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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. I can’t figure out if you actually think that’ll work. Is that what led to your apparent falling away of the me? If it is then I apologize, I just don’t feel like one could do anything other than pretend that some process that some one could do would ever cause the I to stop, simply because nothing caused it to start.
  2. (There really isn’t any need for psychedelics, first off.) Just seems to be the case. Cannabis can add noise to the equation in some. But it can certainly intensify the effects of psychedelics. Also the phenomenon that seems to make ego death (when there’s nothing left other than what appears to be happening, with no context, no coming or going, and no meaning or purpose) more likely, is simply memory (context) suppression. Cannabis simply seems to inhibit short term and long term memory just a bit more. That’s all.
  3. @VeganAwake Exactly. @from chaos into self The drop (or wave) (individual) in the ocean (everything) seems to experience the particular water around it, but what seems to appear is only ever the ocean. The seeker can appear to die and the search (or meditation) alone remains.
  4. It appears to. It doesn't actually.
  5. You can never get any closer to or farther away from all there is. Reality happens in the dream, but the dream (I am real and therefore what I experience is real) is just all there is appearing as the dream.
  6. It's real only to you, so it isn't real. What is is not a thing. Everything is not a thing, it's no-thing. No-thing appearing to be everything. The appearance is not real, it just appears. It is unknowable, unspeakable, and unfathomable. Everything is an appearance of what is, emptiness -- and nobody knows what that is. There is only everything. You can't know everything. So nothing can be known.
  7. 1. 5-MeO-DMT 2. Ketamine + any serotonergic psychedelic (really tied for number 1) (not recommending this; you'd have to be crazy to not find it "too much," but it's probably the surest way to either realize God, OR get arrested after running through the streets naked in full ego-death with NO memory of it) 3. DPT 4. N,N-DMT 5. LSD-25, or LSD-25 + psilocin/mushrooms + cannabis (allows for greater memory suppression and likelihood of ego-death IF that's what you're going for)
  8. Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea. There is no liberation though, because there's only liberation -- perhaps keep that in mind. But the jhanas are a hell of a fun time. Actually so much fun it's impossible to describe. Self inquiry can also encourage quite a bit of apparent effortless peace and satisfaction. You never do any of it though, because there is no you.
  9. @Someone here Well see now that'd be duali.... I kid, I kid ? lol!
  10. Sure, but in that view, parts of wholeness seem to be reified as real -- made into things. Observation implies a real subject and object. No thing is real -- there's just emptiness/boundlessness appearing as everything. Everything is no-thing.
  11. Two apparent points of view / perceptual systems. They aren't real. Nor unreal, but only in the sense that it's emptiness/everything appearing as something -- there isn't a something. I might've missed some context of what you wrote though idk.
  12. If you know you have no awareness, who has no awareness? If you don't know you have no awareness, who has no awareness?
  13. ________ is all there is. Doesn't matter what you call it. Call it consciousness if you want, but consciousness implies knowing, which is dualism. So it might be less misleading to say all there is is unconditional love; empty fullness; no-thing; everything. There's no real movement, knowing, or anything else -- only the appearance of that, which is all there is, and it neither moves nor knows. It is neither real nor unreal.
  14. There is no downside to continuing your meditation practice. Just do an hour first thing in the morning or something. It just makes everything else easier. No need to get obsessed with it. Just do it.
  15. When your ego dissolves suddenly, you’re crawling on the floor begging for mommy because the insight is so profound and threatening. During ego death, you just aren’t there. This is a glimpse. When the me falls away completely, nothing happened. Nothing is real.
  16. By love I mean the _________. Not love as in need. Love as in nothing; emptiness. Unconditional.
  17. I Am is emptiness (love) appearing as I Am.
  18. Love isn’t not anything. Everything is an appearance of love. And nobody knows what love is. @SoonHei
  19. Because there isn’t anything else. This is it. There isn’t a now. This is emptiness appearing as form for fucks sake!?