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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. But what is is also what isn't. Existence is a weird word. "To be outside of." There's no inside or outside. Just what is, which also is what isn't. Truth, as you and Leo might call it, is unconditionally infinitely loving boundless freedom appearing as everything, which is no-thing. Every individual thing is what it is, but it's also everything, which is no-thing, which is unknowable and indescribable. That's the whole meaning of emptiness.
  2. Well, nothing really sprang from anything. There's just infinite everything, which can include the appearance of cause and effect; literally anything.
  3. Nothing needs it (the I AM). It’s not actually there.
  4. Your hand is what it is.
  5. “I” most certainly don’t think of nothing as empty anything. Nothing helps. There is only heaven. “We” want to know it’s heaven. Nobody knows this is heaven.
  6. Are you the body? Yes? The body must exist then, if you exist. The body is what is. So you are what is. You are just what is. Or are you what is not? That would be strange indeed. But that’s what is. There’s only what is — what isn’t is what is, as is everything. This means nothing and is not helpful to anyone, obviously.
  7. Yep. But I literally know nothing. At all. This is nature’s way of masturbating. Obviously. lol.
  8. Absolutely. If one is trying to feel better, or more free, that’s the self that cannot stopped, because it never actually is. And there’s no limit. To anything, which is everything.
  9. Wait. But if truth is everything, everything being of course synonymous with no-thing, how can it exist? Maybe we have different ideas of existence. Or maybe you’re coming from the perspective of understanding. I’m not, for what it’s worth. Or maybe there is no truth, and that’s the truth, like you suggested could hypothetically be the case (only in the sense that you were describing a syllogism for grammatical purposes, but still). And yes, no-thing (everything) is obviously unconditional love.
  10. Any “situation“ if there seems to be one (a real happening) is always simultaneously so much more dire, and so much less important, than it seems.
  11. Never tried them myself. Sounds kind of like nbome (25-x) with longer duration. Nbome is shit imo. And dangerous. So vasoconstricting is can make the head of your dick purple. Scary awful shit. And in a sense you barely even trip on nbome it's just a "one way ticket to wacky town" color rush with no insight ime -- guess that's not necessarily always true but with all the other options available it's really just an absolute no go.
  12. Likely serotonin overload. Can be attenuated with aspirin (325mg e2-6h). Not merely for the pain relief, but primarily for the thyroid stimulating and serotonin & estrogen blocking effect that aspirin has.
  13. The illusion is fundamental to love. To truly love you, I can’t see you as I think you are, I have to see you as you are, as unknowable and unfindable.
  14. You’re right. Guess what I meant was Truth doesn’t need to make sense. It doesn’t need anything.
  15. What is real is what seems real. Everything including consciousness is the unspeakable appearing as the speakable.
  16. Sounded like you were trying to guide. Maybe I misread. There isn't anything anyone could ever do to step outside of unconditional love.
  17. That's also in your imagination. This is a feature not a bug, this never getting to the end; the answer. Consciousness is illusion, so what would you expect?
  18. You aren't anywhere close to a fool. I am a fool. There is no wrong or right. I follow love as well. You claimed to teach. There is no teacher.
  19. @Marinador "Truth needs to exist" is a sentiment I've gathered from Jed. Maybe, just maybe, it doesn't need to do that.