO have sexual expectations, get rid of them… That will only help you — it’s most congruent with the man any woman truly wants most. If you have sexual expectations, that’s a dead giveaway that you aren’t currently expressing the optimal vibe for success with women… another even bigger dead giveaway is if you feel like you have to do something to win her over — that should be your main signal to be alerted to; it tells you you’re not in the optimal frame… The optimal frame should feel like she’d be crazy not to be spending her time with you / why wouldn’t she
  2. I like it! ? It’s not like we’re even saying anything that’s absolutely true though — it’s all kind of just bias (or whatever form the being takes, as a relative offshoot of the absolute; agape) using whatever it can, to actualize what it authentically prefers to. The realization of which seems to be accelerated by moving the primary focus more towards the limitless now, rather than concepts in past and future… because the cheat-code frame (there’s one for game; being good enough for all, and also one for enlightenment; truth inquiry) is only ever available now, not in time. Or something. ? Sounds about right when going by feel rather than working it out.
  3. ? ikr… Another thing though, perhaps the main thing lacking in anyone’s game, and the only thing you need: The knowledge that you’re good enough for any girl, no matter how hot or high value. So certainly none of the girls who (win the exceedingly unlikely lottery that it is to) cross your path will be able to phase you out of this, not to mention literally no girl could. No wonder narcissists get laid… But hopefully you can see how it doesn’t have to be narcissistic, it’s just meeting the moment with your best, most highly conscious self, and not doubting the astonishing power of consciousness to be whatever it wants to be. Spirituality (truth seeking) can even help with it, precisely because spirituality when developed increasingly becomes the highest priority focus — it makes game seem like not a big deal, so you’re not really outcome dependent in the same way anymore, you’re in it for the ride.
  4. @NoSelfSelf In all seriousness though, just in case I'm misunderstanding you... I had a feeling the first line would have the potential to sound sarcastic when read, so I added the second line for good measure, to indicate that it was indeed a serious comment and that I'm agreeing with you... Are you telling me that didn't work?
  5. This hubris does not help the rest of your message. Though I do wonder if mewing does work. You would think there would be studies but hey, jelqing works too and I don’t think there are any studies on that either. Just looked up this whole mewing thing and apparently John Mew got his dental license stripped, but I would imagine that most quacks are pretty harmful (or at least threatening to other doctors) and so as soon as the medical organization thinks you might be one (no scientific studies confirming that your profound claims are true) it’s bye bye license… Could easily happen to someone who actually has discovered something practical and useful — since they’re so few and far between, it takes less energy and time to just assume they’re a quack, and that would be the right move 99% of the time, but because of that 1%, the closed-minded miss out. Oh wow. There are some posts on reddit indicating that mewing clearly can and does work. But the majority of them seem to show no results -- maybe they're doing it wrong or not enough? That's just my assessment after an extremely brief glance though.
  6. I remember a dissociative trip report you posted that was so similar to several I’ve had, that when I was reading it I almost thought it was one of my posts that I forgot about. Would never have guessed you hadn’t tried weed before, after reading that. For me, weed is extremely psychedelic, but in its own unique, very thought/concept-heavy way.
  7. @Ima Freeman You could be doing more harm than good with ALA-only cycles plus alcohol. Even if most likely it will work, there’s an intolerably high risk that it’s actually dangerous. I wouldn’t even take ALA-alone without alcohol, and certainly not with it. I would highly advise against taking ALA without DMSA (or DMPS), and that goes 10x for your situation, wherein you’ll probably consume some alcohol. And make sure you take the DMSA+ALA every 3 hours at the absolute least frequent, for at least 72 hours straight. And with alcohol involved, the zinc, vitamin c and e, and magnesium become even more important, though they’re already required for safe chelation anyway.
  8. Tons. Especially if they’re hot, or cool, etc.
  9. That would be a huge thing to miss, yes. ? Very unfortunate indeed would that be.
  10. @Someone here nothing to do with nutrients — the loss is not significant. It likely has to do with mood-promoting neurotransmitters and their refractory periods and mini-withdrawals, but not necessarily; it almost certainly isn’t nutrient loss though.
  11. Nice try, really. But think again ?‍♂️ Not trying to be rude, but perhaps be a bit more careful with your research.
  12. Maybe take it with food, although this does decrease absorption of ALA. Maybe take antacids (preferably sodium bicarbonate) before dosing — it could be its acidity causing nausea, in fact that’s my best guess. Sodium bicarbonate, as well as citrus fruits, and vegetables, and even magnesium citrate, can increase the speed of cadmium chelation, which can be extremely slow without sufficiently alkaline urine (and sufficiently high thiamine intake, fwiw). Also, I would not use ALA by itself, for many reasons (some of which I will get into in this comment) — try to take it with DMSA, or even DMPS… it reduces side-effects, they’re synergistic, and in my opinion, ALA by itself is far too fast-acting (as in very short half-life) to be fully safe on its own. Its half life isn’t 3 hours, it’s 30 minutes... The e3h frequency is an almost gratuitous recommendation of pure convenience — it’s an absolute maximum time between doses before damage (net mercury flow into the brain) occurs, basically. DMSA has a half life of 3.2h and serves as a decent buffer on low chelator levels, but it also (again when taken with ALA e3h) improves the concentration gradient of free mercury in the direction of from the brain, when compared with ALA alone — as DMSA only binds to free mercury on the outside of the blood brain barrier, thus making the relative “pressure” of mercury a bit more favorable to moving mercury out of the brain and slowing it from going into the brain… however slight (or pronounced… who knows?) the effect is, it nonetheless does happen. DMSA can even reduce the rather swift pace at which ALA trends one toward copper overload, and actually zinc overload as well. Sounds counterintuitive since it causes zinc overload itself, but since copper overload is way worse… if you’re using ALA for chelation, you should be taking 5-10 mg zinc (and preferably 250-500 mcg molybdenum too, which here serves to do the the same thing as zinc… though much less prominently… yet molybdenum will not build up to toxic levels like zinc will so you might as well use it if you don’t get a bad reaction from it) before meals, to decrease the amount of copper you absorb from your food… again since copper overload is way worse than zinc, and zinc very effectively reduces copper absorption. So definitely avoid high copper foods such as nuts, while on ALA! The DMSA will increase zinc excretion, theoretically allowing you to consume more of it to more strongly prevent copper absorption (still it’s probably best not to exceed 30-50mg total of supplemental zinc per day), before you would otherwise (with ALA-alone) reach suboptimal-health elevated zinc levels. Not to mention DMSA has its own anti-copper mechanism, technically entirely separate from zinc (though like zinc it involves metallothionein). It’s just quite a bit better to take ALA with one of the other chelators, preferably DMSA. Never allowing ALA to be the sole chelator in the body — you can ensure this by taking 1 straggler dose of DMSA-alone both 3 hours prior to the first and (most importantly) 3 hours after the last combination dose. The combination (ALA+DMSA) doses themselves should be continued for at the very least 72 hours, and preferably 5-10 days — side note: 2 weeks for a round would be best for mercury chelation, but for lead chelation… after only 5-10 days (at 2 grams a day ?… so perhaps more like 12-19 days at doses for our purposes, generally up to 800mg/d, so this might be a totally moot point if you’re not using high doses, though Cutler has stated it’s potentially fine to use up to 100mg DMSA every hour), the DMSA will have chelated so much lead in the body (blood and tissue) that the rate of lead chelation slows down considerably, at which point additional lead has to leach from sequestered areas (bones, and possibly brain) and replenish the blood and tissue concentration (the only reservoirs that can be reached by DMSA), which takes about 7-14 days to reach near the new equilibrium, before another chelation round can effectively chelate the next round of now-leached, once-sequestered lead.
  13. I would certainly not drink during chelation. Who knows, maybe it changes the affinity of the brain vs body to mercury, and it’s luck of the draw whether it’s in the good direction or the other.
  14. It can be health positive, especially if you have low or perhaps even midrange testosterone — there don’t seem to be any natural testosterone increasing interventions that are guaranteed to work.
  15. Rarely. But perhaps sometimes. It just might intuitively feel right at the moment. Maybe you’ve been mildly physical the whole interaction, you’re both talking a lot, and the conversation is intense — it might feel right in that moment, and everything you’re doing is the right move while in the optimal frame, so it just comes out.
  16. For real. Actually demand researched evidence for these incredible claims guys.
  17. It can work sometimes (as in it’s likely the best option sometimes). Not in order to get the kiss, just as a form of escalation. It is usually superfluous though unless you’re just starting out, as Leo stated.
  18. It’s just opioid receptors but those are tied into the final common addiction pathway of dopaminergic neurons. Btw cigarette addiction is not primarily nicotine addiction, it’s MAOI/harmaline addiction — that’s not super well known but reasonable philosophy will lead anyone (especially if they smoked and vaped) to this conclusion. Looking forward to it! Heard it’s quite possibly the most intense entheogen there is.
  19. Awesome! ? Use them (ALA + either DMSA or DMPS; and preferably DMSA, btw; never DMSA and DMPS at the same time) at the same time (with one lone straggler dose of DMSA/DMPS both before and after, but most importantly after, the main ALA+DMSA/DMPS portion, so that ALA is never anywhere close to being the sole chelator in your system). EDIT: ^^^ I fully explain why to do so, somewhere in this ultra-long comment ? There could be low sulfate (one remedy is magnesium sulfate) or high sulphur (thiol) issues and such causing your issues — glycine (and preferably glutamine with it) may help high thiol symptoms. Thiol restriction may help. Sucks that onibasu is down because it had remedies listed for just about any issue you could think of. It only went down a month ago so hopefully it’s temporary. I don’t remember all the potential issues and their remedies but I know about many of them. Or you can first do DMPS by itself for a long time to reduce body mercury burden if you’re still quite toxic. Maybe start with 5mg every 8 hours and work up to 25mg every 8hr or even 25mg every 4 hours (and since its half life is 6-9hr you can get away with just taking 50mg before the pre-bed dose so you can get a full night’s rest for the duration of the round — DMPS is very convenient that way. Once you can handle that DMPS dose, body mercury is probably quite a bit lower than the brain and you can safely start ALA+DMSA 5mg each e3h. One thing I heard directly from Cutler on his once-active forum: Sometimes when people can’t handle 10mg DMSA every 4 hours, they can handle 100mg DMSA every 60 minutes — that’s how much frequency matters. So maybe try taking 2.5mg ALA+DMSA every 90 minutes and just for the night/sleep doses take 5mg every 3h so you can at least get some sleep. If you keep the frequency on point you will probably miss out on sleep but this is okay for short periods — Just make damn sure you never get less than 4-4.5h sleep on even any one day, as you don’t enter your first slow wave sleep cycle until just before 4h total sleep time for the day; if you miss that cycle, your detox reserves are highly deranged at least until you sleep again and don’t fully recover until after getting 3 nights of >4-4.5 hrs (preferably 6+ hrs) sleep. You can train yourself to sleep less, but no one can thrive on less than 4h — the body simply can’t do it. Optimal sleep time varies widely on an individual basis but it is always 4<x<9.5 hours (in absolutely every single case, and it’s only above 9h in periods of extreme physical stress). 5mg isn’t even that low — as long as it eclipses the amount of mercury in the body, it’s perfectly sufficient to chelate effectively. It’s just low for having done over 50 rounds... 0.25-1.0 mg is low. Cutler’s minimum is 72 hours, not 64 — 60-64 minimum is for children with different metabolisms, and certainly not for ALA-only rounds. And longer is better (up to about 2 weeks, and in some cases 19 days). DMSA+ALA can be slightly shorter than ALA-only to get break-even mercury concentration in brain (which itself would of course not even be good, it just wouldn’t be bad, but it’d be a waste of time), but it should still be at least 72 hours. The reason for the minimum length of 72h is the fact that mercury has higher affinity for brain than body, and there will be net flow into the brain if the round is significantly less than 72 hours. Might as well do it as long as literally possible. If it’s going to be just 72 hours, it definitely should not be an ALA-only round. Believe me I get it, it’s hard making it to 72h with e3h dosing. I still do a round every year or so for maintenance (100mg DMSA + 250mg ALA e3h for >5d) and I aim for a 11-12 day round (a bottle of 90 ALA and 2x50 DMSA caps) but rarely get past 5-6 (I always make it to 5 though). But I was never bothered by side effects so I’d imagine it’s harder for you — just make sure to get to 72h. DMSA (or DMPS) can reduce ALA side-effects considerably (and vice-versa, they’re synergistic). DMSA is also synergistic with ALA via somewhat preventing zinc and copper retention — you still MUST take zinc while on ALA though (again, before meals), otherwise copper will rise very quickly, and copper toxicity is much worse than zinc toxicity. And make sure you don’t have a thiamine deficiency — matter of fact it’s probably best to take b vitamins on round (very hard to suggest which type though as methylation capacities vary with genetics) — as this will slow chelation down, especially of cadmium: *** And in case you aren’t clear on this already: the zinc (and preferably molybdenum too!) 4x/d means before meals — that’s the entire point of taking it; to reduce copper absorption from meals. Otherwise it’s a waste, as the zinc is basically just a necessary evil, since ALA itself will eventually cause zinc toxicity too, so use it (the zinc) very wisely (i.e. only before meals). The knowledge base required to truly do safe chelation is far more extensive than most people realize. For instance, the vast majority of people chelating incorrectly think that ALA has an elimination half-life of 3 hours… they never even bothered to do the research to get the real number, which is about 30 minutes — and it’s very easy to find, and well-researched. You do NOT want the only chelator in your system to be THAT fast-acting. For the love of god, take it with DMSA or DMPS… unless you plan on taking it around the clock every 30 minutes, for 72 hours, including night doses (? glwt)… but there are additional reasons why ALA should not be the sole chelator anyway! So the way I see it, it’s basically required that ALA be taken with either DMSA or DMPS, unless there is some kind of allergic reaction to those other two chelators, in which case ALA should probably be taken every hour during the day, with 1-2 night doses at 3x that dose taken at an obligatory (for sleep) e3h frequency… again for >72 hours running.
  20. It does make the kiss more “her fault” so it requires a slightly higher compliance threshold, but yeah it does work very well if things are quite on / the girl is compliant enough.
  21. Obviously. By “it’s ingenious” I was talking about enlightenment. Not the video.
  22. Objections are par for the course. Respond playfully with “why you being weird?” or better yet a face that conveys that. Etc. Of course you’d only be able to congruently say that if it matched your vibe… which should be: that you’re good enough for any girl and she’d be crazy not to go home with you / take you home. Rock-solidly in that vibe (i.e. frame). If you notice even for a moment that it’s not your vibe/frame, go back to it immediately and stay there.
  23. Who knew a stage green critique would have the largest blowback from the viewers ? I guess the closer one gets to tier 2, the more they resist it. Until they really see the big-picture practicalities and compromises at play — skirting over this makes the endeavor utterly insurmountable.